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Professor Allan Cochrane

Profile summary

Professional biography

I worked in the Faculty of Social Sciences at The Open University for more than thirty years and at various times I was a student, associate lecturer, Dean, Pro-Vice Chancellor, and Head of Department.  I was just beginning to understand how the place worked when I retired. And now the Faculty no longer exists and I am an Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Across my time at The Open University I contributed to a wide range of interdisciplinary courses as well as courses in geography, urban studies and social policy. My teaching and research interests lie at the junction of geography, social and public policy. As well as teaching on these subjects, I have published widely, and also enjoyed supervising a range of PhD students.

As Emeritus Professor, I now have rather less direct involvement with the teaching side of the University, and still less with the management side. However, I continue to contribute where I can. I Chair the Advisory Board of the ESRC funded project Smart Cities in the Making, Learning from Milton Keynes and in 2018 an open course that I prepared – From Brexit to the Break-up of Britain? – was launched on-line.

Research interests

I am particularly interested in understanding and exploring the ways in which the spaces of politics and policy are made up in practice, in ways that reflect relations of power within and beyond the state. It is in this broader context that my research has focused on a series of, mainly urban, sites through which it is possible to consider the workings of power, the possibilities of politics and changing forms of policy intervention. I continue to undertake research in dialogue and collaboration with others within and beyond the Open University, as reflected in the range of co-authors with whom I have published.

Across the years (stretching back even before the publication of my book Whatever happened to Local Government?) I have retained an interest in local politics, local government and the local state, most recently in the context of austerity. And this interest has led me into wider debates about the ways in which urban and regional politics need to be understood as an active and continuing process of negotiation, defined through relations across space, rather than being straightforwardly captured in bounded territorial institutions (reflected, for example, in work jointly authored over the years with John Allen). It seems to me that some of the most significant trajectories of contemporary political possibility cut across these sites.

It is in that context, that much of my work has been undertaken. So, for example, exploring the changing shape (regular rebirth and renewal) of British urban policy since its birth the 1960s (as I did in my book Understanding Urban Policy), made it possible to explore some of the ways in which new political and economic settlements were being achieved or imagined for the state after the welfare state. The aim of my research is not to argue about the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of different anti-poverty strategies or different forms of urban policy. Instead, it seeks to understand why particular clusters become identified as specifically urban problems suitable for intervention through urban policies and spatial targeting at one time while they may be understood quite differently at different times and in different places.

In recent years, I have been involved a series of funded research projects, in each of which I have sought to identify and interrogate the new political geographies of economic and social change in the UK and beyond.

  • I was Principal Investigator (working with Bob Colenutt as Co-Investigator) on Tensions and Prospects for Sustainable Housing Growth on the edge of the South East of England, in the wake of the financial crisis (funded by the ESRC, 2012-2013). I built on this with a Leverhulme emeritus fellowship on Governing a Suburban Growth Region: Living on the Edge of the Greater South East, which I held between 2014-2016. The South-East of England is a particularly interesting case, as a 'city region' that resolutely refuses to allow its boundaries to be defined, while equally confidently claiming not only national economic and political hegemony but also a global role.

  • I was Co-Investigator (working with Sarah Neal as PI and Katy Bennett and Giles Mohan as Co-Is) on Living Multiculture: the new geographies of ethnicity and the changing formations of multiculture in England (funded by the ESRC, 2012-2014). The project focused on the extent to which and ways in which new spaces of multiculture may be emerging in towns and cities which draw on the practices of everyday interaction rather than top down policies or institutionalised diversity. Its results (summarised in a book published in 2018 - Lived Experiences of Multiculture) highlight the need actively to explore the politics of everyday life in place, and always connected to elsewhere.

  • I am currently working as an academic consultant (with Jennifer Robinson as PI and Fulong Wu and Philip Harrison as CoIs) on Governing the Future City: A comparative analysis of governance innovations in large scale urban developments in Shanghai, London, Johannesburg (funded by the ESRC 2016-2018). Looking at London through the lenses of Shanghai and Johannesburg is a powerful corrective to the dominant view out from what is all too easily assumed to be the metropolitan financial core.





Teaching interests

I am no longer actively involved on the teaching side of the Open University, and I very much miss the process of working with others to develop ideas and teaching strategies. The course team is a remarkable invention which forces its members to move outside their comfort zones and to think differently, accepting and responding to others, rather than simply pursuing an individual obsession. At their best OU course teams have the potential both to find ways of engaging effectively and thoughtfully with students and also to shape intellectual agendas within and beyond the institution.

Teaching at the OU is unusual because of the extent to which it requires academics to work with colleagues across disciplinary and sub-disciplinary divides. And the nature of the teaching process, when it works well, requires them to think explicitly about the teaching process, to think about students and how they will respond to and engage with the material they receive. I miss that discipline, too. And, of course, I miss the involvement I was privileged to have with some very special students and Associate Lecturers, all committed to a wider educational endeavour.

My own most recent contribution to developing an open course (From Brexit to the Break-up of Britain?) which was launched in February 2018 did not bring me back into the world of the course team. However it is worth recording the extent to which I was supported not only by academic colleagues, but also by others outside the Faculty, who reminded me of the need to communicate clearly (something that it is all too easy to forget) and helped me into the arcane world of on-line quizzes.

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC)CentreFaculty of Social Sciences
OpenSpace Research CentreCentreFaculty of Social Sciences


Towards the desired city of compromise: the politics of negotiating large-scale transformation across diversity in Johannesburg (2024-11-22)
Dittgen, Romain; Cochrane, Allan and Robinson, Jennifer
City, 28(5-6) (pp. 976-999)

Book review forum: Housing in the Margins (2024-04)
Dobson, Rachael; Blomley, Nicholas; Cochrane, Allan; Devlin, Ryan Thomas and Hilbrandt, Hanna
Urban Studies, 61(5) (pp. 968-979)

Thinking conjuncturally, looking elsewhere (2024)
Lorne, Colin; Thompson, Matthew and Cochrane, Allan
Dialogues in Human Geography, 14(3) (pp. 499-503)

Exploring the Political Potential of the Local State: Building a Dialogue with Sheffield in the 1980s (2023-05)
Beveridge, Ross and Cochrane, Allan
Antipode, 55(3) (pp. 790-809)

Das urban konzeptionalieseren. Beitrag zur Debatte „Was ist Stadt? Was ist Kritik?“ (2022-06)
Cochrane, Allan
sub\urban: zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 10(1) (pp. 146-149)

Riffing Off Kevin Cox: Thinking through Comparison (2020-05)
Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(3) (pp. 537-539)

In and beyond local government: making up new spaces of governance (2019-08-02)
Cochrane, Allan
Local Government Studies, 46(4) (pp. 524-541)

Universities: in, of, and beyond their cities (2019-03-28)
Brennan, John and Cochrane, Allan
Oxford Review of Education, 45(2) (pp. 188-203)

Author response to reviews of Lived Experience (2019)
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(3) (pp. 409-416)

Community and Conviviality? Informal Social Life in Multicultural Places (2018-04-10)
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Sociology, 53(1) (pp. 69-86)

Negotiating the educational spaces of urban multiculture: Skills, competencies and college life (2017-08)
Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
Urban Studies, 54(10) (pp. 2305-2321)

'You can't move in Hackney without bumping into an anthropologist': why certain places attract research attention (2016-10-01)
Neal, Sarah; Mohan, Giles; Cochrane, Allan and Bennett, Katy
Qualitative Research, 16(5) (pp. 491-507)

Thinking about the ‘Local’ of Local Government: a Brief History of Invention and Reinvention (2016)
Cochrane, Allan
Local Government Studies, 42(6) (pp. 907-915)

Living on the Edge: Building a Sub/Urban Region (2015-12-01)
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Bob and Field, Martin
Built Environment, 41(4) (pp. 567-578)

The rise and rise of viability assessment (2015-10)
Colenutt, Robert; Cochrane, Allan and Field, Martin
Town and Country Planning, 84(10) (pp. 453-458)

Whatever happened to local government? A review symposium (2015-08-14)
Ward, Kevin; Newman, Janet; John, Peter; Theodore, Nik; Macleavy, Julie and Cochrane, Allan
Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2(1) (pp. 434-456)

Multiculture and public parks: researching super-diversity and attachment in public green space (2015-07)
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Jones, Hannah; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Population, Space and Place, 21(5) (pp. 463-475)

Governing the ungovernable: spatial policy, markets and volume house-building in a growth region (2015-03-02)
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Robert and Field, Martin
Policy and Politics, 43(4) (pp. 527-544)

Media practices and urban politics: conceptualizing the powers of the media-urban nexus (2015)
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32(6) (pp. 1054-1070)

Urban multiculture and everyday encounters in semi-public, franchised cafe spaces (2015)
Jones, Hannah; Neal, Sarah; Mohan, Giles; Connell, Kieran; Cochrane, Allan and Bennett, Katy
Sociological Review, 63(3) (pp. 644-661)

Rethinking the ‘third mission’: UK universities and regional engagement in challenging times (2015)
Lebeau, Yann and Cochrane, Allan
European Journal of Higher Education, 5(3) (pp. 250-263)

Listening (2015)
Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
Emotion, Space and Society, 17 (pp. 7-14)

Where is urban politics? (2014-09)
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(5) (pp. 1551-1560)

The urban unbound: London's politics and the 2012 Olympic Games (2014-09)
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(5) (pp. 1609-1624)

Developing a sub-regional growth strategy: reflections on recent English experience (2013-11-29)
Cochrane, Allan; Colenutt, Bob and Field, Martin
Local Economy, 28(7-8) (pp. 786-800)

Geographies and politics of localism: the localism of the United Kingdom's coalition government (2013-05)
Clarke, Nick and Cochrane, Allan
Political Geography, 34 (pp. 10-23)

Living multiculture: understanding the new spatial and social relations of ethnicity and multiculture in England (2013-04-01)
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31(2) (pp. 308-323)

Putting higher education in its place: the socio-political geographies of English universities (2013-01)
Cochrane, Allan and Williams, Ruth
Policy and Politics, 41(1) (pp. 43-58)

‘State, Science and the Skies: Governmentalities of the British atmosphere’, by Mark Whitehead (2009): a critical review (2012-11)
Cochrane, Allan; Coe, Neil; Randalls, Samuel; Thornes, John; Adey, Peter and Whitehead, Mark
Geoforum, 43(6) (pp. 1057-1064)

Guest Editorial: Researching the geographies of policy mobility: confronting the methodological challenges (2012-01)
Cochrane, Allan and Ward, Kevin
Environment and Planning A, 44(1) (pp. 5-12)

Making up a region: the rise and fall of the ‘South East of England’ as a political territory (2012)
Cochrane, Allan
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30(1) (pp. 95-108)

Urban politics beyond the urban (2011-07)
Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35(4) (pp. 862-863)

Multiculture and community in new city spaces (2011-04)
Kesten, Jamie; Cochrane, Allan; Mohan, Giles and Neal, Sarah
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 32(2) (pp. 133-150)

Assemblages of State Power: Topological Shifts in the Organization of Government and Politics (2010-11)
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Antipode, 42(5) (pp. 1071-1089)

Exploring the regional politics of 'sustainability': making up sustainable communities in the South East of England (2010-11)
Cochrane, Allan
Environmental Policy and Governance, 20(6) (pp. 370-381)

Mediating urban politics (2009-03)
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(1) (pp. 246-249)

Re-engaging the intersections of media, politics and cities (2009-03)
Rodgers, Scott; Barnett, Clive and Cochrane, Allan
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33(1) (pp. 231-232)

Beyond the territorial fix: Regional assemblages, politics and power (2007-12)
Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan
Regional Studies, 41(9) (pp. 1161-1175)

Managing local labour markets and making up new spaces of welfare (2007)
Cochrane, Allan and Etherington, David
Environment and Planning A, 39(12) (pp. 2958-2974)

(Anglo)phoning home from Berlin: a response to Alan Latham (2006-10-01)
Cochrane, Allan
European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(4) (pp. 371-376)

Devolving the heartland: making up a new social policy for the 'South East' (2006-08-01)
Cochrane, Allan
Critical Social Policy, 26(3) (685 -696)

Making up meanings in a capital city: power, memory and monuments in Berlin (2006-01)
Cochrane, Allan
European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1) (pp. 5-24)

Citizenship: locating people with learning disabilities (2005-10)
Gilbert, Tony; Cochrane, Allan and Greenwell, Stuart
International Journal of Social Welfare, 14(4) (pp. 287-296)

Modernisation, managerialism and the culture wars: the reshaping of the local welfare state in England (2004-12)
Cochrane, Allan
Local Government Studies, 30(4) (pp. 481-496)

Professional discourse and service cultures: an organisational typology developed from health and welfare services for people with learning disabilities (2003-09)
Gilbert, T.; Cochrane, A. and Greenwell, S.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40(7) (pp. 781-793)

Building a national capital in an age of globalisation: the case of Berlin (2001-12)
Cochrane, Allan and Passmore, Adrian
Area, 33(4) (pp. 341-352)

Illusions of power: interviewing local elites (1998)
Cochrane, Allan
Environment and Planning A, 30(12) (pp. 2121-2132)

Tangled webs? Managing local mixed economies of care (1996)
Charlesworth, Julie; Clarke, John and Cochrane, Allan
Public Administration, 74(1) (pp. 67-88)

Managing local mixed economies of care (1995)
Charlesworth, J.; Clarke, J. and Cochrane, A.
Environment and Planning A, 27(9) (pp. 1419-1435)

Tales of the suburbs: the local politics of growth in the South-east of England (1994)
Charlesworth, Julie and Cochrane, Allan
Urban Studies, 31(10) (pp. 1723-1738)

Lived Experiences of Multiculture: The New Social and Spatial Relations of Diversity (2018-09-05)
Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy; Cochrane, Allan and Mohan, Giles
Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity
ISBN : 978-1-138-64505-9 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

The University in its Place: Social and Cultural Perspectives on the Regional Role of Universities. (2018-04-04)
Brennan, John; Cochrane, Allan; Lebeau, Yann and Williams, Ruth
ISBN : 978-94-024-1294-9 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Heidelberg

Economic Policy-Making by Local Authorities in Britain and Western Germany (2nd ed) (2017-06-02)
Johnson, Nevil and Cochrane, Allan
Routledge Library Editions: The German Economy
ISBN : 978-0-415-78807-6 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Understanding urban policy: A critical approach (2007-12)
Cochrane, Allan
ISBN : 631211217 | Publisher : Blackwell | Published : Oxford, UK

Rethinking the region (1998-01-22)
Allen, John; Massey, Doreen; Cochrane, Allan; Charlesworth, Julie; Court, Gill; Henry, Nick and Sarre, Philip
ISBN : 041516821X | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Superdiversity through the lens of Brexit (2022-04)
Neal, Sarah and Cochrane, Allan
In: Meissner, Fran; Sigona, Nando and Vertovec, Steven eds. Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. Oxford Handbooks
Publisher : Oxford University Press

From Brexit to the break-up of...England. Thinking in and beyond the nation. (2020-03-25)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Guderjan, Marcus; Mackay, Hugh and Stedman, Gesa eds. Contested Britain. Brexit, Austerity and Agency (pp. 161-173)
ISBN : 978-1-5292-0502-2 | Publisher : Bristol University Press | Published : Bristol

Interviews (2020-01)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Ward, Kevin ed. Researching the City: A Guide for Students (2nd Edition) (pp. 40-56)
ISBN : 9781529700954 | Publisher : Sage Publications | Published : London

Urban Policy (2020)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Kobayashi, Audrey ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 2nd edition (pp. 93-96)
ISBN : 978-0-08-102296-2 | Publisher : Elsevier

Placing the university: thinking in and beyond globalization (2018-08-01)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Meusburger, Peter; Heffernan, Michael and Sursana, Laura eds. Geographies of the University. Knowledge and Space (pp. 605-616)
ISBN : 978-3-319-75592-2 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Heidelberg

Relational thinking and the region (2018-07)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Paasi, Anssi; Harrison, John and Jones, Martin eds. Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. Research Handbooks in Geography (pp. 79-88)
ISBN : 9781785365799 | Publisher : Edward Elgar | Published : Cheltenham

Where is London? The (more than) local politics of a global city (2018-07)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Werner, Marion; Peck, Jamie; Lave, Rebecca and Christophers, Brett eds. Doreen Massey. Critical Dialogues (pp. 189-200)
ISBN : 978 -1-911116-85-1 | Publisher : Agenda | Published : Newcastle

Here, there and everywhere: rethinking the urban of urban politics (2018-04)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Ward, Kevin; Jonas, Andrew E.G.; Miller, Byron and Wilson, David eds. The Routledge Handbook on the Spaces of Urban Politics (pp. 14-25)
ISBN : 9781138890329 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Looking for the 'urban' in public policy (2018)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Iossifova, Deljana; Doll, Christopher N. H. and Gasparatos, Alexandros eds. Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives (pp. 97-108)
ISBN : 9781472449498 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Interviews (2013-11)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Ward, Kevin ed. Researching the City: a Guide for Students (pp. 38-53)
ISBN : 9781446202104 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London

Breaking down the walls of heartache: reflections on the ordinary spaces of division and unification in Berlin (2013-07-29)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Pullan, Wendy and Baillie, Britt eds. Locating Urban Conflicts: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Everyday (pp. 214-232)
ISBN : 9780230368903 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke

Universities, regions and social disadvantage (2012-12)
Williams, Ruth and Cochrane, Allan
In: Benneworth, Paul ed. University Engagement with Socially Excluded Communities (pp. 67-81)
ISBN : 978-94-007-4874-3 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Dordrecht

Re-imagining local politics: territorialisation, economic development and locality (2012-12)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Jonas, Andrew E. G. and Wood, Andrew eds. Territory, the State and Urban Politics: a Critical Appreciation of the Selected Writings of Kevin R. Cox (pp. 77-88)
ISBN : 978-0-7546-7998-1 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Burlington, VT

Spatial divisions and regional assemblages (2012-12)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Featherstone, David and Painter, Joe eds. Spatial Politics: Essays for Doreen Massey. RGS-lbg (pp. 87-98)
ISBN : 978-1-4443-3831-7 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : Chichester

Sustainable communities and English spatial policy (2011-10-26)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Flint, John and Raco, Mike eds. The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections (pp. 47-63)
ISBN : 9781847426673 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol

Post-suburbia in the context of urban containment: the case of the South East of England (2011-09-13)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Phelps, Nicholas A. and Wu, Fulong eds. International Perspectives on Suburbanization. A Post Suburban World? (pp. 192-210)
ISBN : 9780230276390 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Making up global urban policies (2011-03-29)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Bridge, Gary and Watson, Sophie eds. The New Blackwell Companion to the City (pp. 738-746)
ISBN : 1405189819 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : Chichester, UK

Alternative approaches to local and regional development (2010-11-15)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Pike, Andy; Rodriguez-Pose, Andrés and Tomaney, John eds. Handbook of Local and Regional Development (pp. 97-105)
ISBN : 978-0415548311 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon

Urban policy (2009)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Kitchen, Rob and Thrift, Nigel eds. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp. 84-88)
ISBN : 9780080449111 | Publisher : Elsevier | Published : Amsterdam, the Netherlands

London: regeneration or rebirth? (2008-12-23)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Imrie, Robert; Lees, Loretta and Raco, Mike eds. Regenerating London: Governance, Sustainability and Community in a Global City (pp. 313-322)
ISBN : 978-0-415-43367-9 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Cities: urban worlds (2008)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Daniels, Peter; Bradshaw, Michael; Shaw, Denis and Sidaway, James eds. Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century (3rd ed.) (pp. 205-217)
ISBN : 978-0-13-205684-7 | Publisher : Pearson | Published : Harlow

Urban policy (2006-12)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Ritzer, George ed. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
ISBN : 9781405124331 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : Oxford, U.K.

Looking for the South East (2006-09-28)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie eds. The Rise of the English Regions?. Regions and Cities (pp. 227-244)
ISBN : 9780415336321 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : UK

The new urban policy: towards empowerment or incorporation? (2003)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Imrie, Rob and Raco, Mike eds. Urban Renaissance? New Labour, Community and Urban Policy (pp. 223-234)
ISBN : 1861343817 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol, U.K.

The governance of local welfare (2003)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Alcock, Pete; Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret eds. The Student’s Companion to Social Policy (2nd ed.) (pp. 217-224)
ISBN : 1405102918 | Publisher : Blackwell | Published : Oxford

Thinking about the English regions (2002-04)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Marshall, Tim; Glasson, John and Headicar, Peter eds. Contemporary Issues in Regional Planning. Urban and regional planning and development (pp. 23-34)
ISBN : 75461750 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Aldershot, U.K.

Olympic dreams: visions of partnership (2002)
Cochrane, Allan; Peck, Jamie and Tickell, Adam
In: Peck, Jamie and Ward, Kevin eds. City of Revolution: Restructuring Manchester (pp. 95-115)
ISBN : 07190 5888 0 | Publisher : Manchester University Press | Published : Manchester

The social construction of urban policy (2000-10)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Watson, Sophie and Bridge, Gary eds. A Companion to the City. Blackwell Companions to Geography (pp. 531-542)
ISBN : 9780631210528 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : Oxford, United Kingdom

New Labour, new urban policy? (2000)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Dean, Hartley; Sykes, Robert and Woods, Roberta eds. Social Policy Review. Social Policy Review (pp. 184-401)
ISBN : 1903395011 | Publisher : Social Policy Association | Published : London, U.K.

Redefining urban politics for the twenty-first century (1999-08)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Jonas, Andrew E. G. and Wilson, David eds. Urban Growth Machines: Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later. Urban Public Policy (pp. 109-124)
ISBN : 9780791442593 | Publisher : State University of New York Press | Published : Albany, New York

Just another failed urban experiment? The legacy of the urban development corporations (1999)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Imrie, Rob and Thomas, Huw eds. British Urban Policy an Evaluation of the Urban Development Corporations (pp. 246-258)
ISBN : 761962255 | Publisher : Sage Publications Ltd | Published : London, U.K.

Globalisation, fragmentation and local welfare citizenship (1998-03-19)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Carter, John ed. Post-Modernity and the Fragmentation of Welfare (pp. 252-266)
ISBN : 415163927 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, U.K.

American dreams and English utopias: it all comes together in Milton Keynes (1998)
Charlesworth, Julie and Cochrane, Allan
In: Clapson, M.; Dobbin, M. and Waterman, P. eds. The Best Laid Plans. Milton Keynes since 1967 (pp. 109-116)
ISBN : 1860205569 | Publisher : University of Luton Press | Published : Luton, U.K.

Central-local relations (1997)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Alcock, Pete; Erskine, Angus and May, Margaret eds. The Student's Companion to Social Policy (pp. 184-190)
ISBN : 631202404 | Publisher : Blackwell | Published : Oxford

From theories to practice. Looking for local democracy in Britain (1996-07-10)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Stoker, Gerry and King, Desmond S. eds. Rethinking Local Democracy. Government Beyond the Centre (pp. 193-213)
ISBN : 9780333638521 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke, U.K.

Anglicising the American Dream: tragedy, farce and the post-modern city (1996)
Charlesworth, Julie and Cochrane, Allan
In: Westwood, Sallie and Williams, John eds. Imagining Cities: Scripts, signs, and memories (pp. 219-234)
ISBN : 978-0-415-14430-8 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : UK

Restructuring the local welfare state (1994-05-18)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Burrows, Roger and Loader, Brian D. eds. Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State? (pp. 117-135)
ISBN : 415099676 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, U.K.

Beyond the nation state? building Euroregions (1994)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Bullmann, Udo ed. Die Politik der dritten Ebene. Regionen im Europa der Union (pp. 393-406)
ISBN : 3789032514 | Publisher : Nomos | Published : Baden Baden

Managing change in local government (1994)
Cochrane, Allan
In: Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. Managing Social Policy (pp. 141-162)
ISBN : 9780803977686 | Publisher : Sage Publications Ltd | Published : London, U.K.

Mission accomplished or unfinished business? The impact of managerialization (1994)
Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene
In: Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. Managing Social Policy (pp. 226-242)
ISBN : ISBN 08039 77697 | Publisher : SAGE | Published : London

Managing Social Policy (1994)
Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene eds.
ISBN : 9780803977686 | Publisher : Sage | Published : London, U.K.

Życie w obliczu inności, czyli: jak zrozumieć współczesne miasta [Living with difference: making sense of the contemporary city], (2015-07)
Cochrane, Allan; Neal, Sarah; Bennett, Katy and Mohan, Giles
In : Smart Metropolia (23-24 Oct 2014, Gdansk) (pp. 16-20)

Urban Policy (2017-06-01)
Cochrane, Allan
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Higher Education and Society: A research report (2010-03)
Brennan, John; Arthur, Lore; Little, Brenda; Cochrane, Allan; Williams, Ruth; Locke, William; Singh, Mala; David, Miriam; Kim, Terri and King, Roger
CHERI, London.

The role of higher education in social and cultural transformation (2010-03)
Williams, Ruth and Cochrane, Allan
Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, The Open University, London.