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UEA Media Research Seminars (online event)

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 16:00 to 17:30

PANEL EVENT: 'Women and / in Archives'

This panel explores the important work of writing women into film history through close examination of different archival holdings and approaches, and what they can reveal.

  • Dr Becca Harrison (Open University), ‘The Women You’re Searching For Have Always Existed: Locating Histories of Women’s Star Wars Fandom in the Archives'
  • Dr Annie Fee (Oslo), 'Under the Influence: Historicising Cinephilia's Problem with Class and Gender'
  • Dr Emma Pett (York), 'Big Spenders and DIY Dressmakers: Women Cinemagoers and Consumer Culture in 1960s Britain'

Chaired by Dr Claire Hines (UEA)

Book your place. The event is free.