Selected entry of the Global Challenges: Hope and Local Action arts competition
David: ‘This piece voices my views on the struggle our planet faces.’
"Of course, as a race humanity needs to progress, and many advancements have benefited us, enabling us to live healthier, stress-free lives. We are a creative species and need to express ourselves, our curiosity drives us forward. But it’s the way we go about it that needs to become sustainable.
What is the cure? This resides in each and every one of us. It requires us all to take responsibility for our actions. It requires us all to put some thought into what we do in our lives. It needs us to fight against the injustices of the world as we put up a united front. One by one, our attitudes, habits and opinions need to change to something that benefits this planet’s ecosystem."
The Faceless One - David Peter Crowe
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