Dr Lee Curley and colleagues have been awarded a BA/Leverhulme small grant for a research project ‘Super-recognisers: Is bias their kryptonite?’
The study, which commenced in 2020, aimed to investigate if individuals with superior facial recognition abilities could be biased towards the wrong face when making perceptual decisions.
Dr Curley says: “The project is a collaboration between Professor Graham Pike, Dr Catriona Havard, Dr James Munro, and Dr Emily Breese. Dr Faye Skelton, from Edinburgh Napier University, has also been working on the project alongside us.”
“We’ve long been aware of the existence of ‘super-recognisers’ who possess superior facial recognition skills, and this piece of work can play a vital part in understanding how reliable their decisions surrounding faces may be when they are presented with information that may bias them”
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