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Dr Kathryn Medien

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Professional biography


I am a Lecturer in Sociology based in the Sociology Department at the Open University. My research interests are in social and political theory, particularly anti-colonial thought and feminist theory. Before joining the Open University in 2020, I worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge. I have also held research fellowships in Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke University and at the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick.

My research explores the relationship between racism, imperialism and state violence, and most recently has explored the development and deployment of internal border controls as a technology of racialised colonial governance. I am also interested in reproductive politics, welfare, and eugenics, particularly in how they intersect with state violence and control. My work has been published in Sociological Review; Theory, Culture and Society; Sociology; and the International Feminist Journal of Politics.

I am interested in supervising theoretically grounded projects that speak to any of my research interests.


No Pass Laws Here! Internal Border Controls and the Global ‘Hostile Environment' (2022)
Medien, Kathryn
Sociology, 57(4) (pp. 940-956)

Israeli settler colonialism, “humanitarian warfare,” and sexual violence in Palestine (2021)
Medien, Kathryn
International Feminist Journal of Politics, 23(5) (pp. 698-719)

Foucault in Tunisia: The encounter with intolerable power (2020-05-01)
Medien, Kathryn
The Sociological Review, 68(3) (pp. 492-507)

Theory for a global age: From nativism to neoliberalism and beyond (2020-03-01)
Bhambra, Gurminder K.; Medien, Kathryn and Tilley, Lisa
Current Sociology, 68(2) (pp. 137-148)

Palestine in Deleuze (2019)
Medien, Kathryn
Theory, Culture & Society, 36(5) (pp. 49-70)

Thinking Life, Death, and Solidarity through Colonized Palestine: An Interview with Jasbir K. Puar (2018)
Medien, Kathryn
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, 14(1) (pp. 94-103)

'The trust will pursue debt through all means necessary' (2023-01)
Medien, Kathryn
In: Gilbert, Paul; Bourne, Clea; Haiven, Max and Montgomerie, Johnna eds. The entangled legacies of empire: Race, finance and inequality (pp. 119-130)
ISBN : 978-1-5261-6344-8 | Publisher : Manchester University Press

An Intimate Occupation: Governing Love in Occupied Palestine (2023)
Medien, Kathryn
In: Griffiths, Mark and Joronen, Mikko eds. Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence (pp. 20-43)
ISBN : 978-1-4962-3258-8 | Publisher : University of Nebraska Press

Border Abolition Now (2024-07)
Riva, Sara; Campbell, Simon; Whitener, Brian and Medien, Kathryn eds.
ISBN : 9780745348988 | Publisher : Pluto Press | Published : London, UK

The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology (2023-12)
Bhambra, Gurminder K; Mayblin, Lucy; Medien, Kathryn and Viveros-Vigoya, Mara eds.
ISBN : 9781529772128 | Publisher : SAGE Publications Ltd | Published : London

NHS Apartheid: On resisting NHS charges for overseas visitor healthcare (2021-12-06)
Medien, Kathryn
Discover Society, Discover Society.

Patients Not Passports: Learning from the international struggle for universal healthcare (2020-10-15)
Button, Daniel; Salhab, Akram; Skinner, James; Yule, Aliya and Medien, Kathryn
New Economics Foundation

[Book Review] Carceral capitalism by Jackie Wang (2020)
Medien, Kathryn
Ethnic and Racial Studies 43 (3) pp.584-586

[Book Review] Prison: A Survival Guide by Carl Cattermole (2019-08-23)
Medien, Kathryn
The Sociological Review