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Not another Zoom call: Making theatre in the time of Covid

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 12:00 to Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 13:30
Online, via Zoom

​Open to anyone who makes, studies or enjoys theatre. 

The event is Free, but booking is required.

Join us for two lively lunchtime panel talks about performance in These Strange Times. Meet UK and international artists who have been adapting their work in response to the pandemic, and share in a broader discussion about the role of live performance and remote performance.

The session on Tuesday 16th will focus on live performance. We'll be hearing from artists who ha​ve been able to make innovative, live in-person performances this past year: projects that would never have been conceived, had it not been for the pandemic. We'll be asking them about what they have been inspired to make, and how they've dealt with the creative and logistical challenges of social distancing.

The session on Wednesday 17th is about remote performance that goes beyond conventional livestreaming and Zoom plays. We are talking to artists who have found unusual ways of capturing a live performance experience, even when audiences can't gather in the same place.

These events will take place online and there will opportunity near the end for small group discussion. Both events will have live captions and BSL interpretation.


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