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Professor Andrew Trigg

Profile summary

Research interests

Two areas of pluralist economics: first, an open approach to different schools of economic thought, drawing on traditions related to the writings of Marx and Keynes, underpinned by my expertise in input-output analysis; second, an interest in  interdisciplinary work, exemplified by my work on Veblen, Bourdieu and economic development, with a particular focus on Global Value Chains.

Founder and co-director of Open Political Economy Group, research group based at The Open University drawing its membership from the business school and social sciences, founded in 2014.

Lead co-ordinator of quantitative analysis for €350,000 cross faculty Open University project funded by the European Space Agency: Benefits of the European Space Agency Exploration Roadmap in Socioeconomics (BEERS), 2018-19.

Current supervision of PhD students:

2020 - David Debenham
The infuence of over-indebtedness for groups of individuals in the United Kingom, since 2008

2020 - Francis Garikayi
The Political Economy of Zimbabwe: a study of the historical system of accumulation

2017 - Jose Bruno Fevereiro
Real exchange rates and income distribution

2017 - Maria Gomez Benitez
Structural dependency and input-output analysis in Europe

2017 - Jose Bruno Fevereiro
Real exchange rates and income distribution

2017 - Pedro Siqueira Machado
A formal framework to analyse trade in intermediate goods: a Sraffian perspective

Teaching interests

Extensive track record in pluralist economics teaching, including authoring and editing of the following textbooks:

Santos, C., Anand, P., Simonetti, R., Green, A., Lombardozzi, L., Stone, H., Szymborska, H., and Trigg, A.B. (2019), eds. Economics in context, vol. 1, Milton Keynes, The Open University, 278 pp., ISBN 978 1 4730 2457 1

Santos, C., Higginson, M., Himmelweit, S., Howells, P., Lowe, J., Mackintosh, M., Morgan, W., Parris, S., Simonetti, R, Stone, H., and Trigg, A.B. (2013), eds., Running the Economy, vol. 1, Milton Keynes, The Open University, 464 pp., ISBN 978 1 7800 7329 3

Santos, C., Higginson, M., Himmelweit, S., Howells, P., Lowe, J., Mackintosh, M., Morgan, W., Parris, S., Simonetti, R, Stone, H., and Trigg, A.B. (2013), eds., Running the Economy, vol. 2, Milton Keynes, The Open University, 378 pp., ISBN 978 1 7800 7330 9

Mazzucato, M., Lowe, J., Shipman, A. and Trigg, A.B. (2010), eds., Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, Co-published OU text, 446 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0-230-24660-7.

Himmelweit, S.F., Simonetti, R. and Trigg, A.B. (2002), eds., Microeconomics: Neoclassical and Institutionalist Perspectives on Economic Behaviour, London, Thompson Learning, OU co-published text, 580 pp., ISBN 1-86152-539-7.

Mackintosh, M., Brown, V., Costello, N., Dawson, G., Thompson, G., and Trigg, A.B. (eds) (1996) Economics and Changing Economies, London, International Thomson Press, OU co-published text, 1089 pp., ISBN 0-412-62840-6 .


Using input‐output data to model the structure of export linkages in global value chains: A Brazil case study (2024)
Trigg, Andrew B.; Villani, Davide; Leite, Fabrício Pitombo and Perraton, Jonathan R.
Metroeconomica ((Early access))

Joan Robinson’s intelligible Marxism and The Accumulation of Capital: a generalisation of the two-sector reproduction scheme (2023-09)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47(5) (pp. 931-942)

On absolute and comparative advantage in international trade: A Pasinetti pure labour approach (2021-12)
Machado, Pedro S. and Trigg, Andrew B.
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59 (pp. 375-383)

Reconstructing Marx’s Theory of Credit and Payment Crises under Simple Circulation (2021)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Review of Political Economy, 33(4) (pp. 746-768)

Marx, Say’s Law and Commodity Money (2020-06-01)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Contributions to Political Economy, 39(1) (pp. 23-41)

Thirlwall's Law and uneven development under Global Value Chains: a multi-country input-output approach (2020-02-01)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Journal of Economic Structures, 9, Article 4 (pp. 1-22)

A multi-sectoral approach to the Harrod foreign trade multiplier (2018-04)
Trigg, Andrew B and Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 15(1) (pp. 91-104)

A neo-Kaldorian approach to structural economic dynamics (2015-06)
Azevedo Araujo, Ricardo and Trigg, Andrew B.
Structural change and economic dynamics, 33 (pp. 25-36)

Comparing pension systems in the circular flow of income (2011-11)
Trigg, Andrew B. and Lowe, Jonquil T.
American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 70(5) (pp. 1248-1281)

Marx's reproduction schemes and the Keynesian multiplier: a reply to Sardoni (2010)
Trigg, Andrew B. and Hartwig, Jochen
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 34(3) (pp. 591-595)

Review of 'Money, Distribution Conflict and Capital Accumulation' by Eckhard Hein (2009)
Trigg, Andrew
Economic Issues, 14(1) (pp. 95-96)

Review of 'Reclaiming Marx's Capital: A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency' by Andrew Kliman (2008)
Trigg, Andrew
Review of Political Economy, 20(3) (pp. 456-458)

Deriving the Engel Curve: Pierre Bourdieu and the social critique of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (2004-09)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Review of Social Economy, 62(3) (pp. 393-406)

Kalecki and the Grossmann Model of economic breakdown (2004)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Science and Society, 68(2) (pp. 187-205)

Surplus value and the Keynesian multiplier (2002)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 34(1) (pp. 57-67)

Veblen, Bourdieu and conspicuous consumption (2001-03)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Journal of Economic Issues, 35(1) (pp. 99-115)

Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World (2010)
Mazzucato, Mariana; Lowe, Jonquil; Shipman, Alan and Trigg, Andrew
ISBN : 978-0-230-24660-7 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke, UK

Marxian reproduction schema: money and aggregate demand in a capitalist economy (2006-02-15)
Trigg, Andrew
Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy
ISBN : 415336694 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Rosa Luxemburg and Say’s Law (2023)
Trigg, Andrew B.
In: Toporowski, Jan ed. Polish Marxism after Luxemburg. Research in Political Economy (pp. 11-26)
ISBN : 9781801178914 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited

Towards a Bourdieusian economics of leisure (2011)
Trigg, Andrew B.
In: Cameron, Samuel ed. Handbook on the Economics of Leisure (pp. 38-51)
ISBN : 978 1 84844 404 1 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham

Economic fluctuations (2010)
Trigg, Andrew
In: Mazzucato, Mariana; Shipman, Alan; Lowe, Jonquil and Trigg, Andrew eds. Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World (pp. 1-446)
ISBN : 978-0-230-24660-7 | Publisher : Palgrave | Published : Basingstoke, UK

Conclusion: investing for the long term (2010)
Trigg, Andrew
In: Mazzucato, Mariana; Shipman, Alan; Lowe, Jonquil and Trigg, Andrew eds. Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World (pp. 361-388)
ISBN : 978-0-230-24660-7 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke

Where does the money and demand come from? (2009)
Trigg, Andrew
In: Bellofiore, R. ed. Rosa Luxemburg and the Critique of Political Economy (pp. 34-52)
ISBN : 9780415405706 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK

Quantity and price systems: towards a framework for coherence between Post Keynesian and Sraffian economics (2008)
Trigg, Andrew
In: Harvey, J. T. and Garnett, R. F. eds. Future Directions for Heterodox Economics (pp. 127-141)
ISBN : 472115979 | Publisher : Michigan University Press | Published : Michigan, USA

Social norms, cognitive dissonance and broadcasting: How to influence economic agents (2006)
Bertie, Andrew; Himmelweit, Susan and Trigg, Andrew
In: Bruun, Charlotte ed. Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (pp. 235-252)
ISBN : 978-3-540-37247-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin

Marx and the theory of the monetary circuit (2004)
Trigg, A. B.
In: Zarembka, P. and Soederberg, S. eds. Neoliberalism In Crisis, Accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's Legacy, 21. Research in Political Economy (21)
ISBN : 0 762310 98 7 | Publisher : JAI Press | Published : Greenwich, CT, USA

Modelling Bourdieu: An Extension of The Axelrod Cultural Diffusion model (2008-01)
Trigg, Andrew B.; Bertie, Andrew J. and Himmelweit, Susan F.
Economics Department, The Open University

Pasinetti, Keynes and the principle of Effective Demand (2003-06)
Trigg, Andrew and Lee, Frederic
Economics Department, The Open University

Surplus Value and the Kalecki Principle in Marx's Reproduction Schema (2001-03)
Trigg, Andrew
Economics Department, The Open University

Surplus Value and the Keynesian Multiplier (2000-10)
Trigg, Andrew B.
Economics Department, The Open University

Veblen, Bourdieu and Conspicuous Consumption (2000-01)
Trigg, Andrew
Economics Department, The Open University

Valuing the environmental impacts of open cast coalmining: the case of the Trent Valley in North Staffordshire (1993-06)
Trigg, Andrew B. and Dubourg, W. Richard
Economics Department, The Open University