I started off as an Open University student in 2003 and realised I loved studying history. I followed a BA in History with an MA in English Local History and a PhD at the University of Leicester. I became an Associate Lecturer in 2017 and I now split my time between teaching and my role as a lecturer in history. I have tutored or tutor A225, A327, A326 and A111 and I work with the module teams for A225, A327, A329 and A825/A826.
My research interests are broad and more recently have concentrated on the pauper voice under the New Poor Law particularly within the workhouse. My PhD explored the management of a rural estate and I am interested in exploring how modern food security and sustainability can learn from the past.
I am currently co-editor of Family and Community History and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Monographs and Edited Volumes
C. A. Beardmore, Financing the Landed Estate: Power, Politics and People on the Marquis of Anglesey’s Estates 1812-1854 (New York: Palgrave, 2019)
C. A. Beardmore, S. A. King and C. Dobbing, (eds.) Living the Family: Domestic Life in Britain 1650 to the Present. (Palgrave: London, 2019).
C. A. Beardmore, S. A. King and G. Monks (eds.) The Land Agent in Britain: Present and Future (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2016).
Other Publications
C. A. Beardmore & Steven King, ‘Contesting the workhouse: Life writing, children and the later New Poor Law’ in L. O’Hagan (ed) Rebellious Writing (Autumn, 2020).
C. A. Beardmore, ‘Social and Working Relationships: Marquis of Anglesey’s Dorset Estate, Rural History, (2020).
C. A. Beardmore, ‘Doctoring the Country House: Edward Wrench and Chatsworth House’ special edition of Family and Community History, 22:2 (2019), pp. 127-143.
C. A. Beardmore, S. A. King and G. L. Monks, Disability Matters, (Lyddington: Call of Crows, 2018).
C. A. Beardmore and S. A. King, ‘Going Further: Pauper Letters’ Your Family History (August, 2017).
C. A. Beardmore, Steven King and Geoff Monks, ‘Going Further: Land Agents and their Records’, Letters’ Your Family History (February, 2017).
C. A. Beardmore, ‘The Rural Estate through the Eyes of the Land Agent: A Community in Microcosm’, Family and Community History 19:1 (April, 2016).
C. A. Beardmore, ‘Landowner, Tenant and Agent on the Marquis of Anglesey’s Dorset and Somerset Estate 1814-1844’ Rural History (October 2015).
S. King, P. Carter, N. Carter, P. Jones and C. A. Beardmore, In Their Own Write (McGill Queens, October, 2022).
C. A. Beardmore, (ed), Navigating the Nineteenth Century Institution: Workhouse and Asylum (Cambridge Scholars, 2022).
C. A. Beardmore, ‘Death, Grief, Dying and the Victorian GP: Edward Wrench 1862-1895’ , Midlands History (Autumn, 2022).
C. A. Beardmore, 'This Man Really is an Intolerable Pest'; Perceptions and Treatment of the Disabled in the Workhouse, 1834-1900, Family and Community History (December 2022).
Essay Prize
2018 winner of a Mansel Pleydell Essay Prize for The Marquis of Anglesey; Working and Social Relationships on the Dorset Estate c.1812-1844.
Death, Grief and the Victorian GP: A Case Study of Edward Wrench of Baslow, Derbyshire, 1862 - 1898 (2022-12)
Beardmore, Carol Anne
Midland History, 47(3) (pp. 313-330)
Editorial (2022)
Beardmore, Carol
Family & Community History, 25(1) (pp. 1-2)
‘This Man is Really an Intolerable Pest’: Perceptions and Treatment of the Disabled in the Workhouse, 1834–1900 (2022)
Beardmore, Carol
Family & Community History, 25(2) (pp. 121-139)
Navigating the Nineteenth Century Institution: Workhouse and Asylum (2024)
Beardmore, Carol ed.
ISBN : 9781036404413 | Publisher : Cambridge Scholars Publishing | Published : Newcastle, UK