Emeritus Professor of Philosophy & Intellectual History
I joined The Open University as an economist with an interest in the history of economics within an interdisciplinary context, but over the years my research interests have broadened to intellectual history and philosophy.
PhD, MSc, BSc (Econ), London
The Philosophy of 'Each of Us': Living Plurally in a Shared World
I am currently working on a multidisciplinary book-length project that proposes a new approach to analysing multiple agents involved in shared social phenomena. This project derives from a dissatisfaction with individualist models for analysing multilateral relations among agents in shared social context, yet where collectivist models have difficulty analysing the role of multiple individuals.
The project has been ongoing for a number of years. I started by developing a new ‘intersubjective’ model of agents’ understanding of shared situations in terms of the shared standpoint of ’each of us’. As the notion of ‘each of us’ includes both individual agency (‘each’ is grammatically singular) and ‘us’ (a plurality), it bypasses the individualist-collectivist dichotomy that characterises debates across philosophy and the social sciences.
The current focus of the project derives from the realisation that emphasis on the shared standpoint of ‘each of us’ implies a ‘plural’ approach that rejects ‘philosophical singularism’ which results in multilateral relations being interpreted in unilateral terms. This provides a deeper philosophical framework for the project which applies to a range of shared social phenomena including common belief / knowledge, social norms, collective actions, the so-called ‘collective’ action problem, and strategic games of cooperation, coordination and competition including Hi-Lo and the Prisoners’ Dilemma.
I have a long-standing interest in Adam Smith (eg Brown 1994a, 1997a). Recent work has engaged with agency, intersubjectivity and moral judgment (eg Brown 2009, 2011a, 2012, 2016a).
I am the founding editor of The Adam Smith Review (vols 1-5, 2004-2010, were published during my editorship).
I had planned working towards a collection of essays on Adam Smith, with the working title: Adam Smith: Agency, Ethics and Economics, but this has been derailed by the current project outlined above. Some connections between the two projects are Brown (2011a, 2012).
I also have a long-standing interest in John Locke and in issues of rights and property (eg Brown 1987, 1999a, 2001a, 2006a). I had hoped to return to this work although it too has been derailed by the current project.
My work in intellectual history and the history of economics has raised questions of interpretation, historiography and textuality (eg Brown 1993a, 1994b & d, 2002, 2003, 2007).
'An intersubjective model of agency for game theory', Economics and Philosophy (2020) 36, 355–382; DOI: 10.1017/S0266267119000294. Cambridge Core Share read-only version.
'Intersubjective belief', Episteme (2019) 16: 139-156; doi:10.1017/epi.2017.29. Cambridge Core Share read-only version.
‘The impartial spectator and moral judgment’, Econ Journal Watch (2016a) 13: 232-248, https://econjwatch.org/articles/the-impartial-spectator-and-moral-judgment
'The Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres’, in Adam Smith: His Life, Thought, and Legacy, (2016b) R.P. Hanley (ed.), Princeton University Press, pp. 48–66. preprint
Review of Lisa Herzog (2013) Inventing the Market: Smith, Hegel, and Political Theory, Oxford University Press, in Economics and Philosophy (2015) 31: 305-12.
‘Intersubjectivity and moral judgment in The Theory of Moral Sentiments’, in Intersubjectivity and Objectivity in Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl, (2012) C. Fricke and D. Føllesdal (eds), pp. 243-272, Frankfurt and Paris: Ontos-Verlag. preprint
‘Intersubjectivity, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Prisoners’ Dilemma’, The Adam Smith Review (2011a) 6: 172-90, F. Forman-Barzilai (ed.), Routledge. preprint
‘Pereosmyslivaya “problemu Adama Smita”’, in ISTOKI: sociokulturnaya sreda ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti i ekonomicheskogo poznaniya (2011b) V. Avtonomov, O. Ananyin, I. Boldyrev, L. Vasina, N. Makasheva (eds), Moscow: Higher School of Economics Press, pp. 321-353; ‘Rereading the “Adam Smith problem”’, ISTOKI: Economics in the Cultural Context. preprint
The Philosophy of Adam Smith: The Adam Smith Review. Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of The Theory of Moral Sentiments (2010a) vol. 5, edited with Samuel Fleischacker, Routledge, pp. 266.
Introduction. The Philosophy of Adam Smith: The Adam Smith Review. Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of The Theory of Moral Sentiments (2010b) 5: 1-11, with Samuel Fleischacker, Routledge. .
‘Adam Smith: between morals and markets?’, in Politik Iktisat ve Adam Smith (2010), H. Kapucu, M. Aydin, I. Siriner, F. Morady and Ü. Çetin (eds), Yön Yayinlari: Turkey, pp. 13-22.
‘Agency and discourse: revisiting the Adam Smith problem’, in the Elgar Companion to Adam Smith (2009), J.T. Young (ed.), Edward Elgar, pp. 52-72; preprint
Review of the Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith, K. Haakonssen (ed.), in Economics and Philosophy (2008) 24: 259-65.
'Historical interpretation, intentionalism and philosophy of mind', Journal of the Philosophy of History (2007) 1: 25-62.
‘Rights, liberties and duties: reformulating Hohfeld’s scheme of legal relations?’, Current Legal Problems 2006a, (2005) 58: 343-68
'Choice, moral responsibility and alternative possibilities', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2006b) 9: 265-88.
Reprint of ‘Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought’, in Recent Developments in Economic Methodology (2006c) J.B. Davis (ed.), Edward Elgar, vol. 1, pp. 101-21; first published in Economics and Language (1993) W. Henderson et al (eds), Routledge.
‘Moralische Dilemmata und der Dialogismus von Adam Smiths Theorie der moralischen Gefühle‘ (‘Moral dilemmas and dialogism in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments’), in Adam Smith als Moralphilosoph (Adam Smith as Moral Philosopher) (2005a) C. Fricke und H.-P. Schütt (eds), Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 190-213.
Review of Samuel Fleischacker, On Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion (2004) Princeton, in Eighteenth-Century Scotland (2005b) 19: 25-6.
Entries on ‘Adam Smith’ and ‘John Locke’ in The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists (2004a), D. Rutherford (Editor-in-Chief), Thoemmes Continuum, pp. 689-93, 1117-22.
Review of Leonidas Montes, Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of his Thought (2004b) Palgrave Macmillan, in History of Economic Thought Newsletter (2004) 73: 21-4.
Review of James R. Otteson, Adam Smith’s Marketplace of Life (2002) CUP, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2004c) 12: 355-58.
‘Textuality and the history of economics: intention and meaning’, in A Companion to the History of Economic Thought (2003), W.J. Samuels, J.E. Biddle & J.B. Davis (eds), Blackwell, pp. 538-52.
‘On some problems with weak intentionalism for intellectual history’, History and Theory (2002) 41: 198-208.
‘“Rights” in Aristotle’s Politics and Nicomachean Ethics?’, The Review of Metaphysics (2001a) 55: 269-95.
‘Self-government: the master trope of republican liberty’, The Monist (2001b) 84: 60-76; Issue ‘Civic Republicanism and Political Philosophy’, Adv. Ed. P. Pettit.
Review of Nicholas Hudson, Writing and European Thought, 1600-1830 (1994) Cambridge University Press, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2000) 8: 374-377.
Review of An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Œconomy by Sir James Steuart (1998) Andrew S. Skinner (ed.) with Noboru Kobayashi and Hiroshi Mizuta, Pickering & Chatto, in Eighteenth-Century Scotland (2000) 14: 21-22.
‘The “figure” of God and the limits to liberalism: a rereading of Locke’s Essay and Two Treatises’, Journal of the History of Ideas (1999a) 60: 83-100.
‘Rhetoric and Political Economy’, in Encyclopedia of Political Economy (1999b), P. A. O’Hara (ed.), pp. 996-98, Routledge.
Review of Salim Rashid, The Myth of Adam Smith (1998) Edward Elgar, and Charles L. Griswold, Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment (1999c) CUP, in Eighteenth-Century Scotland (1999) 13: 31-2.
‘On theological discourse in Locke’s Essay’, Locke Newsletter (1998a) 29: 39-57.
‘Adam Smith’, in Elgar Companion to Classical Economics (1998b), H. D. Kurz and N. Salvadori (eds), 2: 365-70, Edward Elgar.
‘“Mere inventions of the imagination”: a survey of recent literature on Adam Smith’, Economics and Philosophy (1997a) 13: 281-312.
‘Dialogism, the gaze and the emergence of economic discourse’, New Literary History (1997b) 28: 697-710.
Chinese translation of ‘Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought’, in Cultural and Social Studies, vol. 2, The Rhetoric of Social Sciences (1997c) pp. 159-84, Oxford University Press (China); first published in Economics and Language (1993).
Review of Women of Value: Feminist Essays on the History of Women in Economics (1995) Mary Ann Dimond, Robert W. Dimond and Evelyn L. Forget (eds) in The Manchester School (1997d) 65: 97-8.
Reprint of ‘The emergence of the economy’, in Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies (1996) S. Hall, D. Held, D. Hubert and K. Thompson (eds), pp. 90-121, Oxford: Blackwell; first published in Formations of Modernity (1992) S. Hall and B. Gieben (eds), Polity Press.
‘The moral self and ethical dialogism: three genres’, Philosophy and Rhetoric (1995a) 28: 276-99.
‘Reading Adam Smith’s texts on morals and wealth’, Economics and Philosophy (1995b) 11: 345-51.
Review of Jerry Z. Muller, Adam Smith in His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society (1993), in History of European Ideas (1995c) 21: 116-17.
Adam Smith’s Discourse: Canonicity, Commerce and Conscience (1994a) Routledge.
‘Higgling: the language of markets in economic discourse’, History of Political Economy (1994b) Annual Supplement to Volume 26, N. De Marchi and M. Morgan (eds), Duke University Press, pp. 66-93.
‘Metanarratives and economic discourse’, Scandanavian Journal of Economics (1994c) 96: 83-93.
‘The economy as text’, in New Directions in Economic Methodology (1994d) R. Backhouse (ed.), Routledge, pp. 368-82; Chinese translation of volume, 2000.
Review of Beyond Economic MAN (1993) M.A. Ferber and J.A. Nelson (eds), in Journal of Economic Method (1994e) 1: 301-06.
‘Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought’, in Economics and Language (1993a) W. Henderson, T. Dudley-Evans and R. Backhouse (eds), Routledge, pp. 64-84.
Review of Spencer J. Pack, Capitalism as a Moral System: Adam Smith’s Critique of the Free Market Economy (1991) and Patricia H. Werhane, Adam Smith and his Legacy for Modern Capitalism (1991), in Economic Journal (1993b) 103: 230-32.
‘The dialogic experience of conscience: Adam Smith and the voices of Stoicism’, Eighteenth-Century Studies (1992/3) 26: 233-60.
‘The emergence of the economy’, in Formations of Modernity (1992) S. Hall and B. Gieben (eds) pp. 127-75, Polity Press.
‘Signifying voices: reading the “Adam Smith problem”’, Economics and Philosophy (1991a) 7: 187-220.
‘On Keynes’s inverse relation between real wages and employment: a debate over excess capacity’, Review of Political Economy (1991b) 3: 439-65.
Review of The Language of Economics: The Analysis of Economics Discourse (1990) T. Dudley-Evans and W. Henderson (eds), in Economic Journal (1991c) 101: 1315-17.
‘Value and property in the history of economic thought: an analysis of the emergence of scarcity’, Œconomia (1987) 7: 85-112, Série PE de la révue Economies et Sociétés.
An intersubjective model of agency for game theory (2020-11)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics and Philosophy, 36(3) (pp. 355-382)
Intersubjective Belief (2019-06)
Brown, Vivienne
Episteme, 16(2) (pp. 139-156)
The impartial spectator and moral judgment (2016-05)
Brown, Vivienne
Econ Journal Watch, 13(2) (pp. 232-248)
[Book Review] Lisa Herzog, Inventing the Market: Smith, Hegel, and Political Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013 (2015-07)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics and Philosophy, 31(2) (pp. 305-312)
[Book Review] Knud Haakonssen (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006 (2008-07)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics and Philosophy, 24(2) (pp. 259-265)
Historical interpretation, intentionalism and philosophy of mind (2007)
Brown, Vivienne
Journal of the Philosophy of History, 1(1) (pp. 25-62)
Choice, moral responsibility and alternative possibilities (2006-06-06)
Brown, Vivienne
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 9(3) (pp. 265-288)
[Book Review] Samuel Fleischacker, On Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: A Philosophical Companion, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004 (2005)
Brown, Vivienne
Eighteenth-Century Scotland(19) (pp. 19-20)
[Book Review] James R. Otteson Adam Smith’s Marketplace of Life, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002 (2004)
Brown, Vivienne
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 12 (pp. 355-358)
[Book Review] Leonidas Montes, Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of His Thought, Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 (2004)
Brown, Viv
History of Economic Thought Newsletter(73) (pp. 21-24)
On some problems with weak intentionalism for intellectual history (2002-05)
Brown, Vivienne
History and Theory, 41(2) (pp. 198-208)
"Rights" in Aristotle's Politics and Nicomachean Ethics? (2001-12-01)
Brown, Vivienne
Review of Metaphysics, 55(2) (pp. 269-295)
Self-government: the master trope of republican liberty (2001-01)
Brown, Vivienne
The Monist, 84(1) (pp. 60-76)
[Book Review] Nicholas Hudson, Writing and European Thought, 1600-1830 Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994 (2000)
Brown, Vivienne
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 8(2) (pp. 374-377)
[Book Review] Sir James Steuart, Andrew S. Skinner (ed.) with Noboru Kobayashi and Hiroshi Mizuta, An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeonomy, London, Pickering & Chatto, 1998 (2000)
Brown, Vivienne
Eighteenth-Century Scotland(14) (pp. 21-22)
The "Figure" of God and the Limits to Liberalism: A Rereading of Locke's "Essay" and "Two Treatises" (1999-01)
Brown, Vivienne
Journal of the History of Ideas, 60(1) (pp. 83-100)
[Book Review] Salim Rashid The Myth of Adam Smith, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar, 1998 (1999)
Brown, Vivienne
Eighteenth-Century Scotland(13) (pp. 31-32)
On theological discourse in Locke’s Essay (1998-12-01)
Brown, Vivienne
The Locke Newsletter, 29 (pp. 39-57)
‘Mere Inventions of the Imagination’: A Survey of Recent Literature on Adam Smith (1997-10)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics & Philosophy, 13(2) (pp. 281-312)
[Book Review] Mary Ann Dimand, Robert W. Dimand And Evelyn L. Forget eds., Women of Value: Feminist Essays on the History of Women in Economics, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1995 (1997-01-01)
Brown, Vivienne
Manchester school of economic and social studies, 65(1) (pp. 97-98)
Dialogism, the Gaze, and the Emergence of Economic Discourse (1997)
Brown, Vivienne
New Literary History, 28(4) (pp. 697-710)
Reading Adam Smith's Texts on Morals and Wealth (1995-10-05)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics and Philosophy, 11(2) (pp. 344-351)
[Book Review] Jerry Z. Muller, Adam Smith in his time and ours: Designing the decent society, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1993 (1995-02)
Brown, Vivienne
History of European Ideas, 21(1) (pp. 116-117)
The Moral Self and Ethical Dialogism: Three Genres (1995)
Brown, Vivienne
Philosophy & Rhetoric, 28(4) (pp. 276-299)
[Book Review] Marianne A. Ferber and Julie A. Nelson eds., Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1993 (1994-12)
Brown, Vivienne
Journal of Economic Methodology, 1(2) (pp. 301-306)
Metanarratives and Economic Discourse (1994-03)
Brown, Vivienne
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 96(1) (pp. 83-93)
Higgling: The Language of Markets in Economic Discourse (1994-01-01)
Brown, Vivienne
History of Political Economy, 26(suppl_1) (pp. 66-93)
[Book Review] Capitalism as a Moral System: Adam Smith's Critique of the Free Market Economy. Adam Smith and His Legacy for Modern Capitalism (1993-01-01)
Brown, Vivienne
The Economic Journal, 103(416) (pp. 230-232)
The Dialogic Experience of Conscience: Adam Smith and the Voices of Stoicism (1992-12)
Brown, Vivienne
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 26(2) (pp. 233-260)
The Dialogic Experience of Conscience: Adam Smith and the Voices of Stoicism (1992)
Brown, Vivienne
Eighteenth-Century Studies, 26(2) (p 233)
Signifying Voices: Reading the “Adam Smith Problem” (1991-10-05)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics and Philosophy, 7(2) (pp. 187-220)
On Keynes's inverse relation between real wages and employment: a debate over excess capacity (1991-10)
Brown, Vivienne
Review of Political Economy, 3(4) (pp. 439-465)
[Book Review] Tony Dudley-Evans and Willie Henderson eds.,The Language of Economics: The Analysis of Economics Discourse, Modern English Publications in association with The British Council, 1990 (1991-09)
Brown, Vivienne
The Economic Journal, 101(408) (pp. 1315-1317)
Value and property in the history of economic thought : an analysis of the emergence of scarcity (1987-03)
Brown, Vivienne
Economies et sociétés : cahiers de l'I.S.M.E.A, 21(7) (pp. 85-112)
Adam Smith's Discourse : Canonicity, Commerce and Conscience (1994-06-16)
Brown, Vivienne
ISBN : 9780415081603 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxon, UK and New York, USA
The Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (2016)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Hanley, Ryan ed. Adam Smith: His Life, Thought, and Legacy (pp. 48-66)
ISBN : 9780691154053 | Publisher : Princeton University Press
Intersubjectivity and Moral Judgment in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (2012-12-31)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Fricke, Christel and Føllesdal, Dagfinn eds. Intersubjectivity and Objectivity in Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl: A Collection of Essays. Philosophische Forschung (pp. 243-272)
ISBN : 9783110325188 | Publisher : Ontos-Verlag
Intersubjectivity, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Prisoners’ Dilemma (2011)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Forman-Barzilai, Fiona ed. The Adam Smith Review. The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 9780415667227 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxon, UK and New York, USA
Rereading the ‘Adam Smith problem’ (2011)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Avtonomov, V.; Ananyin, O.; Boldyrev, I.; Vasina, L. and Makasheva, N. eds. ISTOKI: Economics in the Cultural Context (pp. 321-353)
Publisher : Higher School of Economics Press | Published : Moscow
Introduction (2010-09-07)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Brown, Vivienne and Fleischacker, Samuel eds. The Philosophy of Adam Smith: The Adam Smith Review Volume 5: Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of The Theory of Moral Sentiments (pp. 1-11)
ISBN : 9780415562560 | Publisher : Routledge
Adam Smith: between morals and markets? (2010)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Kapucu, Hakan; Aydin, Murat; Şiriner, İsmail; Morady, Farhang and Çetin, Ümit eds. Politik İktisat ve Adam Smith (pp. 13-22)
ISBN : 978 975 545 254-8 | Publisher : IJOPEC | Published : Turkey
Agency and discourse: revisiting the Adam Smith problem (2009-12-28)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Young, Jeffrey T. ed. Elgar Companion to Adam Smith
ISBN : 978 1 84542 019 2 | Publisher : Edward Elgar
Rights, liberties and duties: reformulating Hohfeld’s scheme of legal relations? (2006-01-12)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Holder, Jane and O'Cinneide, Colm eds. Current legal problems 2005 (pp. 343-367)
ISBN : 019928539X | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK
Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought (2006)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Davis, John B. ed. Recent developments in economic methodology. The international library of critical writings in economics series (p 101)
ISBN : 1 843763 52 4 | Publisher : Edward Elgar
Moralische dilemmata und der dialogismus von Adam Smiths Theorie der moralischen Gefühle (2005-09-19)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Fricke, Christel and Schütt, Hans-Peter eds. Adam Smith als Moralphilosoph (pp. 190-214)
ISBN : 3110180375 | Publisher : De Gruyter | Published : Berlin, Germany
Adam Smith (2004)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Rutherford, D. ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists (pp. 689-693)
Publisher : Thoemmes Continuum
John Locke (2004)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Rutherford, D. ed. The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists (pp. 1117-1122)
Publisher : Thoemmes Continuum
Textuality and the History of Economics: Intention and Meaning (2003-06-02)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Samuels, W.J.; Biddle, J.E. and Davis, J.B. eds. A Companion to The History of Economic Thought. Blackwell Companions to Contemporary Economics (pp. 538-552)
ISBN : 0 631 22573 0 | Publisher : Blackwell Publishing
Rhetoric (1999-02-04)
Brown, Vivienne
In: O'Hara, Phillip Anthony ed. Encyclopedia of Political Economy (pp. 996-998)
ISBN : 9780415154260 | Publisher : Routledge
Smith, Adam (1998-06-25)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Kurz, Heinz D. and Salvadori, Neri eds. The Elgar Companion to Classical Economics (pp. 365-370)
ISBN : 9781843768678 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing | Published : Cheltenham, UK
Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought (1997)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Davis, John B. ed. The Rhetoric of Social Sciences. Cultural and Social Studies (pp. 159-184)
ISBN : 195878426 | Publisher : Lingnan College | Published : Hong Kong, China
The emergence of the economy (1996-01-09)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Hall, Stuart; Held, David; Hubert, Don and Thompson, Kenneth eds. Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies (pp. 90-121)
ISBN : 978-1-557-86716-2 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell
The economy as text (1994-06-16)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Backhouse, Roger E. ed. New directions in economic methodology. Economics as Social Theory (pp. 368-382)
ISBN : 9780415096362 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Decanonizing discourses: textual analysis and the history of economic thought (1993)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Backhouse, Roger E. ed. Economics and Language (pp. 64-84)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
The emergence of the economy (1992-11-01)
Brown, Vivienne
In: Gieben, Bram and Hall, Stuart eds. The Formations of Modernity (pp. 127-175)
ISBN : 9780745609607 | Publisher : Polity Press
The Philosophy of Adam Smith: The Adam Smith Review, Volume 5: Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of The Theory of Moral Sentiments (2010-09-07)
Brown, Vivienne and Fleischacker, Samuel eds.
The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 9780415562560 | Publisher : Routledge
The Adam Smith Review (2008-11-05)
Brown (editor), Vivienne
Brown, Vivienne ed.
The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 0-415-45438-7 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
The Adam Smith Review (2007-11-15)
Brown, Vivienne ed.
The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 415448964 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
The Adam Smith Review (2006-11-02)
Brown, Vivienne ed.
The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 041539460 0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
The Adam Smith Review (2004-12-02)
Brown, Vivienne ed.
The Adam Smith Review
ISBN : 415278635 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Agency and discourse: revisiting the Adam Smith problem (2008-08)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics Department, The Open University
Scarcity and stability in a very simple general equilibrium model (1994-02)
Brown, Vivienne
Economics Department, The Open University