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Taster materials

Sample exercises

Here are some ‘taster’ activities from early parts of Creative Writing (A215) on ways of stimulating imagination and on writing fiction.

The purpose of this set of exercises is to develop your powers of observation and memory so that your writing will contain vivid and authentic details.

Exercise 1: Observing your environment
close your eyes for a few moments and think of the room or place around you...

Exercise 2: People and possessions
creating a character through thinking about their possessions

Exercise 3: Turning research into writing
practice in carrying out research and creating a strong setting for your character and story.

Extracts from study material

If you enjoy these writing activities, you can find out more about the module by reading ‘Writing what you know’, which is available online.

Interviews with authors

A unique resource for students on our modules is the provision of recorded interviews with well-known authors and literary agents. On OpenLearn you can listen to extracts from A174 Start Writing Fiction. and you can hear some of the writers who have contributed to A215 and A363.

Creative Writing MA

To get some idea of the level at which you will be working for this MA, see our sample writing exercises. These are taken from each of the four genres covered: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and script.

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