I began my university teaching career in 1997 at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London), before becoming a Research Fellow in Visual Culture and Media at Middlesex University (2000-2002). There I helped to set up the national curriculum change project, 'Globalising Art, Architecture and Design History' (GLAADH). The project had a lasting impact on more than a fifth of the UK's Higher Education sector, by embedding more global and diverse topics and materials into the teaching of undergraduate degrees in art history.
I went on to hold the post of Lecturer in Art History at the University of Sussex (2002-2004), and undertook long-term fieldwork in 2004-2005, focused on the theme of 'art and agency' in Trinidad, Guyana and other locations in the Caribbean (with support from a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship and Sussex).
In 2010, together with Reyahn King, (Director of Art Galleries, National Museums Liverpool), I curated 'Aubrey Williams: Atlantic Fire', the UK's first nationally funded exhibition of a Caribbean artist.
Before moving to the OU in June 2011, I was Reader in History of Art at the Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University.
In 2013 I won the Philip Leverhulme Prize, awarded by The Leverhulme Trust 'For researchers at an early stage of their careers whose work has had an international impact and whose future career is exceptionally promising.'
From 2014 to 2015, I held the inaugural position of Kindler Chair in Global Contemporary Art at Colgate University (New York).
In 2020 I became Professor of Art History and I was Head of the Department of Art History and a member of the School of Arts and Humanities' Senior Management Team at the OU between 2018 and 2022.
I have benefitted from visiting fellowships at the University of California in Berkeley, and at Yale, and visiting academic roles at the University of Oxford (History of Art; Anthropology and Museum Ethnography). I am currently at THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
My research brings together the politics of art historiography with the philosophy of aesthetics, new approaches to materiality and geographical space in the social sciences, and the environmental humanities. In particular, I have worked to redefine the intellectual scope of art history as a discipline, with reference to the Caribbean, South Asia and diaspora communities in Europe and North America. I have also shown how scholarship may interact more creatively with art practice, museum and exhibition curating, arts organising, cultural policy, and the public understanding of art.
Authored books:
Timed Out: Art and the Transnational Caribbean (Manchester University Press, 2011)
Phenomenal Difference: A Philosophy of Black British Art (Liverpool University Press, 2017)
Edited books:
Edited with Beccy Kennedy and Alnoor Mitha Triennial City: Localising Asian Art (Manchester: Cornerhouse, 2014)
Edited with Øivind Fuglerud Objects and Imagination: Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement, 3 (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2015)
Disturbing Pasts: Memories, Controversies and Creativity (Manchester University Press, 2017)
Edited with Kitty Zijlmans Sustainable Art Communities: Contemporary Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean (Manchester University Press, 2017)
Co-edited by Paul Wood and myself, with Charles Harrison Art in Theory: The West in the World -- An Anthology of Changing Ideas (Wiley Blackwell, 2020)
At present I am preparing my third authored book on Spanish, English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean art communities, and co-editing the Routledge Companion to Global Art Histories (with Diana Newall and Grant Pooke).
Together these titles span a range of disciplines and topics, with several lines of inquiry into art in an expanded and interconnected global field.
Much of my published work is the result of major international projects that have run since 2010, with project partners and members in two or more European countries. I have served as Principal Investigator on the following three of these, funded by Research Councils UK/The European Union:
Visiting Scholar, THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Art Editor, Wasafiri Magazine (Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation based at Queen Mary University of London, published by Taylor and Francis)
Editor-in-chief of the Open Arts Journal
Board of Directors, Historians of British Art, an affiliated society of the College Art Association (CAA United States).
External Examiner, University of Portsmouth, Visual Culture spine for BA (Hons) Illustration, BA (Hons) Photography, BA (Hons) Graphic Design, BA (Hons) Fashion & Textiles
External Examiner, University of East Anglia, School of Art, Media and American Studies
External Examiner, School of Oriental and African Studies. Department of Art and Archaeology
External Examiner, MA Contemporary Art, The Sotheby’s Institute of Art
Academic Visitor, Department of History of Art, University of Oxford
Academic Visitor, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford
Visiting Fellow, Yale Center for British Art
Visiting Fellow, Arts Research Center and the Department of Art History, University of California Berkeley
Panel reviewer, Research Council of Norway (RCN); arts research, literature and musicology
Member of international evaluation panel of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
2005-2012 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, (Routledge, Taylor and Francis)
Co-curator, with Reyahn King, (Director of Art Galleries, National Museums Liverpool) of 'Aubrey Williams: Atlantic Fire': the first nationally funded, major retrospective exhibition of the Guyana-born painter. Aubrey Williams: Atlantic Fire | National Museums Liverpool (
Member of the review group for the subject benchmark statement for History of Art, Architecture and Design, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Member of the Peer Review College of The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), UK; the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; the European Science Foundation; and reviewer for numerous academic journals and publishers
Member of the Ferguson Centre for Empire and Postcolonial Studies at The Open University
I warmly welcome informal enquiries about studying for a PhD in any area that would illuminate new directions for Art History and its cognate subjects.
2023 Academic consultant, BBC TV programme (75 mins) ‘Windrush: Portraits of a Generation’, commissioned by the Royal Collection
2019-2022 Academic consultant, BBC TV series 1, 2 and 3 ‘Secrets of the Museum: Behind the Scenes at the Victoria and Albert Museum’.
For my main list of publications under the UK's Research Excellence Framework (a periodic peer-evaluation of research), please go to the PUBLICATIONS TAB ABOVE. Other, supporting published outputs not listed there are as follows:
‘When a Tiger Leaps into the Future: On Chila Burman’s “The Smile You Send Returns to You”’, Wasafiri Magazine Online, September (2024) When a Tiger Leaps into the Future: Our Art Editor on Chila Kumari Singh Burman’s ‘The Smile You Send Returns to You’ (
'Water on the Brain: Global Imaginations', 2015, Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, Dutch translation by Anke Bangma:; republished at
‘Arrested transmission: Art that stays at a global periphery’; ‘Transmisión detenida: Arte que permanece en una periferia global’; ‘Transmission interrompue : à la périphérie de l’art global’ 2014, (Association Internationale Critiques d’Art, AICA and Fondation Clément, Martinique).
‘Globalization’, in Michael Kelly ed. 2014 The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
‘Arrested Transmission: From Periphery to Center’, Art Papers vol. 36, no. 6, 2012, 44-49. ISSN: 15249581.
‘Global Change and Contemporary Art of the Caribbean: Notes on the Futurology of a Sustainable Art Community’, in Nancy Hoffmann ed. 2012 Who More Sci-Fi Than Us? Contemporary Art from the Caribbean, Kunsthal, Amersfoort and The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, pp. 80-84. ISBN: 9789460222115
‘Art and the Politics of Time’, ARC: Art, Recognition, Culture, no. 5, 2012, pp. 20-22.
‘Beyond Globalisation in Contemporary Art History: Learning from the Transnational Caribbean’, in Mariska ter Horst ed. 2012 Changing Perspectives: Dealing with Globalisation in the Presentation and Collection of Contemporary Art The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT): Amsterdam, pp. 204-212. ISBN: 9789460221958
‘Without Boundaries? Mediating Art’s Global Networks’, ARC: Art, Recognition, Culture, no. 4, Nov. 2011, pp. 14-19.
‘De Black Atlantic, Suriname en Nederland: Uitdagingen voor tentoonstellingen over, en het historiseren van kunst uit de Caraïben’ (‘The Black Atlantic, Suriname and the Netherlands: Challenges for Curating and Historicising Art of the Caribbean’), in Mariette Dölle and Malka Jonas eds. 2010 Conversations on Paramaribo Perspectives, TENT., Rotterdam, pp. 36-50, 52-57.
‘Diversity and Choice’ 2010 Culture Machine Open Humanities Press.
ISSN 1465-4121
‘At Northern Intersections Forever: Art and the Time Trap’, in Tejpal S. Ajji and Jon Soske eds. 2009 South-South Encounters: Conversations Between Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and South Asian Visual Arts Centre, University of Toronto, pp. 73-76. ISBN: 978-0772760685
‘Labelling and Assembling: Histories and Challenges for an Asia Triennial’, in Fareda Khan, Alnoor Mitha and Jacques Rangasamy eds. 2009 Reflections and Revolutions: The Asia Triennial Manchester Manchester: Shisha. ISBN: 978-0954556396
‘Closer Encounters’, a review of the exhibition ‘Alien Nation’, ICA/inIVA, Third Text, no. 87, vol. 21, issue 4, July 2007, pp. 466-468. ISSN: 0952-8822
‘Introduction: Peter Doig and Chris Ofili in Conversation’, Bomb, No. 101, Fall 2007, p.32. ISSN: 0743-3204
‘British Responses to Caribbean Art’ and ‘Aubrey Williams’ in David Dabydeen, John Gilmore and Cecily Jones eds. 2007 The Oxford Companion to Black British History, Oxford University Press, pp 87-90, 527-528. ISBN: 0-19-280439-1
(With Nicholas Laughlin) ‘Peter Doig: StudioFilmClub’, Modern Painters, March, 2006, pp. 66-67. ISSN: 0953-6698
‘Apples and Grapes from Foreign’ in Andy Jacob ed. 2006 A Suitable Distance: Rex Dixon, Peter Doig, Kofi Kayiga, Chris Ofili and Roberta Stoddard Trinidad: Soft Box Studios. Exhibition catalogue essay.
‘No Turning Back’, Caribbean Review of Books, vol. 1, no. 6, November 2005, pp 16-20. ISSN: 1811-4873
‘Jamaica National Biennial: Contradictions in Coherence’, Art Fairs International, vol. 1, nos. 5/6, 2005, pp 45-47.
‘Bibliography’ in David A. Bailey, Ian Baucom and Sonia Boyce eds. 2005 Shades of Black: Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain London and North Carolina: Duke University Press and the Institute of International Visual Arts, inIVA, pp 307-318. ISBN: 0822334208
(with Nicholas Laughlin) ‘Interrupting the Conversation: Trinidad’s StudioFilmClub’, 2005 (an earlier version appears in StudioFilmClub: Peter Doig, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, and Kunsthalle, Zurich: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, ISBN 3-883-7594-1-4. Exhibition catalogue essay.)
‘Race-ing Art History: Critical Readings in Race and Art History’ by Kymberly N. Pinder, Journal of Visual Culture in Britain, Vol. 5, no. 2, 2004, pp 114-118. ISSN: 1471-4787 (Reprinted in Nukta: An Art Discourse, vol. 3, March 2006).
‘Personhood and Presence’, in Johannes Phokela, Simon Mee Fine Art and Gallery Momo, London and Johannesburg, 2003. Exhibition catalogue essay.
‘Art Forms’ and ‘Aubrey Williams’ in Alison Donnell ed. 2002 Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture London: Routledge, pp 15-16. ISBN: 0415169895
‘A Phenomenology of Origins: Sonia Khurana’ in Sonia Khurana: Lone Women Don't Lie New Delhi: Max Mueller Bhavan and The British Council; Calcutta: Oxford Book Store, 2000. Exhibition catalogue essay.
Co-chair and organiser, ‘Anticolonial Thinking on Archives, Water and Climate Justice’, Unseen Guests: Post-National Pavilion/British Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennial, international study day, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, May 24th 2024.
‘South-North Circulations and Mid-century Dynamics: British Art and the Caribbean’, South/North Intellectual and Artistic Trajectories: Circulations in the Post-Bandung, Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), Amiens, April 12th 2024.
‘Between the United States, Britain and the Caribbean: A Historiography of Belatedness’, Belatedness and North American Art, international conference, The Courtauld Institute, June 16th-17th 2023.
‘British Art and the Caribbean: Mid-Century Dynamics’, Africa Research Colloquium, Department of Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2nd 2023.
‘Crossing Continents: Aubrey Williams and the Art of Being Contemporary’, public programme for the exhibition Erna Rosenstein and Aubrey Williams: The Earth Will Open its Mouth. Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, Poland, January 26th 2023.
Panellist on ‘Motherland: Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation’, at the Völkerkunde Museum, University of Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, May 27th-28th 2022.
Inaugural Professorial Lecture in Art History, Northeastern University at the New College of the Humanities, London, March 10th 2022.
Roundtable speaker, University of Oxford series on 'Biotic Resistance: Eco-Caribbean Visions in Art and Exhibition Practice', November 29th 2001.
Panel chair, ‘A New Paradigm for Carnival Studies’, Festival Culture Research and Education (FCRE) annual International Symposium, June 6th 2001.
Respondent to Ilona Nemeth, Eastern Sugar, Kunstalle Bratislava and the Post-Socialist Art Centre (PACT), University College London and Institute of Advanced Studies, University of London, March 13th 2019.
‘Focus on Globalisation’, Study Day for pupils of ‘A’-Level Art/Art History, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, November 6th, 2019.
‘The Transnational and the Provincial: Frank Bowing and the Atlantic Divide’, My Guyana to Great Thames: Frank Bowling in Context international conference, Tate Britain, June 1st, 2019.
‘The Atlantic Reception and Remembrance of Caribbean Modern and Contemporary Art’, Volkswagen Stiftung-funded international research residency, Anthropology and Contemporary Visual Arts of the Black Atlantic, Théodore Monod Museum, Dakar, Senegal, March 3rd, 2019.
Panellist, public discussion with Elfrieda Bissember, Hew Locke and Clive Myrie, 'Aubrey Williams: Radical Guyanese Painter', The Guyana High Commission, London, October 30th, 2018.
‘A Global-Moral Nexus: Contemporary Art and Caribbean Community’, International conference, 'Decentred/Dissenting Connections: Envisioning Caribbean Film and Visual Cultures', Newcastle University, May 29th-30th, 2018.
‘Contemporary Art Communities of the Global South’, seminar, Frames of Representation (3rd FoR film festival), Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, April 23rd, 2018.
Inaugural seminar, AHRC/GCRF-funded network on environmental risk and resilience in the coastal Caribbean, University of York, March 27th-28th. 2018.
Inaugural panel of two-year seminar series, Urban Knowledge Exchange, Kellogg College, University of Oxford, March 14th, 2018.
Keynote on ‘Encountering Difference: Bodily Relations and Reciprocity’, international symposium, Encountering Difference, Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Graduate School and Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) Research Centre, University of the Arts, London, February 23rd, 2018.
‘Looking South: Mobility and Morality in Art Histories of the Contemporary Caribbean’, international research seminar, Le defi de Caliban: Pour une etude des definitions de l’espace artistique et litteraire du “Sud”, École Normale Supérieure (DHTA, LILA), Paris, January 18th-19th, 2018.
‘Modern and Contemporary Art of the Caribbean: On and off the “Global Art Map”, C-MAP research programme seminar, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, December 5th. 2017.
‘Contemporary Caribbean Art and the Moral Dimension of Global Material Mobility’, research seminar, Department of History of Art, University of Oxford, November 2nd, 2017.
‘Between the United States, Britain and the Caribbean: Pop as a Register of Provincialism and Belatedness’, international conference, In and Out of American Art: Between Provincialism and Transnationalism, 1940–80, University of St Andrews and the Terra Foundation for American Art, October 27th and 28th, 2017.
‘Materiality and Mobility: Troubling Global Geographies of Caribbean Art’, British Academy/Leverhulme Network funded project, Troubling Globalisation: New Approaches in Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, September 20th, 2017.
‘Sustainable Art Communities: Contemporary Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’, international conference, Caribbean In/Securities and Creativity: Diasporic Dialogues, Eccles Centre for American Studies, The British Library, June 25th-26th, 2017.
‘In Conversation with Griselda Pollock and Sonia Khurana’, Research Forum seminar on Contemporary South Asian Art, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, June 22nd, 2017.
‘Bodily Relations and Reciprocity in the Art of Sonia Khurana’, research seminar on Performance Art and the Body Between South Asia and Britain, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, June 22nd, 2017.
‘Body, Relationality and Reciprocity in the Art of Sonia Khurana’, panel on Bodies of Art: Transgressing Race, Gender and Sexuality, 43rd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, Loughborough University, April 6th-8th, 2017.
‘Materiality and Mobility: Political Geographies of Caribbean Art’, research seminar, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Art, Department of History of Art, University College London, January 24th, 2017. Invited speaker.
Panel respondent, ‘Other stories’, Showing, Telling, Seeing: Exhibiting South Asia in Britain, 1900-Now. Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, June 30th – July 1st, 2016.
‘Writing a Geography of Art for the Transnational Caribbean’, Jamaican Pulse: Art and Politics from Jamaica and the Diaspora, The Royal West of England Academy and the University of Bristol, June 27th, 2016. Invited speaker.
‘Political Geographies of Art in the Global South: Caribbean Materiality and Mobility’, Conceptual (Re-)Locations of the Global South, international symposium, University of Cologne, June 20th-21st, 2016. Invited speaker. Organised by Sinah Kloβ. Invited speaker.
‘Materiality and Mobility: Political Geographies of Caribbean Art’, History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture + Art (HTC Forum), Department of Architecture and the Lipstadt-Stieber Fund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, April 20th, 2016. Invited speaker.
‘Phenomenal Difference: Toward a Philosophy of Black British Art’, panel ‘Diaspora Aesthetics: Towards a Definition’, 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, University of Edinburgh, April 7th-9th, 2016.
‘Picturing Blackness and Phenomenal Difference’, Revisiting Picturing Blackness, British Art Specialist Network day, Tate Britain and University of the Arts London, April 4th, 2016. Invited speaker.
‘Phenomenal Difference: Toward a Philosophy of Black British Art’, Framing the Critical Decade: After the Black Arts Movement, international symposium, University of Bristol, March 21st-22nd, 2016.
Panel chair and respondent, ‘The Work Between Us’: Black British Artists and Exhibition Histories, international symposium, The Bluecoat, Liverpool (AHRC-funded project ‘Black Artists and Modernism’), January 20th, 2016. Invited speaker.
‘Art in Postwar Guyana: Visualising Figures of Caribbean Slavery through Modernism’, international symposium, ‘Inimitable Painting’: The Work of Stanley Greaves and Wilson Harris, University of Warwick and Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies, November 27th, 2015. Invited speaker.
Panel chair, ‘Art and World Making’ and presenter of ‘Transatlantic material mediations: A political geography of art and “exchange”’, American Anthropological Association, international conference. Denver, Colorado, November 18th-22nd, 2015.
‘Crossing Disciplines: From Historiography to a Political Geography of Caribbean Art’, panellist, Reshaping (G)local Caribbean Dynamics. Relaciones y Deconexiónes – Relations et Déconnexions – Relations and Disjunctures, international symposium. Leibniz University Hannover, October 14th-17th, 2015. Invited speaker.
Roundtable on ‘Crossing Boundaries: Gender, Practice, Policy’, Caribbean Studies Association, 40th annual conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 25th-29th, 2015. Invited speaker.
‘Transatlantic material mediations: A political geography of art and “exchange”’, Objects and Imagination: Material Mediations, international seminar, Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo, May 7th, 2015. Invited speaker.
‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’, Humanities Colloquium, Colgate University, February 10th, 2015. Invited speaker.
Panel chair, Contemporary Caribbean Visual Culture: Artistic Visions of Global Citizenship, Department of Modern Languages, University of Birmingham, June 12th-13th, 2014.
‘The Open Arts Journal: A digital, open access publication’, Hestia2 Digital Pedagogy: Transforming the interface between research and learning, King’s College London, June 6th, 2014. Invited speaker.
‘Aubrey Williams: Painting and Time’, symposium, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, CRASSH, University of Cambridge, April 26th, 2014. Invited speaker.
‘Timed Out (Wainwright, MUP 2011): Extended book discussion with Natasha Eaton’, international symposium, University of York, March 26th, 2014. Invited speaker.
‘Thinking Globally: Museums, Art and Ethnography after the Global Turn’, moderator of discussion panel with Kader Attia, James Clifford, Pamela M. Lee, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Jette Sandahl, Collecting Geographies: Global Programming and Museums of Modern Art, international symposium, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, March 14th, 2014.
‘Arrested Development: Global Programming and its Discontents’, panel co-chair and presenter, Collecting Geographies: Global Programming and Museums of Modern Art, international symposium, Stedelijk Museum, March 13th, 2014.
‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’, International Development Seminar Series, The Open University, February 5th, 2014.
Research project leader and chair of the conference, Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean, the Institute for International Visual Art (Iniva), London, December 3rd-4th, 2013.
‘Timed Out: Art and the Transnational Caribbean’, seminar series, Department of Art History, Theory and Criticism, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, November 21st, 2013. Invited speaker.
Panel chair, ‘Art and Politics: The New Scramble for Africa’, AfroEuropeans IV: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe international conference, Institute of English Studies, University of London and The Open University, October 2nd, 2013.
‘Positions: Americocentrism and Art of the Caribbean’, Positioning: Research Topography, symposium, University of Reading, June 20th, 2013. Invited speaker.
‘Disturbing Pasts’, Futures, international workshop on AHRC-sponsored theme ‘Care for the Future’, Wolfson College and the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, June 18th, 2013. Invited speaker.
‘Guyana, 1763 and 1960: Art, Memory and Modernism’, Terra Foundation for American Art international symposium, Art Across the Black Diaspora: Visualizing Slavery in America, Rothermere American Institute and Department of Art History, the University of Oxford, May 29th – 30th, 2013. Invited speaker.
Research project leader and international symposium co-chair, Caribbean Urban Aesthetics, OU Milton Keynes, May 21st-22nd, 2013.
‘Decolonising Pop’, Lichtenstein and the Wider Worlds of British Pop, Tate Modern, OU Study Day, March 16th, 2013. Invited speaker,
Research project leader and chair of the conference, Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, February 5th-6th, 2013.
‘Caribbean Creativity and Innovation in a World of Movement’, CADRE (Centre for Art, Design, Research and Experimentation) Public Lecture Series, University of Wolverhampton, January 29th, 2013. Invited speaker.
Research project leader and chair of the conference Disturbing Pasts: Memories, Controversies and Creativity, Museum of Ethnology, Vienna, November 20th-22nd, 2012.
‘Americocentrism and Art of the Caribbean’, inaugural lecture, Visual and Performance Research Seminar, Durham University, November 8th, 2012.
‘Atlantic Positions in Art of the Indo-Caribbean: Casting Shadows and Throwing Light in Suriname and the Netherlands’, Society for Caribbean Studies, annual international conference, University of Oxford, July 4th – 6th, 2012.
‘Creativity, Capital and Collaboration: Art and Innovation in the Caribbean’, Creativity in Transition: Politics and Aesthetics of Circulating Images, international conference, University of Utrecht. May 31st – 1st June, 2012.
‘Atlantic Positions in Art of the Indo-Caribbean: Casting Shadows and Throwing Light in Suriname and the Netherlands’, Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalising World, Association for Social Anthropology, annual international conference, JNU, New Delhi, April 3rd – 6th, 2012.
‘Mapping the Field’, Visual Cultures of the Caribbean, international symposium, Durham University. March 17th, 2012. Invited speaker.
‘On Being Timed Out: Art History after the “Global” Turn’, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Pitt Rivers Museum, Seminar in Material and Visual Anthropology, University of Oxford. February 10th, 2012.
‘On Being Timed Out: Art History after the “Global” Turn’, Department of Art History, Concordia University, Montreal, open lecture. November 15th, 2011. Invited speaker.
‘Framing Artistic “Success”: Art and Innovation in Contemporary Barbados’, and panel chair, The Arts: Catalyst for Caribbean Development, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, Jamaica, international conference. October 13th-14th, 2011.
‘Contemporary Art: World Currents’, roundtable with Terry Smith and Tessa Jackson, Sotheby’s Institute, London. September 21st, 2011. Invited speaker.
‘Atlantic Positions in Art of the Indo-Caribbean: Casting Shadows and Throwing Light in Suriname and the Netherlands’, Materiality, Movement, Museum, annual international workshop, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. September 19th – 20th, 2011.
‘Art, Innovation and Movement in Contemporary Barbados’, Society for Caribbean Studies, 34th annual international conference. International Slavery Museum, Liverpool. June 29th- July 1st, 2011.
‘Precarious Cosmopolitanism: Art, Creativity and Movement in the Caribbean’, Cosmopolitanism as Critical and Creative Practice, MMU Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSSR) and the Anthony Burgess Centre, international conference, May 11th–12th. Invited speaker.
‘Aubrey Williams and the Temporality of Painting’, Painting the Caribbean, international symposium, University of Essex. May 6th- 7th, 2011.
‘On Being Timed Out: Art History after the “Global” Turn’, Department of Arts Research Seminar Series, University of Northumbria, Guest speaker, March 15th, 2011.
‘Beyond Cultural Diversity’, The Creative Case for Diversity and Equality in the Arts, Arts Council England annual seminar, NESTA, London, November 26th, 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Cultural Policy: Diversity and Equality: A Letter from the Academy’, Cultural Policy and Management, City University, London, October 27th, 2010. Invited speaker.
‘A Black Atlantic Art History?’, Paramaribo Perspectives, TENT., De Unie and Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam, October 12th 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Varieties of Belatedness and Provincialism: Decolonisation and British Pop’, New Approaches to British Art, 1939-1969, paper presentation and panel chair, international conference, The Courtauld Institute Research Forum and the University of York, June 4th-5th, 2010.
‘Diversity in Practice’, From the Margins to the Core? international conference, Victoria and Albert Museum, March 24th–26th, 2010. Keynote address.
‘Cultural Policy and Diversity’, Cultural Policy and Management, City University, London, March 26th, 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Debating Afro Modern’, Afro Modern: Journeys Through the Black Atlantic, study day, Tate Liverpool, March 13th, 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Casting Shadows’, panellist with Annie Paul, Courtney J. Martin and Julieta González, Paramaribo SPAN, international symposium, Suriname. February 27th, 2010.
‘The Time-Space Logic of Art History’, Global Exhibitions: Contemporary Art and the African Diaspora, international symposium, Tate Liverpool, February 19th 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Ofili in Focus’, panellist with Bonnie Greer and Gayle Chong Kwan, Late at Tate, Tate Britain, February 5th 2010. Invited speaker.
‘In the Aftermath of Painting: Caribbean Transnationalism and Aubrey Williams’, Caribbean Research Seminar in the North, Society for Caribbean Studies (UK) and the School of Politics and Communication Studies, University of Liverpool, January 22nd 2010. Invited speaker.
‘Contemporaneity in Art of the African Diaspora’, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London), African Studies, December 18th, 2009. Invited speaker.
‘An American Locus: Art and Time’, Endeavors: Perspectives on Black Life and Culture, African American Studies, Yale, New Haven, November 12th, 2009. Invited speaker.
‘Positions’, Migrants and Diversity: Understanding Trends and Traditions, workshop, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London, Sept 23rd, 2009. Roundtable speaker.
‘Cultural Diversity Position Paper’, After Multiculturalism: Challenging the Institutional Politics of Cultural Diversity in the Arts, Third Text and Tate Cross-Cultural Programme, Tate Britain, April 20th, 2009. Plenary speaker.
Panel co-chair, with Adele Tan (Courtauld Institute, London), ‘Art History and its Global Provinces’, Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians (UK), Manchester Metropolitan University, April 2nd – 4th, 2009. Member of the conference organising committee.
‘Evaluating Counter-Hegemonic Strategies in Curating the African Diaspora’, Cultural Policy and Management, City University, London, March 27th 2009. Invited speaker.
‘Beyond Transatlantic Slavery’, Exhibiting Slavery: Problematics and Possibilities, Horniman Museum, London, March 2nd–3rd, 2009. Invited moderator.
‘Art and Generation in the Transatlantic Caribbean’, Black Diaspora Visual Art: A Series of Symposia, Film Presentations and Exhibitions, (supported by the Arts Council England), Frank Collymore Hall and the National Art Gallery, Barbados, February 13th–15th, 2009. Invited speaker.
‘Imaging, Performance and Ownership in the Indo-Caribbean’, Postcolonialism and Popular Culture, University of Otago, New Zealand, December 14th-16th, 2008.
‘Imaging, Performance and Ownership in the Indo-Caribbean’, Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, University of Auckland, New Zealand, December 8th -12th, 2008.
‘Behind the Scenes: Outsiders of the Swinging Sixties’, Late at Tate, Tate Britain, November 7th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘New Provincialisms: Art, Curating, and Blackness’, Afterlives of Postcolonialism, international conference, Centre for Postcolonial Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London, October 25th-26th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Curatorial Provincialism and the Caribbean: Some Advantages of Temporal Alterity’, The Latin American and Caribbean City, annual international conference of the Research Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool, October 17th-18th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Varieties of Belatedness in the Story of British Pop’, What is British Art? conference, Tate Britain, October 10th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Without Locus? Art and Transnationalism in the African Diaspora’, Crossroads: Cultural Studies Association International Conference, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, July 3rd-7th, 2008.
‘The (Sometime) Value of Anachronism: Art and Time in the Transnational Caribbean’, Open Lecture, The Academy of the University of Trinidad and Tobago, July 1st, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Understanding Migration and Diasporas in the Commonwealth’, Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit, London, Annual Youth Conference, June 24th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Frank Bowling and the Appetite for British Pop’, Department of Art History Research Seminar, University of York, May 26th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Difference at Material Limits: Trinidad’s “Indian Art” and World Art Inclusionism’, World-Making and World Art, Arts Research Center, University of California Berkeley, May 9th-10th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Aubrey Williams and Entwined Art Histories at the End of Empire’, Mini-series on Art and the Transnational Caribbean, Arts Research Center, University of California Berkeley, May 8th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Migrating between Guyana and British Pop: Frank Bowling RA’, Mini-series on Art and the Transnational Caribbean, Arts Research Center, University of California Berkeley, May 6th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘New Provincialisms: Art, Curating, and Blackness’, Mini-series on Art and the Transnational Caribbean, Arts Research Center, University of California Berkeley, May 1st, 2008. Invited speaker.
Symposium Chair, ‘Protest: Reflections and Revolutions’, Asia Triennial Manchester (ATM), The Whitworth Gallery, Manchester, April 5th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘The Art of Black Britain at New Peripheries’, On Whose Terms? Critical Negotiations in Black British Literature and the Arts, Goldsmiths College, University of London, March 13th-14th, 2008.
‘Peter Doig, Place and Art History’, Widening Horizons: From the Camden Town Group to Peter Doig, Education Open Evening, Tate Britain, February 29th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘Art and the Transnational Caribbean’, University of the Arts Research Centre for Transnational Art, Identity and Nation (TrAIN) Open Lecture, Chelsea College of Art and Design, February 12th, 2008. Invited speaker.
‘New Provincialism: Art and Visual Culture of the African Diaspora’, Internationalising Black Power, Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded conference, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, October 25th-26th, 2007. Invited speaker.
‘New Networks: Art and Infrastructure in the Anglophone Caribbean’, Liverpool Biennial 2008, Tate Liverpool, September 28th, 2007. Invited speaker.
‘Aubrey Williams in Profile’, presentation and conversation with the artist Sonia Boyce, Aubrey Williams Study Day, Tate Britain, September 21st, 2007. Invited speaker.
‘Art History’s Networks: Contemporary Nationhood and Infrastructure in the Anglophone Caribbean’, 14th Triennial Symposium on African Art, African Studies Association, Gainesville, University of Florida, March 28th-April 1st, 2007.
‘Indian Art in Trinidad? Emotion and Ethnicity at Material Limits’, Migrant Art, Artefacts and Emotional Agency, Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded conference organised by Maruska Svasek, Queens University, Belfast, February 9th-10th, 2007. Invited speaker.
‘Notes on Caribbean Visual Analysis’, Caribbean Research Seminar in the North, Manchester Museum, October 6th, 2006. Co-convenor.
‘Visual Culture and Caribbean Transnationalism’, Society for Caribbean Studies/University of Warwick, 30th annual international conference, The National Archives, Kew, July 5th-7th, 2006.
‘Post-Colonial “Knowledge Transfer” and Art History’, Art History: Contents, Discontents, Malcontents, Association of Art Historians (AAH), Leeds, April 5th-7th, 2006.
‘Globalisation and Curriculum Change’, Contemporary Art in Globalisation: Issues, Research, Resources, Networks in Europe, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA), Paris, December 1st-3rd, 2005. Invited speaker.
‘Initiatives for an Outsider’s Art Criticism of the Caribbean’, Arts Education and Societies in Crisis, international conference. UNESCO and The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. June 27th, 2005.
‘Art, Canon, Nation: Diaspora Futures’, Mapping the Change, Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art (AICA), and The British Council, Karachi, Pakistan. November 25th, 2004. Invited speaker.
‘Conversation with artists Ras Akyem Ramsay and Ras Ishi Butcher’, Caribbean Connections 4, Islington Arts Factory and the Barbados High Commission, London. April 23rd, 2004. Invited speaker.
‘Art and Empire from Language to Embodiment: Questions of Historicism in Diaspora Visual Culture’, Displacement, Relocation, Identity: Revisioning Histories of Slavery and Empire, international conference, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, March 3rd, 2004.
‘Strategic Vision and the Pictorial Turn in the Black Diaspora’ Sussex Seminar in Social and Political Thought, University of Sussex, February 26th, 2004. Invited speaker.
‘Art and Artists of the Caribbean Diaspora, the 1980s to the Present’, Caribbean Societies in Regional Contexts, seminar, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, February 17th, 2004. Invited speaker.
‘Perception and Presence in Diaspora Visual Culture’ Material Culture Seminar, Department of Anthropology, University College London (UCL), January 22nd, 2004. Invited speaker.
‘Art and Artists of the Caribbean Diaspora and the Canon Debate’ Cross-Culturalism and the Caribbean Canon, international conference, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, January 9th, 2004.
‘Contemporary Black and Asian Art and Design at the V&A’, Continuing Professional Development Day for Lecturers, The Victoria and Albert Museum, London. December 3rd, 2003. Invited speaker.
‘Caribbean Festival Arts’, Continuing Education seminar, Horniman Museum and Birkbeck, University of London. November 27th, 2003. Invited speaker.
‘Conversation with artist Stanley Greaves’, Caribbean Connections 3, Islington Arts Factory and the Barbados High Commission, London. May 9th, 2003. Invited speaker.
‘Cultural Diversity and Widening Participation in the Art and Design Curriculum’, guest speaker, London College of Fashion, The London Institute. December 2002. Invited speaker.
‘Art Criticism and Diaspora Aesthetics’, (respondent to Kobena Mercer and Judith Wilson), Shades of Black: Assembling the Eighties, Black Arts in Post-war Britain, international conference, Duke University, North Carolina, April 22nd, 2001. Invited speaker.
Arte e aceitabilidade: alguns problemas suscitados pela visualização da escravidão caribenha através do modernismo (2023-04-03)
Wainwright, Leon
Africanidades. Online Journal of the Museo Afro-Brasileiro da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Mafro), 3
‘Enfin le moment de célébrer? L’art des Caraïbes à la Biennale de Venise’
[A Moment to Celebrate? Art of the Caribbean at the Venice Biennale] (2023-01)
Wainwright, Leon and Asquith, Wendy
Faire Monde(s), 3 (pp. 40-68)
Art et acceptabilité: Modernisme et difficultés de représentation de l'esclavage dans les Caraïbes (2023)
Wainwright, Leon
Africanidades. Online Journal of the Museo Afro-Brasileiro da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Mafro), 3
Art and Acceptability: Some Problems of Visualising Caribbean Slavery through Modernism (2023)
Wainwright, Leon
Africanidades, 2(2) (pp. 160-176)
A New Paradigm, Moving on from Bakhtin (2022-12)
Wainwright, Leon
Journal of Festival Culture Inquiry and Analysis, 1(1) (pp. 28-32)
A suitable distance? Revisiting a millennial approach to curating art in the Caribbean (2022-10)
Wainwright, Leon
Art Journal, 81(3) (pp. 39-52)
Taste and geographical movement in contemporary art of the Caribbean (2022-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Caribbean Intransit, 3(6) (pp. 36-47)
British Chinese or British ESEA? Articulating creativity and care across scales and disciplines (2022)
Lora-Wainwright, Anna; Wainwright, Leon and Loong, Shona
British Journal of Chinese Studies, 12(1) (pp. 138-142)
A moment to celebrate? Art of the Caribbean at the Venice Biennale (2020-04-01)
Asquith, Wendy and Wainwright, Leon
Journal of Curatorial Studies, 9(1) (pp. 40-68)
[Book Review] Creole in the Archive: Imagery, Presence and the Location of the Caribbean Figure, by Roshini Kempadoo (2019-12-05)
Wainwright, Leon
The New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 93(3-4) (pp. 345-346)
Frank Bowling at Tate Britain: Provincialism, Transnationalism, and the Atlantic Divide (2019-08-20)
Wainwright, Leon
ASAP Journal Open-access platform of the Association for the Study of the Art of the Present (United States)
Sonia Khurana: The Contemporary Art of Relationality (2018-09-03)
Wainwright, Leon
Wasafiri, 33(3) (pp. 30-38)
Bodily relations and reciprocity in the art of Sonia Khurana (2017-11-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Cultural Dynamics, 29(4) (pp. 255-274)
Timed Out: Pathways and Pitfalls for Art History and Caribbean Studies (2015-07-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 19(2) (pp. 185-196)
Disturbing pasts: memories, controversies and creativity (2014-07-21)
Wainwright, Leon
Open Arts Journal(3)
Americocentrism and art of the Caribbean: contours of a time-space logic (2013-05)
Wainwright, Leon
Journal of American Studies, 47(2) (pp. 417-438)
Transatlantic movement and the taste for ethnicity: art and ‘exchange’ between Suriname and the Netherlands (2013)
Wainwright, Leon
Etnofoor, 24(2) (pp. 13-40)
Varieties of Belatedness and Provincialism: Decolonisation and British Pop (2012-04)
Wainwright, Leon
Art History, 35(2) (pp. 442-461)
Arrested transmission: from periphery to center (2012)
Wainwright, Leon
Art Papers Magazine, 36(6) (pp. 44-49)
On being unique: world art and its British institutions (2009-03)
Wainwright, Leon
Visual Culture in Britain, 10(1) (pp. 87-101)
New provincialisms: curating art of the African diaspora (2009-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Radical History Review(103) (pp. 203-213)
Aubrey Williams: a painter in the aftermath of painting (2009)
Wainwright, Leon
Wasafiri, 24(3) (pp. 65-79)
Frank Bowling and the appetite for British pop (2008-03)
Wainwright, Leon
Third Text, 22(2) (pp. 195-208)
Solving Caribbean mysteries: art, embodiment and an eye for the Tropics (2008-02)
Wainwright, Leon
Small Axe(25) (pp. 133-144)
‘Indian Art’ in Trinidad? Ethnicity at its Limits (2007-08-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Journal of Creative Communications, 2(1&2) (pp. 163-188)
Phenomenal Difference: A Philosophy of Black British Art (2017-05-31)
Wainwright, Leon
Value: Art: Politics
ISBN : 9781781383124 | Publisher : Liverpool University Press | Published : Liverpool
Timed Out: Art and the Transnational Caribbean (2011-11-01)
Wainwright, Leon
Rethinking Art's Histories
ISBN : 978-0-7190-8484-3 | Publisher : Manchester University Press | Published : Manchester
The Parallax Effect (2021)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Westgeest, Helen and Zijlmans, Kitty eds. Mix and Stir: New Outlooks on Contemporary Art from Global Perspectives (pp. 347-352)
ISBN : 978-94-93246-05-8 | Publisher : Valiz, with support of Mondriaan Fonds, Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), University of the Arts, The Hague / Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University | Published : Amsterdam
Mona Hatoum’s Roadworks and Measures of Distance’ (2019-06)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Aitken, Nick and Robles, Elizabeth eds. The Place is Here: Black Art in 1980s Britain (pp. 307-320)
ISBN : 978-3-956794-66-7 | Publisher : The Van Abbemuseum and Nottingham Contemporary: Sternberg Press
Materialities and Mobilities: A Note on the Political Geography of Contemporary Caribbean Art (2018-10-25)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Ueckmann, Natascha; Brüske, Anne and Bandau, Anja eds. Reshaping (g)local dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Deconexiones – Relations et Déconnexions – Relations and Disconnections (pp. 143-157)
ISBN : 978-3-946054-88-7 | Publisher : Heidelberger Universitätsverlag HeiUp | Published : Heidelberg
Visualising Figures of Caribbean Slavery through Modernism (2018-01)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Meecham, Pam ed. A Companion to Modern Art. Blackwell Companions to Art History (pp. 411-424)
ISBN : 978-1-118-63984-9 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : Chichester
Art and Caribbean Slavery: Modern Visions of the 1763 Guyana Rebellion (2016-03-10)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Bernier, Celeste-Marie and Durkin, Hannah eds. Visualising Slavery: Art Across the African Diaspora. Liverpool Studies in International Slavery (9) (pp. 168-183)
ISBN : 9781781382677 | Publisher : Liverpool University Press | Published : Liverpool
Globalization (2014-08-21)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Kelly, Michael ed. Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2nd ed.)
ISBN : 978-0-19-974710-8 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford
Globalization (2014)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Kelly, Michael ed. The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Second Edition (pp. 199-203)
ISBN : 978-0199747108 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : New York
The emotions and ethnicity in the Indo-Caribbean (2012-05)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Svašek, Maruška ed. Moving Subjects, Moving Objects: Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions (pp. 222-244)
ISBN : 978-0-85745-323-5 | Publisher : Berghahn
‘Beyond globalisation in contemporary art history: learning from the transnational Caribbean’ (2012-05)
Wainwright, Leon
In: ter Horst, Mariska ed. Changing Perspectives: Dealing with Globalisation in the Presentation and Collection of Contemporary Art (pp. 204-212)
ISBN : 9789460221958 | Publisher : The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam | Published : Amsterdam
Global change and contemporary art of the Caribbean: notes on the futurology of a sustainable art community (2012-05)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Hoffmann, Nancy ed. Who More Sci-Fi Than Us? Contemporary Art from the Caribbean (pp. 80-84)
ISBN : 9789460222115 | Publisher : The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) | Published : Amsterdam
Alien nation: contemporary art and black Britain (2011)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Brunt, Rosalind and Cere, Rinella eds. Postcolonial Media Culture in Britain (pp. 27-40)
ISBN : 9780230545304 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
The Black Atlantic, Suriname and the Netherlands: challenges for curating and historicising art of the Caribbeah (2010-01-18)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Dölle, Mariette and Jonas, Malka eds. Conversations on Paramaribo Perspectives
Publisher : TENT | Published : Rotterdam
Art (school) education and art history (2010)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Appignanesi, Richard ed. Beyond Cultural Diversity: the Case for Creativity (pp. 93-103)
ISBN : 978-0-947753-11-5 | Publisher : Third Text Publications | Published : London
Aubrey Williams: Atlantic fire (2010)
Wainwright, Leon
In: King, Reyahn ed. Aubrey Williams (pp. 46-55)
ISBN : 978-1-899542-30-7 | Publisher : National Museums Liverpool and October Gallery | Published : Liverpool and London
Speaking to contemporary art history: Denis Williams and Guyana (2010)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Williams, Charlotte and Williams, Evelyn A. eds. Denis Williams: a Life in Works. New and Collected Essays. Cross/Cultures: Readings in the Post/Colonial Literautres in English (120) (pp. 65-75)
ISBN : 978-90-420-2791-6 | Publisher : Rodopi Press | Published : Amsterdam
Labelling and assembling: histories and challenges for an Asia Triennial (2009-06-30)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Mitha, Alnoor; Khan, Fareda and Rangasamy, Jacques eds. Asia Triennial Manchester 08
ISBN : 978-0954556396 | Publisher : Shisha | Published : Manchester
Mutual ground: post-empire canons of art in Britain and the Caribbean (2009)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Rahim, Jennifer and Lalla, Barbara eds. Beyond Borders: Cross-Culturalism and the Caribbean Canon (pp. 116-148)
ISBN : 9789766402167 | Publisher : University of the West Indies Press | Published : Mona, Kingston, Jamaica
At Northern Intersections forever: art and the time trap (2009)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Ajji, Tejpal S. and Soske, John eds. South-South: Interruptions & Encounters (pp. 73-76)
ISBN : 978-0-7727-6068-5 | Publisher : Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and South Asian Visual Arts Centre, University of Toronto | Published : Toronto
British responses to Caribbean art (2007-03-22)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Dabydeen, David; Gilmore, John and Jones, Cecily eds. The Oxford Companion to Black British History. Oxford Companions
ISBN : 978-0-19-280439-6 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK
Aubrey Williams (2007-03-22)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Dabydeen, David; Gilmore, John and Jones, Cecily eds. The Oxford Companion to Black British History. Oxford Companions
ISBN : 978-0-19-280439-6 | Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : Oxford, UK
Canon Questions: Art in 'Black Britain' (2006)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Low, Gail and Wynne-Davies, Marion eds. A Black British Canon? (pp. 143-167)
ISBN : 1403942684 | Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan | Published : Basingstoke
Francis Newton Souza and Aubrey Williams: Entwined Art Histories at the End of Empire (2006)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Faulkner, Simon and Ramamurthy, Anandi eds. Visual Culture and Decolonisation in Britain (pp. 101-126)
ISBN : 754640027 | Publisher : Ashgate | Published : Aldershot
Part Four. Recommended Readings: Introduction (2005)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Bailey, David A.; Baucom, Ian and Boyce, Sonia eds. Shades of Black: Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain (pp. 307-318)
ISBN : 9780822334095 | Publisher : Duke University Press
Art Forms (2002)
Wainwright, Leon
In: Donnell, Alison ed. Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture (pp. 20-22)
ISBN : 415169895 | Publisher : Routledge
Art in Theory: The West in the World - An Anthology of Changing Ideas (2021-01)
Wood, Paul; Wainwright, Leon and Harrison, Charles eds.
Art in Theory -- An Anthology of Changing Ideas
ISBN : 978-1-444-33631-3 | Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell | Published : United States
Disturbing pasts: memories, controversies and creativity (2017-12)
Wainwright, Leon ed.
ISBN : 978-1-5261-1545-4 | Publisher : Manchester University Press | Published : Manchester
Sustainable art communities: Contemporary creativity and policy in the transnational Caribbean (2017-12)
Wainwright, Leon and Zijlmans, Kitty eds.
ISBN : 9781526117281 | Publisher : Manchester University Press
Objects and Imagination: Perspectives on Materialization and Meaning (2015-02)
Wainwright, Leon and Fuglerud, Øivind eds.
Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement
ISBN : 978-1-78238-566-0 | Publisher : Berghahn Books | Published : Oxford
Disturbing Pasts: Memories, Controversies and Creativity (2014-07)
Wainwright, Leon; Edwards, Elizabeth and Blacker, Uilleam
Blacker, Uilleam; Edwards, Elizabeth and Wainwright, Leon eds.
Open Arts Journal
Publisher : The Open University
Triennial City: Localising Asian Art (2014-04-01)
Kennedy, Beccy; Mitha, Alnoor and Wainwright, Leon eds.
ISBN : 9780956957184 | Publisher : Cornerhouse | Published : Manchester
Perception and presence in British art of the Asian, African and Caribbean diasporas (2003)
Wainwright, Leon
PhD thesis SOAS, University of London
Entwining Caribbean, British and American Art Histories: Trouble at the Turn to the "Transnational" and "Provincial" (2018)
Wainwright, Leon
Post: Notes on Contemporary Art around the Globe. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Open Arts Journal Issue 5: Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean (2016-05)
Wainwright, Leon and Zijlmans, Kitty
The Open University
‘British Art of the South Asian Diaspora’ (2003)
Wainwright, Leon
South Asian Diaspora Literature and Arts Archive, SALIDAA