Peter Hegarty is a social psychologist and historian of psychology whose interests cluster around sexuality and gender, cognition and language. He studied at Trinity College Dublin and Stanford University and worked at the City University of New York, Yale University, the University of Surrey, the University of Michigan and Université Libre de Bruxelles prior to joining the Open University in 2020. Details of his latest work are on his Google Scholar profile, his oral history is available at Psychology’s Feminist Voices, and videos featuring Peter are collated on his YouTube channel.
Peter’s research interests are broad ranging. In social psychology, he has researched how markers of social status - such as gender, ‘race’ and sexuality - bias scientific thinking about group differences and the development of research hypotheses. He has also examined the relationship between essentialist thinking and prejudice, considering both the psychology of those who stereotype and those targeted by stereotypes. He investigated the drawing and interpretation of gender difference graphs as ways as a way to evidence how embodied cognition impacts scientific reasoning.
Peter is the author of three books on the history of psychology;
Gentlemen’s Disagreement: Alfred Kinsey, Lewis Terman, and the Sexual Politics of Smart Men (University of Chicago, 2013),
A Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology: From Homophobia to LGBT (Routledge, 2017). Winner of the distniguished book award from Division 44 of the American Psychological Association (2018).
A Feminist Companion to Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology (CHIP) co-authored with Katherine Hubbard (Open University Press, 2024).
Peter was an associate editor of the 2022 Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology, Volumes I-IV (pp. 1-2218), and has guest edited/co-edited special issues and features in the journals American Psychologist, Feminism & Psychology, History of Psychology, Memory Studies, Psychology & Sexuality, and Psychology of Sexualities Review.
Peter has long been active in the emerging field of intersex studies. Peter was part of the SENS collaboration, who used qualitative methods to describe how young people and their parents & healthcare professionals make sense of diverse sex development. He supervised the Wellcome Trust University Award Intersex UK: A History for the Age of Consensus at the University of Surrey (2015-2020) and co-organized the 2016 conference After the Recognition of Intersex Human Rights, as part of that project. Peter has used focus groups, surveys and experiments to map public understanding of intersex in the UK and the USA. He recently collaborated with Sam Vaughan to critically examine how market-leading psychology textbooks teach psychology students about intersex variations. He currently chairs the steering group of the professional group PSI- I (Psychosocial Studies Intersex - International), and serves both on the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Differences of Sex Development, and on the Executive Committee of the UK Charity Icon UK.
Peter leads the Qualification MSc in Psychology (Conversion) and has been involved in the production of its first module Critically Exploring Psychology 1. Whilst he was co-director of the Open Psychology Research Centre from 2020-2024 he lead the development of the OPRC Collaboration Laboratory (ColLab).
Peter has supervised or co-supervised fifteen PhD dissertations in Psychology, and has co-published with all of his past Phd students. He received the 2017 BPS Award for Promoting Equality of Opportunity in Psychology in recognition of his work in supporting diverse early career researchers in Psychology. He developed and co-directed the University of Michigan International Summer Institutes in LGBT Psychology (2008-2010), which was the largest training institute for early career researchers in LGBT psychology in the world. In 2020 he directed the European Association of Social Psychology Summer School during the COVID-19 pandemic, He lead the career development planning of fifteen PhD fellows in the European Training Network G-VERSITY (2020-2024). His current PhD students are Marie Lou Nussbaum (University of Berne, Switzerland), and Shannon O' Rourke (Open University, UK).
Peter has a long history of service to the field. He is a past associate editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology Social and Personality Psychology Compass, and British Journal of Social Psychology. In 2004, he was the first person to be elected to chair the BPS Psychology of Sexualities Section. He was a contributing author to the 2012 BPS Guidelines for Therapeutic Treatment of Sexual and Gender Minority Clients. Peter has spoken at the London Science Museum, the Cheltenham Literary and Science Festivals, the Surrey History Centre, the Sick! Festival, the Institute for Historical Research, the Royal Society of Medicine, and at events organized by the Ozanne Foundation, In 2021, he was invited to speak on LGBTQ history on the APA podcast series Speaking of Psychology. He is currently on the advisory committee of the British Psychological Society's History of Psychology Centre.
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Oct 2020 | 30 Sep 2024 | EC (European Commission): FP (inc. Horizon Europe, H2020, ERC) |
The European Training Network (ETN) G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral training network for early stage researchers. G-VERSITY aims at fostering new kinds of expertise and jobs needed in Europe to help employers overcome the underrepresentation of women, men, and sexual and gender minority Groups (SGMs). The network constitutes a prototype for innovative doctoral training on gender diversity research. G-VERSITY joins 8 leading European research groups from psychology, education, management, business administration, media and communication studies with 7 non-academic partners, including a company working on the global certification for workplace gender equality, a city administration, a public broadcasting service, a media training centre, and 3 non-profit organisations. G-VERSITY will (1) determine how significant background factors affect educational and professional pathways of women, men, and SGMs, and (2) produce scientifically based interventions for use in the workplace—including workshops, guidelines, and training materials, to be applied by employers to attain gender diversity. G-VERSITY’s innovative practical toolbox with applicable knowledge for attaining gender diversity will be designed for use (a) by the public sector such as by policy makers, schools, and the media, and (b) by commercial and non-profit companies in recruitment, retention, and career advancement. The training consists of collaborative supervision of 15 individual research projects by academic and nonacademic partners including mandatory intersectoral secondments, which will maximize early-stage researchers’ employability in academic and non-academic sectors. G-VERSITY’s results and activities will be widely communicated to the scientific community and society, for instance, through its interactive web platform SOLUTIONS, and improve the scientific and the public’s understanding of gender diversity. |
Gender-critical or gender-inclusive? Radical feminism is associated with positive attitudes toward trans* people and their rights (2024-10)
Sarter, Emma; Hegarty, Peter and Casini, Annalisa
Sex Roles, 90 (pp. 1301-1325)
Understanding variations in LGBTIQ+ acceptance across space and time: The importance of norm perceptions and political dynamics (2024-09)
Sweigart, Michael M; Galván-Hernández, Danna; Hässler, Tabea; Hegarty, Peter; Kite, Mary E; Ofuso, Eugene K; Ünsal, Banu C and Eisner, Léïla
Journal of Social Issues, 80(3) (pp. 1112-1131)
Embodied standpoints in gender difference graphs and tables: When, where, and why are men still prioritized? (2024-02)
Hegarty, Peter and Parr, Amy
Feminism and Psychology, 34(1) (pp. 26-46)
Intersex in the USA's best-selling undergraduate psychology textbooks: Uneven critique in an ongoing scientific and ethical crisis (2024)
Hegarty, Peter and Vaughan, Sam
Sex Roles, 90 (pp. 475-489)
Understanding Auditory Gaydar Experiences of Lesbian Women and Gay Men (2024)
Fasoli, Fabio; Hegarty, Peter; O'Rourke, Shannon and Frost, David
Psychology & Sexuality, 15(4) (pp. 572-587)
Intersex in the USA’s best-selling undergraduate psychology textbooks: Uneven critique in an ongoing scientific and ethical crisis (2024)
Hegarty, Peter and Vaughan, Sam
Sex Roles, 90 (pp. 475-489)
[Book Review] What Haunts Intersex Studies? (2024)
Hegarty, Peter; Griffiths, David A; Prandelli, Marta and Smith, Annette
Sociology ((Early access))
The psychology of people with variable sex characteristics/intersex (2023-02)
Hegarty, Peter
Current Opinion in Psychology, 49, Article 101539
Public understanding of intersex: an update on recent findings (2023)
Hegarty, Peter and Smith, Annette
International Journal of Impotence Research, 35 (pp. 72-77)
Whose responsibility is it to talk with children and young people about intersex/differences in sex development? Young people’s, caregivers’ and health professionals’ perspectives (2023)
Roen, Katrina; Lundberg, Tove; Hegarty, Peter and Liao, Lih-Mei
Frontiers in Urology, 3, Article 1089198
Sounds Like There Was No Sexual Orientation Discrimination? Attributions to Discrimination on the Basis of Auditory Gaydar (2023)
Hegarty, Peter and Fasoli, Fabio
Journal of Homosexuality, 71(10) (pp. 2319-2340)
Psychologising meritocracy: A historical account of its many guises (2022-04)
Trevisan, Francesca; Rusconi, Patrice; Hanna, Paul and Hegarty, Peter
Theory & Psychology, 32(2) (pp. 221-242)
Between cultural relativism and liberal ethnocentrism: What does Saudi Arabia tell us about cultural variation in moral identity and prejudice? (2021-04)
AlSheddi, Mona; Russell, Pascale Sophie and Hegarty, Peter
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(4) (pp. 384-398)
Drawing the Line Between Essential and Nonessential Interventions on Intersex Characteristics With European Health Care Professionals (2021-03-01)
Hegarty, Peter; Prandelli, Marta; Lundberg, Tove; Liao, Lih-Mei; Creighton, Sarah and Roen, Katrina
Review of General Psychology, 25(1) (pp. 101-114)
Editorial Introduction. Intersex: cultural and social perspectives (2021)
Monro, Surya; Carpenter, Morgan; Crocetti, Daniela; Davis, Georgiann; Garland, Fae; Griffiths, David; Hegarty, Peter; Travis, Mitchell; Cabral Grinspan, Mauro and Aggleton, Peter
Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23(4) (pp. 431-440)
How young people talk about their variations in sex characteristics: making the topic of intersex talkable via sex education (2021)
Lundberg, Tove; Roen, Katrina; Kraft, Carina and Hegarty, Peter
Sex Education, 21(5) (pp. 552-567)
Love is heterosexual‐by‐default: Cultural heterosexism in default prototypes of romantic love (2021)
Thorne, Sapphira R.; Hegarty, Peter and Hepper, Erica G.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(2) (pp. 653-677)
No country for old gay men: Age and sexuality category intersection renders older gay men invisible (2021)
Carnaghi, Andrea; Rusconi, Patrice; Bianchi, Mauro; Fasoli, Fabio; Coladonato, Rosandra and Hegarty, Peter
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(4) (pp. 964-989)
Stigmatization of ‘gay‐sounding’ voices: The role of heterosexual, lesbian, and gay individuals’ essentialist beliefs (2021)
Fasoli, Fabio; Hegarty, Peter and Frost, David M.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(3) (pp. 826-850)
Understanding of intersex: The meanings of umbrella terms and opinions about medical and social responses among laypeople in the United States and United Kingdom. (2021)
Hegarty, Peter; Donnelly, Lois; Dutton, Paul Francis; Gillingham, Sara; Vecchietti, Valentino and Williams, Kaz
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(1) (pp. 25-37)
An experimental philosophical bioethical study of how human rights are applied to clitorectomy on infants identified as female and as intersex (2021)
Smith, Annette and Hegarty, Peter
Culture, Health & Sexuality, 23(4) (pp. 548-563)
LGB+ and heterosexual-identified people produce similar analogies to intersex but have different opinions about its medicalisation (2021)
Kingsbury, Haley and Hegarty, Peter
Psychology & Sexuality, 13(3) (pp. 535-549)
Viral forgetting, or how to have ignorance in an syndemic (2021)
Hegarty, Peter and Rollins, Joe
Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23(11) (pp. 1545-1558)
Perceptions of coordinated movement (2020-12)
Gentle, Judith; Shaheen, Aliah; Tunstall, Darren and Hegarty, Peter
Human Movement Science, 74(102711)
Psychology’s history of sexual harassment persists into the present (2020-06)
Young, J. and Hegarty, P.
The Psychologist, 33(6) (pp. 40-45)
Heroes against homophobia: does elevation uniquely block homophobia by inhibiting disgust? (2020)
Bartoş, Sebastian E.; Russell, Pascal Sophie and Hegarty, Peter
Cognition and Emotion, 34(6) (pp. 1123-1142)
How does culture shape our moral identity? Moral foundations in Saudi Arabia and Britain (2020)
AlSheddi, Mona; Russell, Sophie and Hegarty, Peter
European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(1) (pp. 97-110)
Strangers and States: Situating Accentism in a World of Nations (2020)
Hegarty, Peter
Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39(1) (pp. 172-179)
How Has Cultural Heterosexism Affected Thinking about Divorce? Asymmetric Framing of Same-Gender and Mixed-Gender Divorces in News Media and in Minds (2020)
Hegarty, Peter; Szczerba, Aleksandra and Skelton, Rebecca
Journal of Homosexuality, 67(8) (pp. 1118-1134)
A Leader Doesn’t Sound Lesbian!: The Impact of Sexual Orientation Vocal Cues on Heterosexual Persons’ First Impression and Hiring Decision (2019-12-09)
Fasoli, Fabio and Hegarty, Peter
Psychology of Women Quarterly (p 36168431989116)
Histories of psychology after Stonewall: Introduction to the special issue. (2019-11)
Hegarty, Peter and Rutherford, Alexandra
American Psychologist, 74(8) (pp. 857-867)
Sounding Gay, Speaking as a “Fag”: Auditory Gaydar and the Perception of Reclaimed Homophobic Language (2019-10-01)
Fasoli, Fabio; Hegarty, Peter and Carnaghi, Andrea
Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 38(5-6) (pp. 798-808)
Same clinic, different conceptions: Drug users’ and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of how stigma may affect clinical care (2019-08-08)
Salamat, Samantha; Hegarty, Peter and Patton, Robert
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(8) (pp. 534-545)
Inequality brokered (2019-05-07)
Hegarty, Peter
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(19) (pp. 9152-9154)
Moving intersex/DSD rights and care forward: Lay understandings of common dilemmas (2019-05-04)
Lundberg, Tove; Dønåsen, Ingrid; Hegarty, Peter and Roen, Katrina
Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1) (pp. 354-377)
How do we ‘other’? (2019-05)
Hegarty, P.
The Psychologist, 32(4) (pp. 48-51)
Equality in Theory: From a Heteronormative to an Inclusive Psychology of Romantic Love (2019-04-01)
Thorne, Sapphira; Hegarty, Peter and Hepper, Erica
Theory & Psychology, 29(1) (pp. 240-257)
Stigma as framed on YouTube: Effects of personal experiences videos on students’ beliefs about medicalizing intersex (2019-01-21)
Hegarty, P.; Smith, A. and Bogan-Carey, T.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(3) (pp. 133-144)
Negotiating Theory When Doing Practice: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research on Interventions to Reduce Homophobia (2019)
Bartos, Sebastian E. and Hegarty, Peter
Journal of Homosexuality, 66(9) (pp. 1262-1286)
Is homonationalism influencing public opinion? Experimental and survey evidence from the UK and Romania (2019)
Bartos, Sebastian E.; Fife-Schaw, Chris and Hegarty, Peter
Psychology of Sexualities Review, 10(1) (pp. 20-35)
Clitoral surgery on minors: an interview study with clinical experts of differences of sex development (2019)
Liao, Lih-Mei; Hegarty, Peter; Creighton, Sarah; Lundberg, Tove and Roen, Katrina
BMJ Open, 9, Article e025821(6)
Reasonable men: Sexual harassment and norms of conduct in social psychology (2019)
Young, Jacy L and Hegarty, Peter
Feminism & Psychology, 29(4) (pp. 453-474)
Who Wants to Sound Straight? Sexual Majority and Minority Stereotypes, Beliefs and Desires About Auditory Gaydar (2018-08-01)
Fasoli, Fabio; Hegarty, Peter; Maass, Anne and Antonio, Raquel
Personality and Individual Differences, 130 (pp. 59-64)
Shaping parents, shaping penises: How medical teams frame parents’ decisions in response to hypospadias (2018-07-27)
Roen, Katrina and Hegarty, Peter
British Journal of Health Psychology, 23(4) (pp. 967-981)
Making sense of ‘Intersex’ and ‘DSD’: how laypeople understand and use terminology (2018-03-20)
Lundberg, T; Hegarty, Peter and Roen, K
Psychology and Sexuality, 9(2) (pp. 161-173)
Commemoration in crisis: A discursive analysis of who ‘we’ and ‘they’ have been or become in ceremonial political speeches before and during the Greek financial downturn (2018-02-17)
Gkinopoulos, Theofilos and Hegarty, Peter
British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(3) (pp. 591-609)
Vaginal construction and treatment providers’ experiences: a qualitative analysis (2018-01-12)
Roen, Katrina; Creighton, Sarah M.; Hegarty, Peter and Liao, Lih-Mei
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 31(3) (pp. 247-251)
The Influence of Magazines on Men: Normalizing and Challenging Young Men’s Prejudice with ‘Lads’ Mags’ (2018-01)
Hegarty, Peter; Stewart, A; Blockmans, IGE and Horvath, MAH
Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 19(1) (pp. 131-144)
Rorschach tests and Rorschach vigilantes: Queering the history of Psychology in Watchmen (2017-09-26)
Hubbard, Katherine and Hegarty, Peter
History of the Human Sciences, 30(4) (pp. 75-99)
Long Live the King! Beginnings Loom Larger than Endings of Past and Recurrent Events (2017-03-06)
Teigen, K. N.; Böhm, G; Bruckmüller, S; Hegarty, P. and Luminet, O.
Cognition, 163 (26 - 41)
From Knowing Nothing to Knowing What, How and Now: Parents' Experiences of Caring for their Children With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. (2017-02-03)
Lundberg, T; Lindström, A; Roen, K and Hegarty, P
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42(5) (pp. 520-529)
On the Failure to Notice that White People are White: Generating and Testing Hypotheses in the Celebrity Guessing Game (2017)
Hegarty, Peter
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(1) (pp. 41-62)
When do past events require explanation? Insights from social psychology (2017)
Bruckmüller, Susanne; Hegarty, Peter; Teigen, Karl Halvor; Böhm, Gisela and Luminet, Olivier
Memory Studies, 10(3) (pp. 261-273)
Straight talk about gaydar: How do individuals guess others’ sexual orientation? (2017)
Fasoli, F. and Hegarty, P.
InMInd, 7(34)
Historical cognition’s dilemmas: Introduction to the special issue—recent advances in historical cognition (2017)
Hegarty, Peter and Klein, Olivier
Memory Studies, 10(3) (pp. 243-248)
Hindsight 40 years on: An interview with Baruch Fischhoff (2017)
Klein, Olivier; Hegarty, Peter and Fischhoff, Baruch
Memory Studies, 10(3) (pp. 249-260)
The machines of sex research: Technology and the politics of identity, 1945-1985, by Donna Drucker (2016-06)
Hegarty, P. J.
Isis: A Journal of The History of Science Society, 107(2) (433 - 435)
Blots and all: A British history of the Rorschach (2016-02-28)
Hubbard, K. and Hegarty, P. J.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 52(2) (146 - 166)
Brains, variability and inheritance: The continued relevance of Shields 1975 in 21st century times. (2016-02-21)
Hegarty, P. J.
Feminism & Psychology, 26(3) (346 - 352)
[Book review] Living in an asymmetrical world: how writing direction affects thought and action, by Anne Maass, Caterina Suitner, and Jean-Pierre Deconchy (2014) (2015-09)
Hegarty, P.
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 20(5) (639 - 641)
A postcolonial feminist critique of harem analogies in psychological science (2015-08-21)
Bharj, N. and Hegarty, P. J.
Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3(1) (257 - 275)
A genealogy of postmodern subjects: Discourse analysis and late capitalism (2015-06-01)
Hayter, D and Hegarty, P
Theory & Psychology, 25(3) (369 - 387)
Insisting on the unthinkable: A reply to Wetherell and Potter (2015-06-01)
Hayter, D and Hegarty, P
Theory & Psychology, 25(3) (396 - 402)
Is the left hemisphere androcentric? Evidence of the learned categorical perception of gender (2015-03-05)
Thorne, S.; Hegarty, P. and Catmur, C.
Laterality, 20(5) (571 - 584)
Innovative approaches to teaching CHIP: An introduction to the Special Issue (2015)
Hegarty, P. J.; Hubbard, K. and Nyatanga, L.
History and Philosophy of Psychology, 16(1) (1 - 3)
Methodologies of misgendering: Recommendations for reducing cisgenderism in psychological research (2014-05-01)
Ansara, Y. G. and Hegarty, P.
Feminism & Psychology, 24(2) (259 - 270)
Why is the history of heterosexuality essential? Beliefs about the history of heterosexuality and homosexuality and their relationship to sexual prejudice. (2014-02-28)
Hubbard, K. and Hegarty, P. J.
Journal of Homosexuality, 61(4) (471 - 490)
The need for historical understanding in the psychology of peace and conflict (2014-01-01)
Hegarty, P.
Peace and Conflict: journal of peace psychology, 20(3) (337 - 340)
Interventions to Reduce Sexual Prejudice: A Study-Space Analysis and Meta-Analytic Review (2014)
Bartoş, Sebastian E.; Berger, Israel and Hegarty, Peter
The Journal of Sex Research, 51(4) (pp. 363-382)
Misgendering in English language contexts: Applying non-cisgenderist methods to feminist research (2013-12-01)
Ansara, YG and Hegarty, P
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7(2) (160 - 177)
Public engagement, knowledge transfer, and impact validity (2013-12)
Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Hegarty, Peter; Barker, Meg and Richards, Christina
Journal of Social Issues, 69(4) (pp. 664-683)
Deconstructing the ideal of fidelity: A view from LGB psychology. (2013-12)
Hegarty, P. J.
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13(1) (31 - 33)
Maintaining distinctions under threat: Heterosexual men endorse the biological theory of sexuality when equality is the norm (2013-10)
Falomir-Pichastor, J.M. and Hegarty, P.
British Journal of Social Psychology
Who cares? UK lesbian caregivers in a heterosexual world (2013-10)
Hegarty, P. J. and Parslow, O.
Women's Studies International Forum, 40 (78 - 86)
Teaching & learning guide for asymmetric explanations of group differences: Experimental evidence of foucault's disciplinary power (2013-09)
Hegarty, P. and Bruckmüller, S.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(9) (701 - 705)
Asymmetric explanations of group differences: Experimental evidence of Foucault's disciplinary power in social psychology. (2013-03-05)
Hegarty, P. J. and Bruckmueller, S.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(3) (176 - 186)
Essential differences? Constructing frames of reference in spontaneous explanations of differences between the British and the Irish. (2013-01-14)
Hegarty, P. J.
Irish Journal of Psychology, 34(1) (35 - 48)
Can Biology Make You Gay (Friendly)? (2013)
Hegarty, P. J.
Getting Miles away from Terman: Did the CRPS found Catharine Cox Milex Unsilenced Psychology of Sex? (2012-08)
Hegarty, P. J.
History of Psychology, 15(3) (201 - 208)
Fostering research collaborations in LGBT psychology: An introduction to the special issue (2012-07-13)
Curtin, N.; Hegarty, P. J. and Stewart, A. J.
Psychology and Sexuality, 3(3) (187 - 194)
Charlotte Wolff’s Contribution to Bisexual History and to (Sexuality) Theory and Research: A Reappraisal for Queer Times (2012-01-01)
Brennan, T. and Hegarty, P. J.
Journal of the History of Sexuality, 21(1) (141 - 161)
Beyond Kinsey: The Committee for Research on Problems of Sex and American Psychology. (2012)
Hegarty, P. J.
History of Psychology, 15(3) (pp. 197-200)
Cisgenderism in psychology: Pathologizing and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008 (2012)
Ansara, Y. G. and Hegarty, P. J.
Psychology and Sexuality, 3(2) (137 - 160)
Framing gender differences: Linguistic normativity affects perceptions of power and gender stereotypes (2012)
Bruckmüller, S.; Hegarty, P. and Abele, A. E.
European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(2) (210 - 218)
The consequences of predicting scientific impact in psychology using journal impact factors. (2012)
Hegarty, P. J. and Walton, Z.
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(1) (72 - 78)
"Lights on at the end of the party": Are lads' mags mainstreaming dangerous sexism? (2011-12-13)
Horvath, M. A. H.; Hegarty, P.; Typer, S. and Mansfield, S.
British Journal of Psychology
“Private Practices: Harry Stack Sullivan, the Science of Homosexuality and American Liberalism” by Naoko Wake. (2011-07-25)
Hegarty, P. J.
Teachers College Record
"What Blokes Want Lesbians to be": On FHM and the socialization of pro-lesbian attitudes among heterosexual-identified men (2011-05)
Hegarty, P. J. and Buechel, C.
Feminism & Psychology, 21(2) (240 - 247)
When gentlemen are first and ladies are last: Effects of gender stereotypes on the order of romantic partners' names (2011-03-02)
Hegarty, P. J.; Watson, N.; Fletcher, L. and McQueen, G.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(1) (21 - 35)
Becoming curious: An invitation to the special issue on Queer Theory and Psychology (2011-01-13)
Hegarty, P. J.
Psychology and Sexuality, 2(1) (1 - 3)
Sexuality, normality, intelligence. What is queer theory up against? (2011-01-13)
Hegarty, P. J.
Psychology and Sexuality, 2(1) (45 - 57)
Charlotte Wolff and lesbian history: reconfiguring liminality in exile. (2010-12)
Brennan, T. and Hegarty, P.
Journal of Lesbian Studies, 14(4) (338 - 358)
Discourses of friendship between heterosexual women and gay men: mythical norms and an absence of desire (2010-05)
Shepperd, D.; Coyle, A. and Hegarty, P.
Feminism & Psychology, 20(2) (205 - 224)
Graphing the order of the sexes: Constructing, recalling, interpreting, and putting the self in gender difference graphs (2010-03-01)
Hegarty, P. J.; Lemieux, A. and McQueen, G.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(3) (375 - 391)
“Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex” by Elizabeth Reis. (2010)
Hegarty, P. J.
History and Philosophy of Psychology, 12(2) (90 - 92)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender psychology: An international conversation among researchers (2010)
Adams, J.; Blair, K. L.; Borrero-Bracero, N.; Espin, O.; Hayfield, N. J.; Hegarty, P. J.; Herrman-Green, L. K.; Hsu, M. H.; Maurer, O.; Manalastas, E. J.; McDermott, D. T. and Shepperd, D.
Psychology and Sexuality, 1(1) (75 - 90)
Man seeks man: Gay men’s profiles on a website as subject production (2010)
Brennan, T. and Hegarty, P. J.
Psychology of Sexualities Review, 1(1) (5 - 18)
A stone in the soup? Changes in sexual prejudice and essentialist beliefs among British students in a class on LGBT psychology (2010)
Hegarty, P. J.
Psychology and Sexuality, 1(1) (3 - 20)
Toward an LGBT-affirmative informed paradigm for children who break gender norms: A comment on Drummond et al (2009-07-01)
Hegarty, P. J.
Developmental Psychology, 45(4) (895 - 900)
Magnus Hirschfeld, his biographies, and the possibilities and boundaries of ‘biography’ as ‘doing history (2009)
Brennan, T and Hegarty, P. J.
History of the Human Sciences, 22(5) (24 - 46)
Attributional Beliefs About the Controllability of Stigmatized Traits: Antecedents or Justifications of Prejudice? (2008-04-01)
Hegarty, P. and Golden, A. M.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(4) (1023 - 1044)
Responses from the Lesbian & Gay Psychology Section to Crossley's 'Making sense of 'barebacking'' (2007)
Barker, Meg; Hagger-Johnson, Gareth; Hegarty, Peter; Hutchison, Craig and Riggs, Damien W.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 46(3) (pp. 667-677)
Slaying the Witch King: Androcentrism in psychology, and the seven habits of anti-normative people. (2007)
Hegarty, P
Dialogue: The Official Newsletter of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 22(1) (6 - 30)
Exploring transsexualism (2007)
Lenihan, P and Hegarty, P
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36(1) (117 - 118)
“Internationalizing the history of psychology” Edited by Adrian Brock. (2007)
Hegarty, PJ
History and Philosophy of Psychology, 9(1) (73 - 76)
Modern prejudice at work: Effects of homonegativeity and perceived erotic value of lesbians and gay men on heterosexuals' reactions to explicit and discrete couples (2007)
Buechel, C and Hegarty, P
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 8 (71 - 82)
Who was Magnus Hirshfeld and why do we need to know? (2007)
Brennan, T and Hegarty, P
History and Philosophy of Psychology, 9(1) (12 - 28)
Why criminalize forced marriage? Islamophobia and assimilation-based justifications. (2007)
McAlpine, C; Gill, A and Hegarty, P
Psychology of Women Section Review, 9(2) (15 - 28)
The history of power (2007)
Hegarty, P
History of Psychology, 10(2) (75 - 226)
Dilemmatic human-animal boundaries in Britain and Romania: Post-materialist and materialist dehumanization (2007)
Marcu, A.; Lyons, E. and Hegarty, P.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 46 (875 - 893)
From genius inverts to gendered intelligence: Lewis Terman and the power of the norm (2007)
Hegarty, P.
History of Psychology, 10(2) (132 - 155)
Getting dirty - Psychology's history of power (2007)
Hegarty, P.
History of Psychology, 10(2) (75 - 91)
When race and gender go without saying (2007)
Pratto, F.; Korchmaros, J. D and Hegarty, P.
Social Cognition, 25(2) (221 - 247)
Public statement on the recognition of same-sex relationships (2006)
Hegarty, Peter; Barker, Meg and McManus, Jim
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 7(2) (pp. 120-122)
Androcentric reporting of gender differences in APA journals: 1965-2004 (2006)
Hegarty, P. and Buechel, C.
Review of General Psychology, 10(4) (377 - 389)
Anti-homosexual prejudice ... as opposed to what? Queer theory and the social psychology of anti-homosexual attitudes (2006)
Hegarty, P. and Massey, S.
Journal of Homosexuality, 52(1-2) (47 - 71)
Predicting opposition to the civil rights of trans persons in the United Kingdom (2006)
Tee, N. and Hegarty, P.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 16(1) (70 - 80)
Prejudice against lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and trans people: A matter of identity, behaviour, or both? (2006)
Hegarty, P.
Sexual Health Matters, 7 (37 - 40)
Speaking of sexual politics in psychology (2006)
Hegarty, P. and Hardman, D.
Psychologist, 19(1) (27 - 29)
Undoing androcentric explanations of gender differences: Explaining 'the effect to be predicted' (2006)
Hegarty, P.
Sex Roles, 55(11-12) (861 - 867)
Weighing the prospects of war (2006)
Pratto, F.; Glasford, D. E. and Hegarty, P.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 9(2) (219 - 233)
Where's the sex in sexual prejudice? (2006)
Hegarty, P.
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 7 (264 - 275)
Queer politics, queer science? Meg Barker in conversation with Peter
Hegarty (2005)
Barker, Meg and Hegarty, Peter
Psychology of Women Section Review, 7(2) (pp. 71-79)
More clarity, please (2005)
Hegarty, P
Psychologist, 18(4) (200 - 200)
An undervalued part of the psychology of gender canon? Reappraising Anne Constantinople's (1973) 'Masculinity-Femininity: An exception to a famous dictum?' (2005)
Hegarty, P. and Coyle, A.
Feminism & Psychology, 15(4) (379 - 383)
Attributing primary and secondary emotions to lesbians and gay men: Denying a human essence or gender stereotyping? (2005)
Brown, N. and Hegarty, P.
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 6 (14 - 20)
Harry Stack Sullivan and his chums: Archive fever in American psychiatry? (2005)
Hegarty, P.
History of the Human Sciences, 18(3) (35 - 53)
Kitzinger's irony: Then and now (2005)
Hegarty, P. J.
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 6 (114 - 116)
Premise-based category norms and the explanation of age differences (2005)
Robinson, E. and Hegarty, P.
New Review of Social Psychology, 4 (138 - 143)
Why "our" policies set the standard more than "theirs": Category norms and generalization between European Union countries (2005)
Hegarty, P. and Chryssochoou, X.
Social Cognition, 23(6) (491 - 528)
Heterosexist ambivalence and heterocentric norms: Drinking in intergroup discomfort (2004)
Hegarty, P.; Pratto, F. and Lemieux, A. F.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 7(2) (119 - 130)
Was he Queer… or just Irish? Reading the Life of Harry Stack Sullivan (2004)
Hegarty, Peter
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 5 (103 - 108)
The differences that norms make: Empiricism, social constructionism, and the interpretation of group differences (2004)
Hegarty, P. and Pratto, F.
Sex Roles, 50(7-8) (445 - 453)
Contingent Differences: An historical note on Evelyn Hooker’s use of significance testing (2003)
Hegarty, P. J.
Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 4 (3 - 7)
Homosexual signs and heterosexual silences: Rorschach research on male homosexuality from 1921 to 1969 (2003)
Hegarty, P.
Journal of the History of Sexuality, 12(3) (400 - 423)
Pointing to a crisis: What finger-length ratios tell us about the construction of sexuality (2003)
Hegarty, P. J.
radical statistics(83) (16 - 30)
An unconventional family (2002)
Hegarty, P; Pratto, F and Crawford, M
Feminism & Psychology, 12(1) (120 - 124)
'It's not a choice, it's the way we're built': Symbolic beliefs about sexual orientation in the US and Britain (2002)
Hegarty, P.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 12(3) (153 - 166)
The effects of social category norms and stereotypes on explanations for intergroup differences (2001-05)
Hegarty, P. and Pratto, F.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(5) (723 - 735)
‘Real science’, deception experiments and the gender of my lab coat: Toward a new laboratory manual for lesbian and gay psychology (2001)
Hegarty, P.
Subjectivity: international journal of critical psychology, 1(4) (91 - 108)
[Book Review] Sciences of the flesh: Representing body and subject in psychoanalysis (2001)
Hegarty, Peter
Journal of the History of Sexuality, 10(1) (140 - 143)
Sexual orientation beliefs: Their relationship to anti-gay attitudes and biological determinist arguments (2001)
Hegarty, P. and Pratto, F.
Journal of Homosexuality, 41(1) (121 - 135)
Intersexed activism, feminism, and psychology: Opening a dialogue on theory, research, and practice (2000-02)
Hegarty, P. J. and Chase, C.
Feminism and Psychology, 10(1) (117 - 132)
Social dominance and the legitimation of inequality across cultures. (2000)
Pratto, F; Liu, JH; Levin, S; Sidanius, J; Shih, M; Bachrach, H and Hegarty, P
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31 (369 - 409)
The political psychology of reproductive strategies (2000)
Pratto, F. and Hegarty, P.
Psychological Science, 11(1) (57 - 62)
Taking intersexuality seriously: A new challenge for lesbian and gay psychology. (1999-01-01)
Hegarty, PJ
newsletter of the BPS Lesbian and Gay Psychology Section(3) (6 - 8)
“Engendering AIDS:” Deconstructing sex, text, and epidemic” by Tamsin Wilton. (1999)
Hegarty, PJ
Journal of Lesbian Studies, 4(3) (152 - 156)
Materializing the hypothalamus: A performative account of the ‘gay brain.’ (1997)
Hegarty, P. J.
Feminism and Psychology, 7(3) (355 - 372)
A Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology (2018)
Hegarty, Peter
ISBN : 9781138679405 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Gentlemen's Disagreement: Alfred Kinsey, Lewis Terman and the Sexual Politics of Smart Men. (2013-05-01)
Hegarty, P. J.
ISBN : 9780226024585 | Publisher : University of Chicago Press | Published : Chicago, IL, USA
Afterword to “Representing Intersex” (2022-01-24)
Hegarty, Peter and North, Chris
In: Walker, Megan ed. Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives on Intersex (pp. 125-137)
ISBN : 9783030914745 | Publisher : Springer
Binomial word order and social status (2016)
Hegarty, P. J.; Mollin, S. and Foels, R.
In: Giles, H. and Maass, A. eds. Advances in Intergroup Communication. Language as Social Action (119 - 135)
ISBN : 9781454190332 | Publisher : Peter Lang Publishing
Social Psychological Theory, History of (2015)
Hegarty, Peter; Bartos, Sebastian E. and Hubbard, Katherine
In: Wright, James D. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition) (pp. 525-531)
ISBN : 978-0-08-097087-5 | Publisher : Elsevier
Gender, race, and ethnic relations (2014-10-10)
Hegarty, P. E. and Bartos, S. E.
In: Nesbitt-Larking, P; Capelos, T and Dekker, H eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology(11) (187 - 187)
ISBN : 978-1137291172 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Houndsmill, UK
Psychology and sexuality in historical time (2013-06-01)
Pettit, M. and Hegarty, P.
In: Tolman, D. and Diamond, L. eds. The Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology
ISBN : 978-1-4338-1369-6 | Publisher : American Psychological Association | Published : Washington, DC, USA
Androcentrism: Changing the landscape without leveling the playing field. (2013-03-01)
Hegarty, P. J.; Parslow, O.; Ansara, Y. G. and Quick, F.
In: Ryan, M. and Branscombe, N. eds. The Sage Handbook on Gender and Psychology
ISBN : 9781446203071 | Publisher : SAGE
Who is the (second) graphed sex and why? The meaning of order in graphs of gender differences. (2011-10-01)
Hegarty, P. J. and Lemieux, A.
In: Schubert, T. and Maass, A. eds. Spatial Dimensions of Social Thought. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL] 18 (325 - 350)
ISBN : 978-3-11-025431-0 | Publisher : Mouton de Gruyter | Published : Berlin
Interpreting and communicating the results of gender-related research (2010-04-30)
Hegarty, P. J. and Pratto, F.
In: Chrisler, J. C. and McCreary, D. R. eds. Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology (191 - 211)
ISBN : 1441913556 | Publisher : Springer Verlag | Published : Berlin
Queerying lesbian and gay psychology’s coming of age: Was the past just kid stuff? (2009-12-19)
Hegarty, P. J.
In: Giffney, N. and O'Rourke, M. eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to Queer Theory (311 - 328)
ISBN : 754671356 | Publisher : Ashgate Pub Co | Published : Aldershot, UK
Who gets stereotyped? How communication practices and category norms lead people to stereotype particular people and groups. (2008)
Pratto, F.; Hegarty, P. and Korchmairos, J.
In: Kashima, Y.; Fiedler, K. and Freytag, P eds. Stereotype dynamics: Language-based approaches to the formation, maintenance, and transformation of stereotypes. (299 - 319)
ISBN : 978-0-8058-5677-4 | Publisher : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | Published : Mahwah, NJ
Queer methodologies (2007-11-08)
Hegarty, P.
In: Moon, LT ed. Feeling queer or queer feelings: Radical approaches to counseling sex, sexualities and genders (125 - 140)
ISBN : 415385202 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
What comes after discourse analysis for LGBTQ psychology? (2007)
Hegarty, P.
In: Peel, E. A. and Clarke, V. C. eds. Out in psychology: LGBTQ Perspectives
Publisher : Wiley and Sons | Published : Chichester
Androcentric preferences for visuospatial representations of gender differences (2006)
Hegarty, P; Buechel, C and Ungar, S
In: Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (263 - 266)
‘More feminine than 999 men out of 1,000:’ The construction of sex roles in psychology. (2003)
Hegarty, P
Publisher : University of Wisconsin Press. | Published : Madison, WI
A Meeting of Minds: Can Cognitive Psychology Meet the Demands of Queer Theory?
Thorne, Sapphira R and Hegarty, Peter
Publisher : Palgrave MacmIllan
Accounts of difference and similarity in friendships between heterosexual women and gay men: a discourse analytic approach. (2006)
Shepperd, D.; Coyle, A. and Hegarty, P.
In : British Psychological Society’s Social Psychology Section Annual Conference (1 Sep 2009, Birmingham)
Choice Matters: Alternative Approaches to Encourage Sustainable Consumption and Production (2006)
Uzzell, D.; Muckle, R.; Jackson, T.; Ogden, J.; Barnett, J.; Gatersleben, B.; Hegarty, P. and Papathanasopoulou, E.
Report to Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London.