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Launch of OSC73 January 2024

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Photograph from above, showing a display of four objects related to religion and four handwritten blue information cards. The first object is a grey t-shirt printed with a Christian crucifix embedded within the letter R in the text ‘Serve the People’. On top of it sits a coaster depicting a man and several women wearing hijabs addressing a crowd. To the right is a gilet featuring the name and logo of the charity Caritas Philippines. In the middle of the photograph, four blue cards describe the display. At the bottom is a blue plastic bag and pack of cigarette papers. The title card reads ‘Theology for the liberation of the oppressed’ and the central card reads ‘Social Action, ministry of the Church and serving the people!’
2.	Photograph from the side showing a display of four objects related to religion and four handwritten blue information cards. The first object is a grey t-shirt printed with a Christian crucifix embedded within the letter R in the text ‘Serve the People’. On top of it sits a coaster depicting a man and several women wearing hijabs addressing a crowd. To the right is a gilet featuring the name and logo of the charity Caritas Philippines. In the middle of the photograph, four blue cards describe the display. At the bottom is a blue plastic bag and pack of cigarette papers. The title card reads ‘Theology for the liberation of the oppressed’.
Photograph from the front showing a display of objects related to journalism and community activism on a table beneath a set of 8 Tudor portraits hung on the wall behind glass. The items on the table include a black press t-shirt and a red press ID lanyard, Some yellow cards with printed instructional images, a small pink notebook, a small brass long-handled jug and various cards in blue and white.
Photograph from the left side showing a display of objects related to journalism and community activism on a table. The items on the table include a black press t-shirt and a red press ID lanyard, Some yellow cards with printed instructional images, a small pink notebook, a small brass long-handled jug, red cards reading ‘never forget’ and various cards in blue and white.
Photograph from the right showing a display of objects related to journalism and community activism on a table. The items on the table include a black press t-shirt and a red press ID lanyard, a small brass long-handled jug and woven bracelet, red cards reading ‘never forget’ and ‘killed in the line of duty’ and a pair of blue cards featuring a cartoon character and a speech bubble stating: ‘Protect our journalists! Protect our human rights defenders! Defend democracy!’
Photograph from the right showing a display of objects related to journalism and community activism on a table beneath a set of 8 Tudor portraits. At the far end of the table is a black press t-shirt and a red press ID lanyard, and at the near end is a monochrome sketch on white paper, a pink notebook and a set of yellow instructional cards.
Photograph from the right showing a display of objects related to journalism and community activism with a close-up view of a monochrome sketch on white paper, which shows a figure with a loudspeaker mouth and a figure with large ears. A set of yellow instructional cards show how to make a makeshift tear-gas mask, bucket pamphlet bomb and other activism tools. A blue handwritten card reads ‘Grassroots education and materials’.
Photograph from the front showing a display of objects related to community activism with a close-up view of handwritten zines, and yellow instructional cards for activists.
Photograph giving a close-up view of a monochrome sketch on white paper, which shows a figure with a loudspeaker mouth and a figure with large ears. Next to it a set of yellow instructional cards show how to make a makeshift tear-gas mask, bucket pamphlet bomb and other activism tools.
Photograph showing a collection of objects on a table. In the foreground, the cover of a book featuring Ukrainian text is visible above a photograph of a wall in a public space. Behind them is an Orthodox icon. Behind this is a display of posters featuring neo-Pagan iconography, a large red hardback book and an open square wooden box.
Photograph showing a close-up of an Orthodox icon. In front of it, the corner of a photograph of a wall in a public space is visible, which has been painted with the word ‘freedom’ and an image of chains. Behind them is a collection of posters featuring neo-Pagan imagery, a large red hardback book and an open square wooden box.
Photograph showing a pamphlet entitled ‘media literacy and PREVENT’, a set of social media screenshots centred around the logo of ‘That’s devolved’, and a light-coloured square wooden box. Inside the open lid of the box is a sign reading ‘Pick me’, and the box contains a bundle of badges featuring the words of Brazil’s former President Bolsonaro.
Photograph showing a square wooden book. The text in the lid reads ‘Pick me’ and the box contains a collection of badges featuring quotes from Brazil’s former President Bolsonaro. The foremost badge reads ‘I’d give the police license to kill’.