I have been a member of the Association for Cultural Studies; the UK Social Policy Association, the American Anthropological Association, the Society for the Anthropology of North America and the Association for the Anthropology of Policy. I am also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
My work has explored ways in which welfare states have been transformed since the late twentieth century, with a particular interest in how the relationships between welfare, state and nation have been reconstructed. I am fascinated by how understandings of what the 'social' in social policy means, and how its meanings are constructed and contested, particularly in relation to dominant political and managerial conceptions of the public and the public interest. I have an interest in the ways in which national, international and trans-national processes intersect in the reshaping of social welfare, its social relations and its governance systems. These interests are linked by a commitment to making cultural analysis contribute to the analysis of social policy. This was the focus of a book, Changing Welfare, Changing States: New Directions in Social Policy, published by Sage in 2004.
I have a long standing concern with the political, cultural and organizational changes associated with the impact of managerialism on public services and their reform. A collaboration with Janet Newman in 1997 explored The Managerial State (Sage), while more recently we have co-authored Publics, Politics and Power: remaking the public in public services (Sage, 2009). These concerns connected me to the Publics Research Programme of the University's Centre for Citizenship Identities and Governance (CCIG). and were also central to an exploration of the role of consumerism in public service reform in the UK through a funded research project Creating Citizen-Consumers: Changing Relationships and Identifications. A book from the project Creating Citizen-Consumers: changing publics and changing public services was published by Sage in January 2007.
A collaborative project on citizenship that began in Paris in 2007 resulted in a co-authored book with Kathy Coll, Evelina Dagnino and Catherine Neveu: Disputing Citizenship (The Policy Press, 2014). Subsequently work withNoemi Lendvai, Dave Bainton and Paul Stubbs on the politics of policy translation in transnational settings rersulted in a co-authored, Making Policy Move: towards a politics of translation and assemblage,( Bristol: Policy Press, 2015).
I have been part of an ESRC funded bilateral research project with Scottish and Swedish colleagues: Governing by Inspection: School Inspection and Educational Governance in Scotland, England and Sweden (2010-2014); and was subsequently part of an ERC funded project at Bristol University, led by Morag McDermont, on New Sites of Legal Consciousness which resulted in a book edited by Samuel Kirwan: Advising in Austerity: reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies (Policy Press, 2016).
My project on reitrement (at the end of 2014) was to explore the inttelectual dynamics of working collaboroatively. This exploration resulted in a book of conversations with a dozen people who have helped me to think: Critical Dialogues: Thinking Together in Turbulent Times (Bristol: The Policy Press, 2019)
Most recently, I have been working on the questions of how to analyse the moment of 'Brexit' and its consequences, returning to an approach from my early years in Cultural Studies: conjunctural analysis. I have written a number of articles and chapters exploring how such a 'conjunctural analysis' illuminates these issues. I was awarded a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship (2019-2022) to continue this work on 'Brexit and Beyond'. This work resulted in a book - The Battle for Britain: Crises, Conflicts and the Conjuncture - published by Bristol University Press in 2023.
Recent publications include:
John Clarke (2024) ‘Traversing Troubled Waters: Emergent Ethics and pandemic politics’ in R. Acosta, E. Dürr, M. Ege, U. Prutsch, C. van Loyen and G.M. Winder (eds) Urban Ethics as Research Agenda. London: Routledge, 133-151.
John Clarke (2023) The Battle for Britain: Crises, Conflicts and the Conjuncture. Bristol: Bristol University Press in 2023.
John Clarke (2023) ‘Crisis and Change: The Contested Politics of Constructing Crises’ in R. Ballard and C. Barnett (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Social Change. London: Routledge: pp. 117-127.
John Clarke (2023) ‘Anti-Elitism, populism and the question of the conjuncture’ in M. Ege and J. Springer (eds) The Cultural Politics of Anti-Elitism. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 49-63.
John Clarke (2022) Reconstructing citizenship (again)’. Citizenship Studies, 26(4–5), 411–417. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2022.2091221 (open access)
John Clarke (2023) ‘Thinking Again? Towards a conjunctural analysis of neoliberalism and its many others.’ In L. Harder, C. Kellogg and S. Patten (eds) Neoliberal Contentions: Diagnosing the Present, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 25-46.
John Clarke (2022) ‘Privilege, Plurality, Paradox, Prefiguration: The Challenges of “Opening Up”. In C. Cantat, I.M. Cook and P.K. Rajaram (eds) Opening Up the University: Teaching & Learning with Refugees. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books; 293-306.
John Clarke (2021) ‘‘No such thing as society’? Neoliberalism and the social’.. In C. Deeming (ed.) The Struggle for Social Sustainability: Moral Conflicts in Global Social Policy. Bristol: Policy Press, 37-54.
John Clarke (2021) ‘Which nation is this? Brexit and the not-so-United Kingdom’. In İlker Cörüt and Joost Jongerden (eds) Beyond Nationalism and the Nation-State: Radical Approaches to Nation. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 98-116.
John Clarke (2021) ‘Disjointed Dialogues: The Perverse Practices of Peer Reviewing’. Contribution to the series: PoLAR Online Emergent Conversation on Peer Review as Intellectual Accompaniment: https://polarjournal.org/2022/06/13/disjointed-dialogues-the-perverse-practices-of-peer-reviewing.
John Clarke, (2021) Following the science? Covid-19, ‘race’ and the politics of knowing. Cultural Studies: 35: 2-3, 248-256. https://doi.org/10.1080/09502386.2021.1898019
John Clarke (2020) ‘Looking for the conjuncture: condensations of time and space.’ In E. Maigret and L. Martin (eds) Cultural Studies/Etudes Culturelles : Au-delà des Politiques des
Identités. Lormont : Les Editions Le Bord de l'Eau ; pp. 75-86.
John Clarke (2020) Building the 'Boris' bloc: angry politics in turbulent times. Soundings, 74: 118-135. https://www.lwbooks.co.uk/sites/default/files/s74_10clarke.pdf.
John Clarke (2020) ‘Re-imagining scale, space and sovereignty: The United Kingdom and ‘Brexit’.’ In D. Nonini and I. Susser (eds) Unsettled States, Movements in Flux, Migrants out of Place: The Tumultuous Politics of Scale. London and New York: Routledge: 138-150.
John Clarke (2020) ‘Frustrations, Failures and Fractures: Brexit and ‘politics as usual’ in the UK.’ In S. Bjork-James and J. Maskovsky (eds) Beyond Populism: Angry Politics and the Twilight of Neoliberalism. Morgantown, VA: West Virginia University Press: 99-116.
John Clarke (2020) ‘A Sovereign People? Political Fantasy and Governmental Time in the Pursuit of Brexit’ in Gunderjan, M., Mackay, H. and Stedman, G. (eds) Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity, Agency. Bristol: Policy Press, 117-130.
John Clarke (2020) ‘Why Imagined Economies?’ In: Fischer, Jessica and Stedman, Gesa (eds) Imagined Economies, Real Fictions: New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain. Culture and Theory (Volume 210). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 17–34.
John Clarke (2019) ‘A sense of loss? Unsettled attachments in the current conjuncture.’ New Formations, 98-97: 132-46.
John Clarke and Janet Newman (2019) 'What's the Subject? Brexit and the Politics aof Articulation'. Journal of Community andf Applied Social Psychology, 29 (1): 67-77.
John Clarke (2018) ‘Finding place in the conjuncture: A dialogue with Doreen’. In Werner, Marion, Peck, Jamie, Lave, Rebecca and Christophers, Brett (eds) Doreen Massey – Critical Dialogues. London: Agenda Publishing, 201-213.
Janet Newman and John Clarke (2017). The instabilities of expertise: remaking knowledge, power and politics in unsettled times. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 30(1): 40-54.https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/rgQJ3Sedr8XAdSFdBiBF/full
A repository of research publications and other research outputs can be viewed at The Open University's Open Research Online.
After coming to The Open University in 1980 I worked on a wide range of courses, from level one to Master's courses. Although my work has been mainly focused on social policy courses, I have been involved in other courses across the faculty. Most recently I have contributed to Welfare, crime and society (DD208) and Introducing the social sciences (DD101). My final teaching contribution was to work on the production of DD102: a number which brought my Open University career full circle, as I was first appointed to work on D102.
I have also been a visiting scholar at a number of other institutions including NOVA in Oslo, the Danish Social Research Institute (SFI) in Copenhagen, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and McMaster University, while I was also a Recurrent Visiting Professor at Central European University in Budapest.
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Centre for Citizenship, Identifies and Governance (CCIG) | Centre | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Debate: Beyond the New Public Management? (2025)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Public Money & Management, 45(1) (pp. 6-7)
Performing like a state? State-ness, sovereignty and the ‘illegal’ immigrant (2025)
Clarke, John
Critical Policy Studies ((Early access))
Global Social Policy: An unsettling encounter (2023-12)
Clarke, John
Global Social Policy, 23(3) (pp. 523-525)
Leadership, excellence and the marginalisation of refugees in Higher Education (2023-09)
Cook, Ian M.; Rajaram, Prem Kumar and Clarke, John
Soundings, 84/85 (pp. 44-57)
Reconstructing citizenship (again) (2022-06)
Clarke, John
Citizenship Studies, 26(4-5) (pp. 411-417)
Following the science? Covid-19, ‘race’ and the politics of knowing (2021-05)
Clarke, John
Cultural Studies, 35(2-3) (pp. 248-256)
Building the ‘Boris’ bloc: angry politics in turbulent times (2020-03)
Clarke, John
Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture(74) (pp. 118-135)
A sense of loss? Unsettled attachments in the current conjuncture (2019-03)
Clarke, John
New Formations, 96-97 (pp. 132-146)
[Book Review] Poststructural Policy Analysis: A Guide to Practice (2019-01)
Clarke, John
Journal of Social Policy, 48(1) (pp. 192-194)
What's the subject? Brexit and politics as articulation (2019-01)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(1) (pp. 67-77)
The instabilities of expertise: remaking knowledge, power and politics in unsettled times (2018-11)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 31(1) (pp. 40-54)
'People in this country have had enough of experts': Brexit and the paradoxes of populism (2017)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Critical Policy Studies, 11(1) (pp. 101-116)
Imagining and practising citizenship in austere times: the work of Citizens Advice (2016)
Kirwan, Samuel; McDermont, Morag and Clarke, John
Citizenship Studies, 20(6-7) (pp. 764-778)
Stuart Hall and the theory and practice of articulation (2015-04)
Clarke, John
Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education, 36(2) (pp. 275-286)
Conjunctures, crises, and cultures: Valuing Stuart Hall (2014-12-01)
Clarke, John
Focaal, 70 (pp. 113-122)
States of imagination (2014-07)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Soundings, 57 (pp. 153-169)
Imagined, real and moral economies (2014-03)
Clarke, John
Culture Unbound, 6, Article 5 (pp. 95-112)
Imagined economies: austerity and the moral economy of ‘fairness’ (2014)
Clarke, John
Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 30-31 (pp. 17-30)
Knowledge, authority and judgement: the changing practices of school inspection in England (2014)
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
Sisyphus Journal of Education, 2(1) (pp. 106-127)
Farewell to the tick box inspector? Ofsted and the changing regime of school inspection in England (2013-10)
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
Oxford Review of Education, 39(5) (pp. 702-718)
The politics of educational change: governance and school inspection in England and Scotland (2013-07)
Ozga, Jenny; Baxter, Jacqueline; Clarke, John; Grek, Sotiria and Lawn, Martin
Swiss Journal of Sociology, 39(2) (pp. 205-224)
Public crises, public futures (2013)
Mahony, Nick and Clarke, John
Cultural Studies, 27(6) (pp. 933-954)
The alchemy of austerity (2012-08-01)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Critical Social Policy, 32(3) (pp. 299-319)
Gerencialismo (2012-05)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Educação & Realidade, 37(2) (pp. 353-381)
Alla Ricerca di una Big Society? Conservatorismo, coalizioni e controversie (2011)
Clarke, John
La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2011(2) (pp. 183-198)
Enrolling ordinary people: governmental strategies and the avoidance of politics? (2010-12)
Clarke, John
Citizenship Studies, 14(6) (pp. 637-650)
So many strategies, so little time ... making universities modern (2010-12)
Clarke, John
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 3(3) (pp. 91-116)
New New Deals: Reforming Welfare Again? (2010-12)
Clarke, John
Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 2
Of crises and conjunctures: the problem of the present (2010-11-16)
Clarke, John
Journal of Communication Inquiry, 34(4) (pp. 337-354)
Public management or managing the public? (2010-10)
Clarke, John
Public Policy and Administration, 25(4) (pp. 416-433)
After Neo-Liberalism? (2010)
Clarke, John
Cultural Studies, 24(3) (p 375)
Summoning spectres: crises and their construction (2010)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Journal of Education Policy, 25(6) (pp. 709-715)
Beyond citizens and consumers? Publics and public service reform (2009-12)
Clarke, John
The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 2(2) (pp. 33-44)
Programmatic statements and dull empiricism: Foucault’s neo-liberalism and social policy (2009-03)
Clarke, John
Journal of Cultural Economy, 2(1) (pp. 227-231)
Parler de citoyenneté : discours gouvernementaux et vernaculaires (2009)
Clarke, John
Anthropologie et Societés, 33(2) (pp. 43-62)
Living with/in and without neo-liberalism (2008-07)
Clarke, John
Focaal, 2008, Article 10(51) (pp. 135-147)
Power, politics and places: what's not neo-liberal? (2008-07)
Clarke, John
Focaal, 51 (pp. 158-160)
Still policing the crisis? (2008)
Clarke, John
Crime Media Culture, 4(1) (pp. 123-129)
The antagonisms of choice: New Labour and the reform of public services (2008)
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Social Policy and Society, 7(2) (pp. 245-253)
The new citizen in public services: directions and tensions fields (2008)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Politica - Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 40(3) (pp. 334-348)
Subordinating the social? Neo-liberalism and the remaking of welfare capitalism (2007-11)
Clarke, John
Cultural Studies, 21(6) (pp. 974-987)
What's in a name? New Labour's citizen-consumers and the remaking of public services (2007-07)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Cultural Studies, 21(4-5) (pp. 738-757)
Unsettled Connections: Citizen, consumers and the reform of public services (2007)
Clarke, John
Journal of Consumer Culture, 7(2) (pp. 159-178)
Citizen-consumers and public service reform: At the limits of neo-liberalism? (2007)
Clarke, John
Policy Futures in Education, 5(2) (pp. 239-248)
Consumers, clients or citizens? Politics, policy and practice in the reform of social care (2006-09)
Clarke, John
European Societies, 8(3) (pp. 423-442)
Disorganising the public? (2006-04)
Clarke, John
La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2006(2) (pp. 107-126)
New Labour’s citizens: activated, empowered, responsibilized, abandoned? (2005-11)
Clarke, John
Critical Social Policy, 25(4) (pp. 447-463)
Dissolving the public realm?: The logics and limits of neo-liberalism (2004-01)
Clarke, John
Journal of Social Policy, 33(1) (pp. 27-48)
What’s it for? The work of anthropology and the work of 9/11 (2004)
Clarke, John
Critique of Anthropology, 24(1) (pp. 9-14)
Turning inside out?: Globalization, neo-liberalism and welfare states (2003-12)
Clarke, John
Anthropologica, 45(2) (pp. 201-214)
Tangled webs? Managing local mixed economies of care (1996)
Charlesworth, Julie; Clarke, John and Cochrane, Allan
Public Administration, 74(1) (pp. 67-88)
Managing local mixed economies of care (1995)
Charlesworth, J.; Clarke, J. and Cochrane, A.
Environment and Planning A, 27(9) (pp. 1419-1435)
Critical Dialogues: Thinking Together in Turbulent Times (2019-07)
Clarke, John
ISBN : 978-1-4473-5098-9 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Making Policy Move: towards a politics of translation and assemblage (2015-04-15)
Clarke, John; Bainton, Dave; Lendvai, Noémi and Stubbs, Paul
ISBN : 9781447313366 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Disputing Citizenship (2014-01)
Clarke, John; Collins, Kathleen; Dagnino, Evelina and Neveu, Catherine
ISBN : 9781447312529 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order (2nd ed.) (2013-04)
Hall, Stuart; Critcher, Chas; Jefferson, Tony; Clarke, John and Roberts, Brian
ISBN : 9781137007193 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Publics, politics and power: Remaking the public in public services (2009-01)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
ISBN : 9781412948449 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London
Creating citizen-consumers: Changing Publics and changing public services (2007-02)
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet; Smith, Nick; Vidler, Elizabeth and Westmarland, Louise
ISBN : 9781412921343 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London, UK
Changing Welfare, Changing States: New Directions in Social Policy (2004-03-31)
Clarke, John
ISBN : 0 761942 02 5 | Publisher : Sage Publications Ltd | Published : UK
Crisis and Change: The Contested Politics of Constructing Crises (2023)
Clarke, John
In: Ballard, Richard and Barnett, Clive eds. The Routledge Handbook of Social Change (pp. 117-128)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxon, UK and New York, U.S.A.
'No such thing as society'? Neoliberalism and the social (2021)
Clarke, John
In: Deeming, Christopher ed. The Struggle for Social Sustainability: Moral Conflicts in Global Social Policy (pp. 37-54)
Publisher : Policy Press
Which nation is this? Brexit and the not-so-United Kingdom (2021)
Clarke, John
In: Cörüt, İlker and Jongerden, Joost eds. Beyond Nationalism and the Nation-State: Radical Approaches to Nation (pp. 98-116)
ISBN : 9780367684020 | Publisher : Routledge
Re-imagining Space, Scale and Sovereignty: The United Kingdom and “Brexit” (2020-02-03)
Clarke, John
In: Nonini, Donald M. and Susser, Ida eds. The Tumultuous Politics of Scale: Unsettled States, Migrants, Movements in Flux (pp. 138-150)
ISBN : 9780367186241 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York and London
Why Imagined Economies? (2020)
Clarke, John
In: Fischer, Jessica and Stedman, Gesa eds. Imagined Economies, Real Fictions: New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain.. Culture and Theory (Volume 210) (pp. 17-34)
Publisher : transcript Verlag | Published : Bielefeld
A Sovereign People? Political Fantasy and Governmental Time in the Pursuit of Brexit. (2020)
Clarke, John
In: Guderjan, Marius; Mackay, Hugh and Stedman, Gesa eds. Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity and Agency. (pp. 117-130)
ISBN : 978-1529205022 | Publisher : Bristol University Press | Published : Bristol
Developing a spatial social policy: taking stock and looking to the future (2019-11-13)
Clarke, John
In: Whitworth, Adam ed. Towards a Spatial Social Policy: Bridging the Gap Between Geography and Social Policy (pp. 201-215)
ISBN : 978-1447337911 | Publisher : Bristol University Press | Published : Bristol
Harmful Thoughts: Reimagining the coercive state? (2019-08-13)
Clarke, John
In: Cooper, Davina; Dhawan, Nikita and Newman, Janet eds. Reimagining the State: Theoretical Challenges and Transformative Possibilities.. Social Justice (pp. 213-230)
ISBN : 9780815382195 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Foreword (2019-05-29)
Clarke, John
In: Papanastasiou, Natalie ed. The Politics of Scale in Policy: Scalecraft and Education Governance (v-xii)
ISBN : 978-1447343851 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Finding place in the conjuncture: A dialogue with Doreen (2018-07-31)
John, Clarke
In: Werner, Marion; Peck, Jamie; Lave, Rebecca and Christophers, Brett eds. Doreen Massey – Critical Dialogues (pp. 201-213)
ISBN : 9781911116851 | Publisher : Agenda Publishing | Published : London
Doing the Dirty Work: The Challenges of Conjunctural Analysis (2018-01-19)
Clarke, John
In: Henriques, Julian; Morley, David and Goblot, Vana eds. Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies (pp. 79-86)
ISBN : 9781906897475 | Publisher : Goldsmiths Press | Published : London and New York
Articulating Austerity and Authoritarianism: Re-imagining Moral Economies? (2017-09)
Clarke, John
In: Evans, Bryan M. and McBride, Stephen eds. Austerity: The Lived Experience (pp. 20-39)
ISBN : 9781487502577 | Publisher : University of Toronto Press | Published : Toronto
Assembling Citizenship in Austere Times (2017-04-13)
Kirwan, Samuel; McDermont, Morag and Clarke, John
In: Larner, Wendy and Higgins, Vaughan eds. Assembling Neoliberalism: Expertise, Practices, Subjects (pp. 109-129)
ISBN : 978-1-137-58203-4 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : New York
Popular (2017-03)
Clarke, John
In: Ouellette, Laurie and Gray, Jonathan eds. Keywords for Media Studies. Keywords (pp. 143-144)
ISBN : 978-1479883653 | Publisher : New York University Press | Published : New York
Reflections on advising in austerity (2016-12-14)
Clarke, John
In: Kirwan, Samuel ed. Advising in Austerity: Reflections on challenging times for advice agencies. Policy Press Shorts - Policy & Practice (pp. 157-162)
ISBN : 978-1447334149 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Fearful asymmetry: circuits of paranoia in governing through school inspection (2016-10-04)
Clarke, John
In: Jupp, Eleanor; Pykett, Jessica and Smith, Fiona eds. Emotional States: sites and spaces of affective governance (pp. 129-143)
ISBN : 978-1-4724-5405-8 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
The politics of deploying community (2016-01-13)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
In: Meade, Rosie R.; Shaw, Mae and Banks, Sarah eds. Politics, power and community development. Rethinking Community Development (pp. 31-46)
ISBN : 9781447317364 | Publisher : Policy Press
Inspections: governing at a distance (2014-09-16)
Clarke, John
In: Grek, Sotiria and Lindgren, Joakim eds. Governing by Inspection. Studies in European Education (pp. 11-26)
ISBN : 978-1-13879605-8 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon and New York
Inspection and emotion: the role of affective governing (2014-09-16)
Grek, Sotiria; Lindgren, Joakim and Clarke, John
In: Grek, Sotiria and Lindgren, Joakim eds. Governing by Inspection. Studies in European Education (pp. 116-136)
ISBN : 978-1-138-79605-8 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
The vocabulary of inspection (2014-09-16)
Clarke, John and Lindgren, Joakim
In: Grek, Sotiria and Lindgren, Joakim eds. Governing by Inspection. Studies in European Education (pp. 137-158)
ISBN : 9781138796058 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
The (C)SI effect: school inspection as crime scene investigation (2014-09-15)
Lindgren, Joakim and Clarke, John
In: Lawn, Martin and Normand, Romuald eds. Shaping European Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Studies in European Education (pp. 131-150)
ISBN : 978-0-415-74834-6 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Community (2014-05)
Clarke, John
In: Nonini, Donald M. ed. A Companion to Urban Anthropology (pp. 46-64)
ISBN : 978-1-4443-3010-6 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell
Contexts: forms of agency and action (2013)
Clarke, John
In: Pollitt, Christopher ed. Context in Public Policy and Management: The Missing Link? (pp. 22-34)
ISBN : 9781781955130 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham
The work of governing (2012-10)
Clarke, John
In: Coulter, Kendra and Schumann, William R. eds. Governing Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Political Labor, Power, and Government (pp. 209-232)
ISBN : 9781137009210 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : New York
Brave new world? Anglo-American challenges to universalism (2012)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
In: Anttonen, Anneli; Häikiö, Liisa and Stefánsson, Kolbeinn eds. Welfare, Universalism and Diversity (pp. 90-105)
ISBN : 9781849803830 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham
Citizen-consumers: hyphenation, identification, de-politicization? (2011)
Clarke, John
In: Brückweh, Kerstin ed. The Voice of the Citizen Consumer: a History of Market Research, Consumer Movements, and the Politicall Public Sphere. Studies of the German Historical Institute London (pp. 225-242)
ISBN : 978-0-19-960402-9 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford
Beyond public and private? The changing welfare mix (2010)
Clarke, John
In: Petmesidou, Maria and Paptheodorou, Christos eds. Social Reforms and the Changing “Public”-“Private” Mix in Social Welfare (pp. 23-38)
ISBN : 978-960-19-0589-1 | Publisher : Ellinika Grammata | Published : Athens
Delivering Choice and Administering Justice: Contested Logics of Public Service (2010)
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and McDermont, Morag
In: Adler, Michael ed. Administrative Justice in Context (pp. 25-46)
ISBN : 978-1-84113-928-9 | Publisher : Hart Publishing | Published : Oxford
Elusive Publics: knowledge, power and public service reform (2009)
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
In: Gewirtz, Sharon; Mahony, Pat; Hextall, Ian and Cribb, Alan eds. Changing teacher professionalism: International trends, challenges, and ways forward (pp. 43-53)
ISBN : 9780415467773 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : UK
Governance puzzles (2009)
Clarke, John
In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. e-Governance: Managing or Governing. Routledge e-Business (pp. 29-52)
ISBN : 0-415-96518-7 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
Narrating subversion, assembling citizenship (2009)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
In: Barnes, Marian and Prior, David eds. Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services (pp. 67-82)
ISBN : 9781847422088 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Awkward customers? Policing in a consumer age (2009)
Westmarland, Louise and Clarke, John
In: Barnes, Marian and Prior, David eds. Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services (pp. 171-188)
ISBN : 978 1 84742 207 1 | Publisher : The Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Unsettled attachments: National identity, citizenship and welfare (2008)
Clarke, John and Fink, Janet
In: van Oorschot, Wim; Opielka, Michael and Pfau-Effinger, Birgit eds. Culture and Welfare State: Values and Social Policy in Comparative Perspective (pp. 225-244)
ISBN : 978 1 84542 389 6 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham
Reconstructing nation, state and welfare: The transformation of welfare states (2008)
Clarke, John
In: Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin ed. Welfare State Transformations: Comparative Perspectives (pp. 197-209)
ISBN : 978-0-230-20578-9 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Performance paradoxes: The politics of evaluation in public services (2008)
Clarke, John
In: Davis, Howard and Martin, Steve eds. Public Services Inspection in the UK. Reserach Highlights in Social Work (50) (pp. 120-134)
ISBN : 978 1 84310 527 5 | Publisher : Jessica Kingsley Publishers | Published : London
What's in a name? New labour's citizen-consumers and the remaking of public services (2007-12)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
In: Hansen, Hans Krause and Salskov-Iversen, Dorte eds. Critical perspectives on private authority in global politics
ISBN : 9781403989468 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : UK
Creating citizen-consumers? Public service reform and (un)willing selves (2007)
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
In: Maasen, Sabine and Sutter, Barbara eds. On Willing Selves: Neoliberal Politics and the Challenge of Neuroscience (pp. 125-145)
ISBN : 0-230-01343-0 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Governing in the Modern World (2004-11)
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
In: Steinberg, Deborah Lynn and Johnson, Richard eds. Blairism and the War of Persuasion: Labour’s Passive Revolution (pp. 53-65)
ISBN : 978-0853159926 | Publisher : Lawrence and Wishart | Published : London
Mission accomplished or unfinished business? The impact of managerialization (1994)
Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene
In: Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. Managing Social Policy (pp. 226-242)
ISBN : ISBN 08039 77697 | Publisher : SAGE | Published : London
Managing Social Policy (1994)
Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds.
ISBN : 9780803977686 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London, U.K.