Routledge has recently published Marketplaces Movements, Representations and Practices which is one of the major outputs of the Moving Marketplaces research project. The book was edited by Ceren Sezer and our Dutch team member Rianne van Melik; it includes written contributions from all members of the MMP as well as other researchers' insights of marketplaces.
Marketplaces Movements, Representations and Practices portrays marketplaces from a mobility perspective as dynamic and open entities consisting of flows of people, goods and ideas. The book is primarily intended for scholars and graduate students of urban geography, urban design and planning, sociology, anthropology, who are interested in the relation between place and mobility in general, and markets as ‘knots’ in the city, in particular. It also informs policy-makers how urban planning policies and design interventions for marketplaces may foster more socially inclusive and environmentally just cities. Chapters 1 and 13 of the book are available for free in PDF format as Open Access from the individual product page at Routledge website. You can check the contents and order the book from the publisher's website.