The deadline is extended to midnight Friday 15th February. Successful abstracts received in this extension period will receive notification by 22nd February.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
Abstracts are invited in any area of the philosophy of sport and from any philosophical perspective: all decisions will be made solely on the basis of the quality of philosophical argument.
- Abstract (300-500 words) final submission date – Friday 15th February 2019
- Accepted abstracts will receive notification by – Friday 22nd February
- Required format is MS Word, 12pt, single spacing, with indicative bibliography.
- Abstracts to be submitted electronically to with <your name – ABSTRACT – title> as the filename.
- Papers must be prepared in English. The Programme Committee are very keen to encourage contributors to submit early versions of abstracts or papers for comment and for advice on language issues.
For more information or queries please email
Please use #BPSAox2019