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Dr Lorena Lombardozzi

Profile summary

Web links

Professional biography

Lorena is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the School of Social Sciences & Global Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at the Open University. She is Co-Director of IKD: Innovation, Knowledge and Development Research Centre

She completed her PhD thesis in Economics at SOAS, University of London (fully funded by SOAS Economics dpt.) with a title ‘A nexus between the role of the state, market transition and food consumption: The case of Uzbekistan’. Lorena holds a MSc from SOAS in Political Economy of Development (fully-funded).  She received a previous Masters in Development Economics from University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy. 

Before returning to academia Lorena worked as a development economist in Latin America in 2014, in Uzbekistan for the regional office of UNODC in Central Asia from 2010 to 2012, and between 2007 and 2010 with the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs in the field of development economics, international trade and environmental policy.

Research interests

Her research interests relate to the theoretical debates on political economy, inequality, growth and distribution as well as to applied areas of international development (Central Asia in particular), gender and feminist economics, labour and work, the welfare state and social policy, agro-industrial policy and innovation, food systems, global value chains and research methods in Economics.  

Teaching interests

At the OU she has been chairing/teaching on the following modules:

- DD321 Economics for a Changing World 

- DD309 Doing Economics: People, Markets and Policy

- DD126 Economics in Context

- Post-graduate Convenor for Economics 


She has taught at the University of London (SOAS, City) on


- Environmental Economics

- Political Economy of Agriculture and Food

- Political Economy of Development

- Gender Economics

- Research Methods


-Introduction to Economic Analysis

-Introduction to Macroeconomics


PhD supervised:

Celia Bartlett (DPP) "From Ethical to Political? Consumerism and Gender"

Olga Yan (DPP) "Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Enterprises in Europe"

Impact and engagement

Policy/Working Papers:

Werner N., Cozzolino A., Fiorillo M., Lombardozzi L., Olmos (2019) 'European Economic Democracy A new path out of the crisis' FEPS Study, Brussels 

Pitts H., Lombardozzi L., Werner N., (2017) “Beyond Basic Income: Overcoming the crisis of social Democracy?”, FEPS study, Brussels

Lombardozzi, L. (2016), “Are distortions good for development? Structural transformations and cotton in Uzbekistan”, SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, No. 193, The School of Oriental and African Studies

Lombardozzi L., G. Bottos, T. Havlin, B.Balev, (2016) “From class struggle to struggling with class. Is class still a valid analytical category for understanding inequality in Europe? How can it help shape progressive politics? , FEPS study, Brussels

Lombardozzi L. “Review article: (2020) "Markets Threads: How cotton farmers and traders create a global commodity” Historical Materialism, available at;

Blogs and podcasts:

Lombardozzi, L. (13 May 2021) "IKD PhD Hub on gender and social policy" available at 

Lombardozzi, L (2021) with Stevano, S., Mezzadri, A., Bargawi, H.  "Social reproduction and a just post-COVID world" 8 March 2021 SOAS Blog available at Also published in Development Economics on 23 March 2021. 

Lombardozzi, L. (2020) "Separated under the Same Roof: The Revived Relationships of State-Market Institutions" 27 July, 2020 Developing Economics. Available at

Lombardozzi, L. (2020) "Neoliberal Digitalism: The Gig Economy in the Global South" Issue 12 Futures of Work, - Available at

Lombardozzi L. & Huber M. (2020) "COVID-19 shows why we must socialize the food system" in Social scientific research in the time of COVID-19, vlog available at

Lombardozzi, L. (2020) "Interdisciplinary research routes on gender and social policy" - Available at

Lombardozzi, L. (2020) "World Access to Higher Education Day - The power of education" - Available at

Lombardozzi, L (2019) "Will Universal Basic income set us free?" A Correction Podcast - Available at

Lombardozzi, L. (2019) "Building a BRI Network at The Open University" Available at

Lombardozzi, L., Warner, N. (2019) "European economic democracy: a path out of the crisis". Social Europe. Available at 

Lombardozzi, L (2019) "Mind the Gap: Addressing the Class Dimension in Higher Education" Developing Economics - Available at

Lombardozzi, L (2019) "Launch of the Gender and Social Policy Network at the OU" 

Lombardozzi, L. (2019) "The not-so-secret winners and losers behind the T-shirt value chain- It is time to change the rules of the game" LSE International Development.  Available at:

Lombardozzi, L. Pitts, FH (2018) "Abstract and concrete universals: basic services, basic infrastructure, basic income". Issue 4 Futures of Work - Available at

Pitts, FH, Warner, N & Lombardozzi, L, (2017), ‘Why basic income alone will not be a panacea to social insecurity’. LSE Politics & Policy Blog - Available at 

Lombardozzi, L, (2016) ‘Inside the housing block: Impressions of London and Tashkent’. Retrograd - Available at


External collaborations

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

- Member of the 'Teaching Political Economy Working Group' convening committee of IIPPE International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy  

- Member of FEPS Next Left Research Programme Political Economy Working Group

- Lead of 'Gender and Social Policy' IKD Research Theme

- Affiliated Lecturer in Development Studies, University of Cambridge and researcher at Cambridge Central Asia Forum

- Member of Futures of Work advisory board



Externally funded projects

English -Medium Education in Low and Middle Income Contexts: Enabler or Barrier to Gender Equality?
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 202229 Mar 2024British Council

Examining gender and English as a medium of education (EME) in low and middle income contexts.


The social reproduction of (and through) food: Agrarian change in Uzbekistan (2024)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Journal of Agrarian Change, Article e12580 ((Early access))

The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation (2024)
Calabrese, Linda; Jenkins, Rhys and Lombardozzi, Lorena
The European Journal of Development Research, 36 (pp. 515-547)

Structural Transformation Through a Multi-vector Geo-economic Governance? BRI and Upgrading of the Uzbek Gas Industry (2024)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
The European Journal of Development Research, 36(3) (pp. 695-717)

The andro-white marketization of volunteer and community services: A case study of London’s social reproduction crisis (2023-03-02)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Geoforum, 140, Article 103697

An historical analysis of state capitalism through structural transformation: the case of Uzbekistan (2023)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Globalizations ((Early access))

Untangling the nexus between marketization, crop diversity, farmers’ wealth, and nutrition: the case of Uzbekistan (2023)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Journal of International Development, 36(2) (pp. 1489-1506)

Educación en inglés y la perpetuación de la desigualdad de las niñas: inversión parental y aspiraciones de género en Nepal [English education and the perpetuation of girls' inequality: parental investment and gender aspirations in Nepal] (2023)
Hultgren, Anna Kristina; Upadhaya, Anu; O'Hagan, Lauren Alex; Wingrove, Peter; Adamu, Amina; Greenfield, Anne-Mari; Lombardozzi, Lorena; Sah, Pramod; Tsiga, Ismaila; Umar, Aishat and Wolfenden, Freda
Cuadernos de pedagogía, 2023(543)

The marketisation of life: entangling social reproduction theory and regimes of patriarchy through women’s work in post-Soviet Uzbekistan (2022)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Review of International Political Economy, 29(6) (pp. 1870-1893)

Can self-sufficiency policy improve food security? An inter-temporal assessment of the wheat value-chain in Uzbekistan (2021)
Lombardozzi, Lorena and Djanibekov, Nodir
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62(1)

Unpacking state-led upgrading: empirical evidence from the Uzbek horticulture value chain governance (2021)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Review of International Political Economy, 28(4) (pp. 947-973)

Hidden Abodes in Plain Sight: the Social Reproduction of Households and Labor in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
Stevano, Sara; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Lombardozzi, Lorena and Bargawi, Hannah
Feminist Economics, 27(1-2) (pp. 271-287)

Patterns of accumulation and social differentiation through a slow-paced agrarian market transition: the case of post-Soviet Uzbekistan (2020-10)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Journal of Agrarian Change, 20(4) (pp. 637-658)

Gender Inequality, Social Reproduction and the Universal Basic Income (2020-06-15)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Political Quarterly, 91(2) (pp. 317-323)

[Book Review] Transition Economies: transformation, development and society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union by Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Routledge, 2018 (2020-06)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Review of Radical Political Economics, 52(2) (pp. 347-350)

Social Form, Social Reproduction and Social Policy: Basic Income, Basic Services, Basic Infrastructure (2020)
Lombardozzi, Lorena and Pitts, Frederick Harry
Capital and Class, 44(4) (pp. 573-594)

Can distortions in agriculture support structural transformation? The case of Uzbekistan (2019)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Post-Communist Economies, 31(1) (pp. 52-74)

Speenhamland, Automation and the Basic Income: A warning from history? (2017)
Pitts, Frederick Harry; Lombardozzi, Lorena and Warner, Neil
Renewal, 25(3-4) (pp. 145-155)

Paul Shaffer: Q-Squared: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Poverty Analysis. (2017)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
Economic Issues, 22(1) (pp. 120-122)

COVID-19 in an African Context: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About the Development Economics Curriculum and the Need for Reform (2023-07-29)
Deane, Kevin; Chukwuma, Julia and Lombardozzi, Lorena
In: Yusuf, Abdullah; Morelli, Carlo and Feraboli, Omar eds. Post-Crash Economics and the Covid Emergency in the Global Economy (pp. 49-68)
ISBN : 978-3-031-31604-3 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan

Re-centring Value in the EU: a Care and Ecological-led Economy (2022-12)
Lombardozzi, L.
In: Schieder, A.; Andor, L.; Maltschnig, M. and Skrzypek, A. eds. Progressivism after COVID: Experiences, Impulses, Ideas. Next Left (pp. 149-170)
ISBN : 978-2-930769-77-6 | Publisher : FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Renner Institut | Published : Brussels

La donna propone, l'UE dispone: l'impatto di genere delle politiche di austerita' nell' Unione Europea (2021-03-29)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
In: Giannone, Diego and Cozzolino, Adriano eds. Fratture Nell' Unione. Globus (pp. 195-211)
ISBN : 9788857575384 | Publisher : Mimesis

From Marx's 'Double Freedom’ to ‘Degrees of Unfreedom’: Methodological Insights from the Study of Uzbekistan’s Agrarian Labour (2021-02)
Lombardozzi, Lorena
In: Mezzadri, Alessandra ed. Marx in the Field. Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development (pp. 147-159)
ISBN : 9781785274497 | Publisher : Anthem Press | Published : London