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New article on digital peacekeeping

16 Apr 2019, Gao, Village: Battal, Northern Mali - Bangladeshi peacekeepers offer hope to villagers in Northern Mali

Dr Georgina Holmes’s article ‘Digital peacekeeping, cyborg soldiers and militarised masculinities: a posthuman critique’ was recently published online in the journal Peacebuilding.

The article explores how digital technologies and human relationalities with technology inform peacekeeping practices, as well as peacekeeper consciousness and modes of being. Undertaking field research with the British Army, Holmes examines the ways in which British infantrymen deployed to MINUSMA in Mali engage in reconnaissance and civilian protection work and construct their militarised masculinities. Holmes also reflects on how studying human relationalities with technology can deepen understandings of race and gendered power dynamics in peacekeeping, military institutions and humanitarian intervention more broadly.

MONUSCO Photos, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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