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Dr Roberto Simonetti

Profile summary

Research interests

Research Fields

Innovation and technology policy; evolutionary and institutional theories in economics; theory of the firm; technology and development; finance and development; mergers and acquisitions; technology, globalization and employment; pluralism in Economics.

Recent research activities

Institution, Innovation and Industrial Dynamics in Emerging Economies, 30 November 2007, The Open University in London (with Elif Bascavusoglu)

Invited contribution to the discussion panel ‘Responding to Globalisation: Opportunism & Strategy’ in the workshop ‘The Internationalisation of Chinese and Indian firms: Trends, Motivations and Strategy’, United Nations University (UNU-MERIT), Maastricht, the Netherlands, 5-6 September, 2008.

Roberto Simonetti, Éric Archambault, Grégoire Côté, Dinar Kale (2007) 'The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Patenting in India: Evidence from USPTO Data', Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.19, no.5, pp. 625-642

Roberto Simonetti, Marc Wuyts and Anna Wuyts-Fivawo (2007) ‘Banking on rural innovation for poverty reduction: A case study of value-chain lending in Mozambique’, European Journal of Development Research, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 136-155

Roberto Simonetti (2007) 'The impact of the Economics Benchmarking Statement on pluralism in economics teaching in the UK', Chapter 6, pp.104-122, in Groenewegen, John (ed.) Teaching Pluralism in Economics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar

Tancioni, M. and Simonetti R. (2002) 'A macroeconometric model for the analysis of the impact of technological change and trade on employment', Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, vol. 13: pp. 185-221.

Himmelweit, S., Simonetti, R. and Trigg, A. (eds) (2001) Microeconomics: Neoclassical and Institutional Perspectives, International Thompson Press.

Chesnais, F., Ietto, Gillies, G. and Simonetti, R. (eds) (2000) European Integration and Global Corporate Strategies, London, Routledge.

Chesnais, F. and Simonetti R. (2000) ‘Globalisation, foreign direct investment and innovation: a European perspective’, Ch. 1 in European Integration and Global Corporate Strategies by Chesnais, Ietto-Gillies and Simonetti (Eds), pp 3-24.

Ietto-Gillies, G., Meschi, M. and Simonetti R. (2000) ‘Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: Patterns in the EU and Effects’, Ch. 3 in European Integration and Global Corporate Strategies by Chesnais, Ietto-Gillies and Simonetti (Eds), pp 52-70.

Simonetti, R., Taylor, K. and Vivarelli, M. (2000) 'Modelling the employment impact of innovation: do compensation mechanisms work?' in Pianta, M. and Vivarelli, M. (eds) The Employment Impact of Innovation: Evidence and Policy, Elgar.

Dalum, B., Freeman, C., Simonetti, R., von Tunzelmann, N. and Verspagen, B. (1999) 'Europe and the information and communication technologies revolution' in Fagerberg, J., Guerrieri, P. and Verspagen, B. (eds) The Economic Challenge for Europe: Adapting to innovation-based Growth, Elgar.

Archibugi, D. and Simonetti, R. (1998) 'Objects and subjects in technological interdependence. Towards a framework to monitor innovation', International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 295-309.

Meliciani, V. and Simonetti, R. (1998) 'Specialization in areas of strong technological opportunity and economic growth' in Eliasson, G., Green, C. and McCann, C. (eds) Microfoundations of Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

A repository of research publications and other research outputs can be viewed at The Open University's Open Research Online.

Teaching interests

Course team chair of Understanding Economic Behaviour: Households, Firms and Markets (D319).

Contributions to course production: You and Your Money (DB123); An introduction to the social sciences: understanding social change (DD100); A world of whose making? (DU301); Governing Europe (DD200).

Director of Teaching - Economics
Co-ordinator of the Economics submission to the QAA Subject Review (2001).


Upgrading under globalization in health-related industries in Tanzania: the case for dynamic industrial deepening (2022)
Wangwe, Samuel; Simonetti, Roberto; Tibandebage, Paula; Mackintosh, Maureen; Israel, Caroline and Mujinja, Phares G.M.
Innovation and Development, 12(3) (pp. 479-496)

Restructuring and innovation in pharmaceuticals and biotechs: the impact of financialisation (2014-02)
Gleadle, Pauline; Parris, Stuart; Simonetti, Roberto and Shipman, Alan
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25(1) (pp. 67-77)

The dynamics of pharmaceutical patenting in India: Evidence from USPTO data (2007-09)
Archambault, Éric; Simonetti, Roberto; Côté, Grégoire and Kale, Dinar
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(5) (pp. 625-642)

Banking on rural innovation for poverty reduction: A case study of value-chain lending in Mozambique (2007-03)
Simonetti, Roberto; Wuyts, Marc and Wuyts-Fivawo, Anna
European Journal of Development Research, 19(1) (pp. 136-155)

A Macroeconometric Model for the Analysis of the Impact of Technological Change and Trade on Employment (2002)
Tancioni, Massimiliano and Simonetti, Roberto
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 13(1-3) (pp. 185-221)

Pharmaceuticals in Kenya: The Evolution of Technological Capabilities (2016)
Simonetti, Roberto; Clark, Norman and Wamae, Watu
In: Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Tibandebage, Paula and Wamae, Watu eds. Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrializing for Local Health. International Political Economy Series (pp. 25-44)
ISBN : 978-1-137-54647-0 | Publisher : Springer

Submission to the United Nations Secretary General's High Level Panel on Access to Medicines (2016-04)
Mackintosh, Maureen; Kale, Dinar; Orsenigo, Luigi and Simonetti, Roberto
United Nations

Financialisation As An Enabler Or Inhibitor Of Innovation? The Case Of UK Biotech (2012-01)
Gleadle, Pauline; Parris, Stuart; Shipman, Alan and Simonetti, Roberto
FINNOV, Milton Keynes.

Technical Change and Firm Growth: "Creative Destruction" in the Fortune List, 1963-1987 (1996-02)
Simonetti, Roberto
Economics Department, The Open University

The Determinants of Product and Process Innovations (1996-02)
Simonetti, R.; Archibugi, D. and Evangelista, R.
Economics Department, The Open University