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Dr Vicky Roupa

Profile summary

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Professional biography

Dr Vicky Roupa is an Honorary Associate in Philosophy at the Open University. She studied philosophy at the University of Sussex earning her DPhil with a thesis on Hegel and political philosophy. She has taught at the universities of Sussex and Hertfordshire and at the Open University.

Research interests

My main research interests are in 19th century German philosophy (esp. Hegel) and ancient Greek philosophy (esp. Plato). I have also published on contemporary continental philosophy and the intersection of philosophy and literature.

Selected Publications

Authored Book

Articulations of Nature and Politics in Plato and Hegel (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

  • Praise for the book by Gary Browning, Professor of Political Thought, Oxford Brookes University:

“Hegel and Plato are towering figures in the history of philosophy, but often readers puzzle over what they are saying. There are very few books that deal with them clearly and intelligently. Hardly any that do so jointly. This book is exceptional in offering a clear, scholarly and intelligent guide to their work. It focuses upon how Plato and Hegel deal with nature. While recognising the subtlety of Plato and Hegel on nature, Vicky Roupa establishes a nuanced yet clear exposition of their thought. The bonus is that the books is written in a highly readable style. This is a great book!”

  • Review of the book in the Hegel Bulletin (Journal of the Hegel Society of Great Britain) by Giulia Valpione.

Peer-reviewed articles

'Hegel, Absolute Knowing and Epiphany', forthcoming in International Journal of Philosophical Studies.

'Bodies in Public Spaces: Questioning the Boundary Between the Public and the Private', Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory Vol. 23, No. 4 (2022), pp. 346-360.

'Closing the Feedback Loop: Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement With Remotely Delivered Feedback'. Teaching Philosophy Vol. 44, No. 3 (September 2021), pp. 319-38, special issue: "Teaching in a Time of Crisis".

'On Politics as Effectuation: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Encounter with the Hegelian Monarch', Journal for Cultural Research Vol. 9, No. 4 (October 2005).

Book Chapter

 ‘Foolhardy yet Courageous: Is There Such A Thing As Quixotic Virtue?’ in G. Hagberg (ed.) Fictional Worlds and the Moral Imagination (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

Book Reviews

Katharine R. O'Reilly, Caterina Pellò, Ancient women philosophers: recovered ideas and new perspectives. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2024.06.11

.William Desmond, Hegel's Antiquity. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2021.06.08.

Coleen P. Zoller, Plato and the Body: Reconsidering Socratic Asceticism. In Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2019.02.29.

Dennis King Keenan, (ed.), Hegel and Contemporary Continental Philosophy. In Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology vol. 38, no. 3 (2007): 329-331.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Foundations of Natural Right, trans. M. Baur. In Studies in Social and Political Thought 7 (2002): 129-135.

Jean-Luc Nancy, The Speculative Remark: (One of Hegel’s Bons Mots), trans. Céline Surprenant in Textual Practice, vol. 16, no. 2 (2002): 424-8.

Teaching interests

During my time at the University of Hertfordshire I lectured on a number of courses including ‘Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit’, ‘Plato’s Republic’ and ‘Theory of Knowledge’. At the Open University I tutored on AZX103 An Introduction to the Humanities, AA100 Arts Past and Present, AA311 Reading Political Philosophy Machiavelli to Mill, and A222 Exploring Philosophy.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have reviewed papers for Synthese, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Hegel Bulletin, Teaching Philosophy.and Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning.


Articulations of Nature and Politics in Plato and Hegel (2020-09-03)
Roupa, Vicky
ISBN : 9783030521264 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : London

Foolhardy Yet Courageous: Is There Such a Thing as Quixotic Virtue? (2020-12-12)
Roupa, Vicky
In: Hagberg, Garry ed. Fictional Worlds and the Moral Imagination (pp. 19-38)
ISBN : 978-3-030-55049-3 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : London

The Talk You Wish Your Tutors Had Attended (And Your Students Will Be Glad That You Did) (2021)
Roupa, Vicky
In : Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference (1-2 Dec 2021, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)