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Past Events

Dreaming Romantic Europe at 2019 BARS Conference

25th July 2019 to 28th July 2019

This panel addresses the conference’s preoccupations by exploring the question of Romantic (im)materiality. How were Romantic fantasies grounded in the material fact of objects and places? It brings together 9 senior scholars who will focus an aspect of their cutting-edge research through particular ‘objects’ to form ‘exhibits’ for RÊVE.


Panel Session at 2019 Romantic Interactions Conference

4th April 2019 to 5th April 2019

A panel devoted to RÊVE (Romantic Europe: the Virtual Exhibition)

Workshop: Consuming Romanticism

9th November 2018

The first workshop of the AHRC-funded Dreaming Romantic Europe network, entitled ‘Consuming Romanticism’, brought together 18 scholars and heritage professionals from across Europe, including colleagues from universities and museums in the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, to explore the key question ‘How did contemporaries construct themselves through objects (broadly conceived) as consumers of Romanticism?’ over two days of stimulating and productive presentations and conversation.