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OU Economics Seminar Series

Wondering about the latest research on the world of production and employment, the effects of government policy and technical innovation? Thinking about the impact of the pandemic on societies and their economies? Wondering how historical, social and political factors shape our economies and how the discipline of economics is shaped and contested over time? 

The new OU Economics Seminar Series promotes high-quality research bringing together academics to exchange, share and engage in dialogue with policymakers, practitioners, industry representatives and members of the public. 

With an ethos of inclusivity and respect for diverse realms of economic expertise, the seminar series will bring together those working on current challenges across a broad range of research interests: Social Policy, Personal Finance, Innovation, Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Health, Inequality and Employment, Philosophy and History of Economics.


Christina Laskaridis: Lecturer in Economics

Alan Shipman: Senior Lecturer in Economics

Susan Newman: Professor of Economics and Head of Discipline at OU Economics

Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
29th October 14:00–15:30 (UK time)

In-person and online via MS Teams

Balancing investment, consumption and employment in Tanzania

Marc Wuyts (Presenter) (University Rotterdam, Netherlands),
Fabrício Mendes Fialho (Economic Statistics at the National Bureau of Statistics, Dodoma, Tanzania)

Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
20th June 13:00–14:30 (UK time)

Online meeting via MS Teams

Decolonising quantitative methods (especially) in Economics and Development

Sharada Davidson (University of Strathclyde),
Fabrício Mendes Fialho (London School of Economics)

13th March 13:00–14:30 (UK time)

Online meeting via MS Teams

Economistic Thinking and Environmental Breakdown: The limitations of pricing nature loss and stress-testing climate disaster

Elena Almeida (Grantham Research Institute),
Yannis Dafermos (SOAS, University of London),
Alan Shipman (The Open University)

22nd Febraury, 13:00-14:30 (UK time)

Online meeting via MS Teams

Inflation: Price Shocks, Profits and Conflict

Rafael Wildauer (Greenwich Bussiness School), 
Christine Berry (Joseph Rowntree Foundation),
Laurence Jones-Williams (Rethinking Economics International)

Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
16th November, 12:30-14:00 (UK time)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Quo Vadis Development Studies? Changing dynamics in a contested field

Pritish Behuria (University of Manchester),
Lebohang Liepollo Pheko (Trade Collective, South Africa),
Giles Mohan (The Open University),
Jennifer Larbie (Christian Aid)

25th October, 14:00-15:30 (UK time)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Sovereign Debt and Feminist Political Economy

Juan Pablo Bohoslavasky (CONICET),
Diane Elson (Essex University & Women's Budget Group),
Dorothy Estrada-Tanck (UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls),
Patricia Miranda (LATINDADD),
and Penelope Hawkins (UNCTAD)

Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
20th June 2023, 12.00-13.30 (BST)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Privatisation and it discontents

Rosie Collington (UCL, IIPP)
David Hall (Business School, University of Greenwich)
Anne Le Strat (former Deputy Mayor of Paris)

25th May 2023, 12.00-13.30 (BST)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Pension funds and market tumult

Jennifer Churchill (UWE, Bristol Business School)
Bruno Bonizzi (University of Hertfordshire)
Con Keating (European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies)

18th April 2023 13.00 - 16:15 (London)|
12:00 - 15:15 (Dakar) |
9:00 - 12:15 (Buenos Aires)

Online meeting via Zoom
Book Launch: Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt

Chair: Paul Zarembka, Professor of Economics (State University of New York at Buffalo)
See event page for the list of speakers.

9th March 2023, 12.00-13.30 (GMT)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Inequality, protest and cost-of-living crisis

Julia Ngozi Chukwuma (The Open University)
Chiara Putaturo (Oxfam)
Lucia Pradella (King’s College London)
Baba Aye (Public Services International) 

Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
Wednesday, 16th November, 13:00-14:30 (GMT)

Online meeting via MS Teams
Green finance, energy transitions and geo-political crisis in Eurasia and beyond

Lorena Lombardozzi (The Open University)
Olena Borodyna (Global Risks and Resilience)
Basani Baloyi (Institute for Economic Justice in South Africa)
Thursday 15th December, 12:00-13:00 (GMT)

Online meeting via MS Teams
The Welsh Basic Income Pilot

First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford
Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt
Rajiv Prabhakar (The Open University)
Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
Wednesday March 30th, 13:30-15:00 (BST)
Online via MS Teams
Health and industrial policy in and after Covid-19: Economic context from UNIDO's Industrial Development Report (IDR) 2022
Professor Smita Srinivas (The Open University)

Fernando Santiago (UNIDO)
Wednesday April 27th, 14:00-15:30 (BST)
Online meeting via MS Teams
Why grow a tree? Barriers and boosters for landowners to adopt agroforestry

Dr Aiora Zabala (The Open University)

Anique Hillbrand (OroVerde – Tropical Rainforest Foundation)
Wednesday May 25th, 14:00-15:30 (BST)
Online meeting via MS Teams
Fiscal Policy in the Post-Financial Crisis Era: Debates and Lessons Learned

Dr Ayobami Llori (The Open University)

Moustafa Chatzouz (Head of Data Science and Fiscal Policy at HMRC)
Wednesday June 22nd 17:00-18:30 (BST)
Online via MS Teams
Essential for what? A global social reproduction view on the re-organisation of work during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Sara Stevano (SOAS University of London)
Dr. Michal Nahman (University of West England)
Artists from the This Is Essential Work online feminist exhibition
Date and time Title or Topic Main Speakers
Tuesday 20 April, 12:30-2:00pm (BST)
Online meeting via Microsoft Teams
Financial Inclusion: The Way Forward

Rajiv Prabhakar (Open University, UK)
Professor Johnna Montgomerie (King's College London) 
Sian Williams (Director of External Policy at Toynbee Hall and member of the UK government’s Financial Inclusion Policy Forum)
Tuesday May 18th, 12:30pm-2:00pm (BST)
Online meeting via Microsoft Teams
Impact of COVID control measures on women and child’s health in LMICs

Kevin Deane (Open University, UK)
Giuliano Russo (Queen Mary University of London)
Fikile Dikolomela-Lengene (Young Nurses Indaba Trade Union, South Africa)
Tuesday 19 October, 13:00-14:30pm (BST)
Online meeting via Microsoft Teams
Climate Change, Sovereign Debt, and the Looming Debt Crisis in the Global South

Professor Ulrich Volz (SOAS, University of London)

Dr Elva Bova (European Commission)
Tuesday 30 November, 15:00-16:00pm (GMT)
Online meeting via Microsoft Teams
Solving the Care Crisis with Public Investment

Dr Jerome de Henau (The Open University)

Mary-Ann Stephenson (Women’s Budget Group)