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Dr Samuel Sargeant

Profile summary

Professional biography

I began my association with the Open University in 2022 as a Wales based Staff Tutor and Lecturer in Creative Writing. Before joining the English department here, I taught English Literature and Creative Writing at Cardiff University. I have also taught at the Cardiff University International Study Centre where I lectured on Creative Writing, English Literature, Philosophy and Medieval History.

Research interests

My main areas of interest include how narrative structure relates to the nature of genre in Old Norse-Icelandic Sagas. More broadly, I am particularly interested in historiography and its relationship to historical fiction. I am currently researching the samtíðarsögur (contemporary sagas) and how their narrative structures compare to the other saga genres. I am viewing these broadly historiographical texts as acts of creative writing and using them in the development of my third novel set within this period. 

In addition, I have recently developed interests in exploring how Creative Writing can be a useful theraputic tool for visual hallucinations (VH) and how VH has been presented in medieval western literature. 

I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

Genre Writing: Historical Fiction/Fantasy/Science Fiction

Historical Fiction and its Relationship to Historiography

Mental Health and its Presentation within Medieval Western Literature

Theraputic Applications of Creative Writing



Teaching interests

My teaching interests are broadly based around genre writing with a focus upon historical fiction, fantasy and science fiction. I have also taught on late medieval literature in other institutions, including Cardiff University as a Teaching Associate. I currently lecture within Creative Writing and cluster manage A215 and A112 as a Staff Tutor



Visual hallucinations in psychosis: What do people actually see? (2025-03)
Aynsworth, Charlotte; Waite, Felicity; Sargeant, Samuel; Humpston, Clara and Dudley, Robert
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 98 (pp. 58-73)

Crimes of their Brothers (2026)
Sargeant, Samuel
A Saga of Iceland
ISBN : 9781915584939 | Publisher : Neem Tree Press/Unbound (In Press) | Published : London

Faith of their Fathers (2024-07-11)
Sargeant, Samuel
A Saga of Iceland
ISBN : 1915584051 | Publisher : Neem Tree Press | Published : London