Christina is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics at The Open University, Visiting Senior Fellow at the Grantham Institute, LSE, and an associate of St Edmund Hall at the University of Oxford. She has held research and teaching posts at UCL, SOAS, Duke University, King's College London and Columbia University. Her PhD in Economics from SOAS, University of London, received the 2022 Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation prize by the History of Economics Society. She is leading a grant on Environment-related financial risks and regulatory capital requirements funded by INSPIRE (International Network for Sustainable Financial Policy Insights, Research and Exchange) and leads a work programme on sovereign debt and debt sustainability at the LSE’s Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
Christina is an expert in the political economy of sovereign debt, international organisations and monetary and debt debates, and how these intersect with the growing climate emergency. She is working on the history of 'debt sustainability' examining the interaction between policy, theory and measurement.
Christina uses her expertise to advise on debt and development issues, such as to UN Women, the OHCHR’s Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights, UNCTAD, the Overseas Development Institute, and several NGOs working on sovereign debt issues.
Christina co-convenes the OU Economics Seminar Series, The Politics of Economics seminar series at the University of Cambridge, and helps to produce the history of economics podcast Ceteris Never Paribus. She was a Research Fellow at Duke University’s Center for the History of Political Economy.
Christina enjoys engaging students with economics through an appreciation of its historical development and evolving controversies. She chaired the DD126 Module Team Economics in Context, is currently charing the production of DD320 and worked on DD321 'Economics for a changing world'.
The Natural Rate of Unemployment and the NAIRU (2023-10)
Backhouse, Roger E.; Forder, James and Laskaridis, Christina
European Economic Review, 159, Article 104563
Common Challenges for All? A Critical Engagement with the Emerging Vision for Post‐pandemic Development Studies (2023-09)
Wiegratz, Jörg; Behuria, Pritish; Laskaridis, Christina; Pheko, Lebohang Liepollo; Radley, Ben and Stevano, Sara
Development and Change, 54(4) (pp. 921-953)
“Writing History as a Way of Life”: The Life and Work of Margaret Marie Garritsen de Vries (2022-12-01)
Laskaridis, Christina
History of Political Economy, 54(S1) (pp. 127-157)
Whatever it takes? The global financial safety net, Covid-19, and developing countries (2021-01)
Stubbs, Thomas; Kring, William; Laskaridis, Christina; Kentikelenis, Alexander and Gallagher, Kevin
World Development, 137, Article 105171
When push came to shove: COVID-19 and debt crises in low-income countries (2021)
Laskaridis, Christina
Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 42(1-2) (pp. 200-220)
More of an Art than a Science: The IMF’s Debt Sustainability Analysis and the Making of a Public Tool (2020)
Laskaridis, Christina
Œconomia – History / Methodology / Philosophy, 10(4) (pp. 789-818)
Debt (2023)
Bonizzo, Bruno and Laskaridis, Christina
In: Clarke, Matthew and Zhao, Xinyu (Andy) eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of Development. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences (pp. 146-150)
ISBN : 9781800372115 / 9781800372122 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited | Published : Cheltenham, UK