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Dr Anna Plassart

Profile summary

Research interests

My research focuses on the history of European ideas in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. I am particularly interested in Scottish and French political philosophy, as well as in the history of social sciences. 

I have published on the historiography of the French Revolution, the history of imperialist thought, and the Scottish Enlightenment. My first book examined the Scottish reception of the French Revolution, and looked at the ways in which David Hume and Adam Smith's intellectual heritage was reshaped by their Scottish readers during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. 


Democratic struggle or national uprising? The Canadian rebellions in British political thought, 1835–1840 (2022)
Plassart, Anna and Bonin, Hugo
Global Intellectual History, 7(1) (pp. 28-46)

[Book Review] Parliamentarism: From Burke to Weber (2021-02-16)
Plassart, Anna
European Journal of Political Theory, 21(4) (pp. 836-846)

La « nationalité » dans les discours parlementaires britanniques au XIXe siècle (2021-01-01)
Plassart, Anna and Forbes, Suzanne
Mots: Les langages du politique, 121 (pp. 15-36)

Edmund Burke, Poland, and the Commonwealth of Europe (2020-09)
Plassart, Anna
The Historical Journal, 63(4) (pp. 885-910)

James Mill, the Scottish Enlightenment and the Problem of Civil Religion (2019-11)
Plassart, Anna
Modern Intellectual History, 16(3) (pp. 679-711)

Introduction: Millar and his Circle (2019)
Plassart, Anna
History of European Ideas, 45(2) (pp. 128-147)

Théodore Flournoy on synesthetic personification (2017)
Plassart, Anna and White, Rebekah C.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives, 26(1) (pp. 1-14)

Scottish perspectives on war and patriotism in the 1790s (2014-01)
Plassart, Anna
The Historical Journal, 57(1) (pp. 107-129)

"Scientific Whigs"? Scottish historians on the French Revolution (2013-01)
Plassart, Anna
Journal of the History of Ideas, 74(1) (pp. 93-114)

A Scottish Jacobin: John Oswald on commerce and citizenship (2010-04)
Plassart, Anna
Journal of the History of Ideas, 71(2) (pp. 263-286)

‘Un impérialiste libéral’? Jean-Baptiste Say on colonies and the extra-european world (2009)
Plassart, Anna
French Historical Studies, 32(2) (pp. 223-250)

James Mill’s treatment of religion and the History of British India (2008)
Plassart, Anna
History of European Ideas, 34 (pp. 526-534)

The Scottish Enlightenment and the French Revolution (2015-05-31)
Plassart, Anna
Ideas in Context
ISBN : 9781107091764 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge

Montesquieu, Smith and Burke on the ‘labouring poor’: An eighteenth-century debate (2024-04)
Plassart, Anna
In: O'Flaherty, Niall and Mills, R.J.W. eds. Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment. Studies in early modern European history (pp. 128-147)
ISBN : 978-1-5261-6677-7 | Publisher : Manchester University Press | Published : Manchester, UK

‘The Scheme which Began the Calamities of Europe’: Scottish Writers on the First Polish Partition (2022)
Plassart, Anna
In: Clure, Graham ed. Rousseau, Poland and Europe
Publisher : Brill (In Press)

Introduction: A Cultural History of Democracy in the Age of Enlightenment (2021-05)
Plassart, Anna and Mosher, Michael
In: Plassart, Anna and Mosher, Michael eds. A Cultural History of Democracy in the Age of Enlightenment (pp. 1-16)
ISBN : 978-1350042933 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London

“Sovereign of the Sea”: Adam Ferguson on Britain’s Empire (2021)
Plassart, Anna
In: Brown, Michael and Hill, Jack A. eds. Adam Ferguson Unfurled: re-imagining the moral imperium
Publisher : Aberdeen University Press (In Press) | Published : Aberdeen

Letters of Crito (2019-06-12)
Millar, John
History of European Ideas 45:2, 148-190

Letters of Sidney (2019-06-10)
Millar, John
History of European Ideas 45:2, 191-231