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Dr Roosa Lambin

Dr. Roosa Lambin

Profile summary

Professional biography

Dr. Roosa Lambin is a Visiting Research Fellow in Social Policy at the Open University and a Research Associate at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Her work is highly interdisciplinary, and spans across Global Social Policy, Social Protection, Global Health and Philanthropy. She has additional expertise in women's needs and issues in broader social policy models; transnational climate risks and the sub-Saharan African region. Roosa has also experience from working in the UN system, and frequently collaborates with the UNU-WIDER.


Thinking afresh: Closing the global funding gap to realise universal social protection (2024-11-01)
Yeates, Nicola; Lambin, Roosa and Idris, Nabila
Global Social Policy ((Early Access))

Philanthropic donor agencies and social policy in sub-Saharan Africa – New perspectives to the “welfare mix” (2024)
Lambin, Roosa Amanda
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 39(3) (pp. 306-318)

Tanzanian social policy in the new millennium – a cross-sectoral analysis from a gender perspective. (2024)
Lambin, Roosa Amanda and Nyyssölä, Milla
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 44(13/14) (pp. 49-67)

The rise of big philanthropy in global social policy: implications for policy transfer and analysis (2023-07-06)
Lambin, Roosa and Surender, Rebecca
Journal of Social Policy, 52(3) (pp. 602-619)

Incorporating Informal Workers into Social Insurance in Tanzania (2024-05-21)
Lambin, Roosa and Nyyssölä, Milla
In: Yi, Ilcheong; Kaasch, Alexandra and Stetter, Kelly eds. Emerging Trends in Social Policy from the South: Challenges and Innovations in Emerging Economies (pp. 161-185)
ISBN : 978-1447367901 | Publisher : Policy Press

NGOs and their role in the welfare mix (2019)
Jolkkonen, Roosa
In: Midgley, James; Surender, Rebecca and Alfers, Laura eds. Handbook of Social Policy and Development
ISBN : 9781785368431 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing

Big philanthropies as agents of policy circulation in development: examining the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Arenas, Agents and Actions (2019)
Jolkkonen, Roosa
In: Baker, Tom and Walker, Christopher eds. Public Policy Circulation (pp. 73-88)
ISBN : 9781788119153 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing

A global fund for social protection: Lessons from the diverse experiences of global health, agriculture and climate funds (2023-10)
Yeates, Nicola; Holden, Chris; Lambin, Roosa; Snell, Carolyn; Idris, Nabila and Mackinder, Sophie
International Labour Office, Geneva.