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Conference: Racialised Performance in Western Classical Music

Monday, July 18, 2022 - 10:00 to Tuesday, July 19, 2022 - 17:00
Bedford Room, RHUL, 11 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3RE or Online via MS Teams

Conference organisers: Dr Maiko Kawabata (The Open University) and Dr Shzr Ee Tan (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Cartoon by Gerhard Haderer
Copyright: Gerhard Haderer

About the conference

Bringing together minority-led scholars from Europe, East Asia and the US, this conference specifically aims to address Western classical music performed by minorities, especially East Asians.

Working across the disciplines of musicology, ethnomusicology and history, we’ll examine various aspects of racialised identity in Western classical music. Racism against East Asian musicians in European orchestras, chamber ensembles, opera houses, universities and conservatoires persist through the historically entrenched stereotypes and baggage of cultural imperialism.

This conference seeks to uncover the historical reasons for this, to survey the scene currently, and to analyse racialised dynamics. Through analytical and historical understanding, this event strives to offer meaningful and lasting strategies and recommended measures for combatting systemic racism pervading institutions.

Visit the conference website for more information including programme, keynote speakers and performers.

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