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Warriors’ Wives by Emma Bridges republished as an Open Access book by Oxford University Press

Book cover of Warriors’ Wives: Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience by Emma Bridges. The cover represents a modern take on an ancient Greek ceramic. Against a black background and framed by a traditional border design, two terracotta-coloured figures are featured: a man in military camouflage embracing a woman, while on the ground next to them lie a kit bag and rifle.

Thanks to the Open University’s pilot Open Access Book Fund, Warriors’ Wives: Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience by Emma Bridges (Staff Tutor and Senior Lecturer in Classical Studies), will be re-published as an Open Access book by Oxford University Press in 2025. Warriors’ Wives compares ancient Greek depictions of soldiers’ wives in Homeric poetry and Athenian tragedy with the experiences of military spouses in the modern world.

Originally published in 2023, Emma's book has garnered much praise, as a ‘compelling and moving study’ (Bryn Mawr Classical Review) and a ‘thoughtful, original work that…demonstrates the continuing power of the classical to navigate the modern’ (Journal of Hellenic Studies).

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