Can online music fandoms improve mental health and wellbeing? From my personal perspective, the answer is undoubtedly yes!
For most of my life, I have struggled with an anxiety disorder, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, my condition worsened to the point where it significantly affected my daily life, leaving me feeling hopeless and isolated.
Music, particularly the music of Irish blues-rock guitarist Rory Gallagher, has always been my passion. In search of support and connection, I turned to Instagram to find like-minded people.
Little did I know back then just how life-changing that decision would be.
Music for Mental Health
In July 2022, I achieved my long-term goal of visiting Rory’s grave in Cork – something I never thought possible just 18 months earlier when I was in the grips of agoraphobia. I wanted to properly document the ups and downs of my journey and how the Rory fandom on Instagram played a crucial role in my recovery, so I turned to autoethnography (Ellis et al. 2011). The full findings of my study are published in the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, but here, I will summarise some of the key benefits based on my personal experience.
Summary of key benefits of online music fandoms
Emotional Support and Connectedness: Online music fandoms provide a sense of community and belonging, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness or alienation.
Safe Space for Self-Expression: These communities offer a non-judgemental environment, where individuals can openly express their opinions and emotions.
Positive Identity (Re)construction: Participation in a fandom can help individuals (re)build a positive sense of self and purpose.
Stigma Reduction: Music fandoms foster an environment where wellbeing can be discussed, often through music-focused conversations that evolve into advocacy for mental health.
Sense of Agency: Managing or engaging with fanpages can restore a sense of agency, control and empowerment, enabling individuals to find new meaning(s) in their life.
Positive Emotional Regulation: The shared appreciation of a musician or band provides a consistent source of happiness that boosts mood and helps regulate emotions.
Peer Support and Empathy: The collective passion within fandoms creates a strong emotional bond, enabling fans to offer each other encouragement, validation and coping strategies, which can be especially valuable for individuals navigating mental health challenges.
Accessibility and Flexibility: Online music fandoms are accessibly anytime and anywhere, making them a crucial support system for those with social anxiety or agoraphobia.
Cross-Cultural Social Interactions: Online music fandoms bring together people from diverse backgrounds across the world, promoting cross-cultural connections and creating opportunities to learn about different perspectives, traditions and experiences.
Creativity: Online music fandoms provide a platform for individuals to express themselves creatively and collaboratively, whether through fan art, fan fiction, blogs or other forms of content.
Opportunities for Real-Life Interactions: Online music fandoms can lead to real-world connections, as fans meet at concerts and events, which fosters deeper relationships
Long-Term Emotional Resilience: Regular participation in fandoms helps individuals build emotional resilience and strengthen their ability to navigate life’s challenges.