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Magi Young

Professional Biography

As a lawyer I have 30+ years of experience of interviewing, representing and advocating for traumatised, bereaved and physically and psychologically damaged clients. I ran my own firm for 20+ years specialising in complex litigation. I have an interest in the emotional aspect of the legal process. 

In addition to my legal qualifications I have degrees in Geography (B.Soc.Sci Bristol) and Psychology (B.Sc Open University). I was given the British Psychology Society Undergraduate award in 2020.

I have research assistant experience in two BA/Leverhulme research projects (in the Psychology and the English departments).

Research Interest

My research interests are racial and social justice, decoloniality, feminism collective action and the significance of emotion, art and law in activism (including in the legal and medical systems). My PhD is a sociocultural, transdisciplinary study of the Black Lives Matter protest in Bristol, UK on 7th June 2020 where the statue of a slave trader, Edward Colston, was toppled. I am looking at the role of hope in anti-racist protest, using the walking interview method, and an analysis of a trial transcript and works of art.

I am committed to social, racial and climate justice and to research furthering these aims. I am always happy to share contacts (including from my professional and other networks within the Labour, Cooperative, Trade Union and activist- -climate, internationalist and other- movements) to assist colleagues with their research. 


I have spoken at legal conferences and ran a training course for lawyers on the psychological aspects of litigation for clients. I have presented my PhD research at academic conferences, including on the walking interview method, decolonial perspectives and on the role of imagination within activism.

Mahi Young profile

Research Student
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

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