We will seek to answer common questions in this section and these will be updated regularly so please do check back from time to time if you have a query about the award. If you have an enquiry, please contact the advisory service on +44 (0)845 300 60 90.
I want a qualification in Counselling where do I start? How do I train as a Counsellor?
The FD Counselling award description provides full details of the award. CPCAB offers level 2 and 3 theory and skills courses. If you want to continue developing your studies in counselling, an introductory counselling theory course (such as the discontinued OU module D171 'Introduction to counselling', or an equivalent course, for instance, the CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies) together with a counselling skills course (such as CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills) allow entry on to the CPCAB level 4 and 5 courses.
I've done D171 – where do I go next?
The FD Counselling award description provides full details of the award. If you have completed the discontinued OU module D171 Introduction to counselling in the past, and also completed a relevant counselling skill course (such as CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills), than you can apply for entry on to the CPCAB level 4 and 5 courses.
I've done CPCAB courses and am practising as a Counsellor – what do I have to do at the OU to get the FD in Counselling?
If you have only completed the CPCAB Level 4 Diploma, you will be eligible to go on to complete the FD by studying the mandatory OU module D241 (60 credits) and, depending on the chosen route, choosing from a range of options from both CPCAB level 5 qualifications (Level 5 Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Level 5 Diploma in CBT Skills and Theory) and OU optional modules (30/60 credits). While the CPCAB level 5 qualifications (30 credits each) will be among the options which count towards the FD, achieving one of these is not mandatory. In case you want to take CPCAB level 5 courses please be aware that there is still a limited number of learning outlets providing these courses (PC-L5 or CBT-L5) so please do request these courses at your nearest learning outlet as they are likely to respond to demand. Please note: To register for the Open University's Foundation Degree in Counselling and get your CPCAB study linked to the award, you will need to complete and return the Credit Transfer application form together with your original CPCAB module certificate/s. You do not need to provide a transcript or syllabus for this CPCAB study.
I've done DD210 and other psychology courses and now want to train as a professional counsellor. Where do I start?
You will need to complete introductory courses in counselling skills and counselling studies to gain access to the CPCAB Level 4 Diploma. The FD Award description gives full details.
I have a first degree in X but want to retrain as a Counsellor. What do I do?
Your previous studies and life experience will undoubtedly be invaluable but you will still need to complete the programme of introductory skills and studies courses to successfully gain entry to studying the award courses.
I don't have any qualifications at all but want to become a professional counsellor. What should I do?
This is not a problem at all. Your first steps are to complete introductory courses in counselling skills and studies. The award description gives full details.
I have taken courses in counselling which have been awarded credit by the OU but which are not CPCAB courses. Will they count toward the FD in Counselling?
No, only CPCAB courses count toward the award of the FD whilst other counselling courses given credit by the OU may be used against other qualifications.
How long will it take me to qualify as a Counsellor/get the FD in Counselling?
The CPCAB Level 4 Diploma currently qualifies you to practice as a counsellor (this should take two years of study). It will take longer to qualify for the Foundation Degree as at Stage 2 you need to study and the compulsory OU module D241 and take another 60 credits of optional study, including OU modules and CPCAB level 5 (it is necessary to complete the CPCAB Level 4 Diploma before beginning the CPCAB Level 5). The standard study order for the qualification is outlined on this website (see: Planning my studies). It will take you four to five years to complete the FD if you follow this standard pathway. You might be able to shorten the time it takes to complete the FD by studying CPCAB Level 4 Diploma at the same time as the OU module D241. But you should only consider this option if you are very prepared and have plenty of time on your hands as this is a huge commitment. You also need to consider possible implications for funding your studies, since government funding such as Student Fee Loans and Advanced Leaner loans cannot be claimed for study at two different institutions in the same academic year.
Can I get a list of FE colleges/registered training providers?
Visit the CPCAB website for information on finding your local learning outlet (approximately 130 learning providers throughout the country to date).
I don't live in the UK. Can I still do the FD in Counselling?
There are some training centres in other countries but it would be wise to contact the CPCAB for advice on their courses and the OU Student Registration and Enquiry Services for advice on whether the OU modules are delivered in your country please call +44 (0)845 300 6090.
Can the FD in Counselling going to be held in Scotland?
In Scotland we offer the FD as a Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE), with at the moment two providers offering CPCAB courses there.
Am I eligible for financial support for the CPCAB courses?
CPCAB courses are not OU courses and are delivered outside the OU in FE colleges. There is no financial support available from the OU for the CPCAB courses although obviously the student can apply for financial support for the OU courses. Please check with CPCAB and your local training provider if there is public funding available for their qualifications (see CPCAB website).
How do I gain credit for the CPCAB diplomas I have taken?
To get your CPCAB study linked to the Open University's Foundation Degree in Counselling, you will need to complete and return the Credit Transfer application form together with your original CPCAB module certificate/s. You do not need to provide a transcript or syllabus for this CPCAB study. More information on how to check and transfer credits for previous studies can be found on the credit transfer website.
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