The OU materials and the online library are especially good, which meant I could often study in the early hours. The OU librarians were also exceptionally helpful.
Hi, My name is Hilary Forbes, and I’m an OU MA graduate in Classical Studies.
I loved studying for my MA in Classical Studies with The Open University. I am 61 years young, autistic, with a background in teaching maths. I much prefer learning in my own time and space, and at my own pace. I enjoyed online tutorials, without having to attend in person. This all makes me sound horribly unsociable! I am quite sociable really – but only when I have the energy to be so, and not in groups or crowds. The flexibility of The OU also allowed me to fit study in around work, which is another major reason it worked so well for me.
As a neurodivergent person with OCD, studying with the OU has helped me develop methods to overcome the challenges posed by my condition.
Hi, my name is Tony Potter, and I’m a current OU PhD student and OU graduate: MA Classical Studies, BA (Hons) History.
The Open University has changed my life. I’ve always been hungry for knowledge and throughout my years of study here I’ve had opportunities to explore my passion for the ancient past in ways that I never could have accomplished alone. The flexible nature of OU study has allowed me to pursue my academic ambitions, whilst successfully balancing them with my full-time work. It takes commitment, and a great deal of planning, to fit study in around work but it’s an incredibly rewarding experience – especially when that commitment pays off in your assessment results.
The opportunities for personal and professional betterment have been limitless, given the variety offered by the Classical Studies curriculum.
Hi, my name is Bijon Sinha, and I’m an OU graduate: BA, MA and PhD in Classical Studies.
To say undertaking Classical Studies at The Open University was a life-changing event is no cliché, but reality. I completed my undergraduate and post-graduate studies with the OU, so became quite familiar with both the enormous flexibility offered, and the depth and breadth of the academic staff’s experience. Tutors have always given their time and attention generously, ceaselessly, and offered countless opportunities for developing critical thinking, writing, and sharing ideas, to high degrees.
Part-time research via distance learning meant that I could start a PhD without uprooting my life, and gave me the flexibility to continue with my paid job.
Hi, my name is Adam Parker, and I’m an OU graduate: PhD in Classical Studies.
The Open University and its staff understand that adult learners have responsibilities and other pressures on their time - despite house-moves, job changes, and the whole pandemic I was always supported to keep going. My supervisory team was excellent, and my research benefitted greatly from their individual and collective expertise. The OU is for people who want to walk a different path to their education goals – it’s accessible and supportive through and through.
The flexibility of the OU programme meant that I could fit it easily around school and pre-school runs, and other aspects of family life.
Hi, my name is Sophie Raudnitz, and I’m an OU graduate: MA and PhD in Classical Studies.
I began studying for the OU's MA in Classical Studies when my three children were very small. My initial idea was just to take one module from the course, but I enjoyed it so much that I ended up studying for the full MA and then for a PhD as well. My MA course was very well thought out, providing an interesting range of areas to study, and excellent supporting materials to go along with each. I had no background in Classics - my undergraduate degree was in English - and this programme provided an excellent introduction to various aspects of study.
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