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Ms Amanda Alexander


"A Good Fake or a Bad Fake?" (2024-08)
Alexander, Andie
In: Ellsworth, Jason W. M. and Alexander, Andie eds. Fabricating Authenticity. Working with Culture on the Edge
ISBN : 9781800501454 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers (In Press) | Published : Sheffield, UK

Introduction (2024)
Ellsworth, Jason W. M. and Alexander, Andie
In: Ellsworth, Jason W. M. and Alexander, Andie eds. Fabricating Authenticity. Working with Culture on the Edge
ISBN : 9781800501454 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers (In Press) | Published : Sheffield, UK

Afterword: A Little Heritage Goes a Long Way (2024)
Alexander, Andie and Ellsworth, Jason W. M.
In: Ellsworth, Jason W. M. and Alexander, Andie eds. Fabricating Authenticity. Working with Culture on the Edge
ISBN : 9781800501454 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers (In Press) | Published : Sheffield, UK

Principles of Pedagogy: Thinking with Smith to Re-vision our Systems of Training (2023-07-18)
Alexander, Andie
In: Krawcowicz, Barbara ed. Thinking with J. Z. Smith: Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. NAASR Working Papers (pp. 181-193)
ISBN : 9781781799840 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers | Published : Sheffield, UK

Mapping the Future of Smith’s Legacy: A Conversation (2023-07-18)
Alexander, Andie and Hughes, Aaron W.
In: Krawcowicz, Barbara ed. Thinking with J. Z. Smith: Mapping Methods in the Study of Religion. NAASR Working Papers (pp. 219-228)
ISBN : 9781781799840 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers | Published : Sheffield, UK

"I’m spiritual but not religious" (2017-10-12)
Alexander, Andie R. and McCutcheon, Russell T.
In: Stoddard, Brad and Martin, Craig eds. Stereotyping Religion: Critiquing Clichés. Critiquing Religion: Discourse, Culture, Power (pp. 97-112)
ISBN : 978-1-4742-9220-7 | Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic | Published : London

Clashing Allegiances: The Practicality of Constructing National Identity (2017-07-17)
Alexander, Andie
In: Ramey, Steven W. ed. Fabricating Difference. Working with Culture on the Edge (pp. 69-76)
ISBN : 9781781794869 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers | Published : Sheffield

Fabricating Authenticity (2024)
Ellsworth, Jason W. M. and Alexander, Andie eds.
Working with Culture on the Edge
ISBN : 9781800501447 | Publisher : Equinox Publishers (In Press)