The past lies all around us in the form of monuments, buildings, and other forms of tangible heritage. Occasionally, we are forced to make choices about the future of such heritage. We might need to decide whether or not to arrest the decay of the object; or what to do with it in the face of complaints that it celebrates injustice; or whether or not to let it stand in the way of a commercial development; or, if it has been damaged, what to do about that damage. There is a rich history to such discussions, including contributions from Petrarch, Alberti, Viollet-le-Duc, Morris, Ruskin, and Riegl.
This conference is dedicated to exploring the role of the aesthetic in such discussions: to what extent should the aesthetic value of such objects play in part in our decision-making?
Derek Matravers, The Open University.
Robert Bevan, Author, London
Helen Frowe, Professor of Practical Philosophy and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Scholar at Stockholm University.
Lisa Giombini, Research Fellow and Assistant Professor of Aesthetics, Roma Tre University.
Salvador Muñoz Viñas, Professor at the University of Valencia and Director of the paper conservation group of the Valencia Conservation Institute.
Zoltán Somhegyi, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Szeged.
The venue is Churchill College, Cambridge. Limited accommodation is available onsite, at a price range from £85 to £90 per night for a single room. Information about how to book rooms will be emailed to you after registration.