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‘Poetry and Performance’ nominated for award

Snapshot of the Poetry as Performance interactive featuring Professor Nicola J. Watson's 'A Brief History of Performance Poetry' on the left, 'Meet the Poets' showcasing the next generation of performance poets on the right, and a central pink splash with the title 'Poetry as Performance'. Explore the history or meet the poets with clickable buttons below.

Poetry as performance, an online interactive produced to support The Open University/BBC Two co-produced programme Being Kae Tempest, was nominated for a Best Online Educational Resource in the Learning On Screen Awards 2024.

The interactive has two parts – an interactive flip book, outlining a Brief History of Poetry Performance by Professor of English Literature Nicola Watson, who was academic consultant for the series, and Meet The Poets, containing brief biographies of leading contemporary performance poets Joelle Taylor, Keisha Thompson, Antony Szmierek and Mike Garry, with interviews with each.

The interactive offers an added value content that goes deeper into the themes explored in Being Kae Tempest by using authentic artists’ voices to engage a general viewing audience and poetry enthusiasts alike by showcasing talent from the world of modern performance poetry and getting an up-close look at their passions and motivations. By combining performance capture and interview footage, it is artist-driven, and an authentic look at what the very nature of this movement looks like and means to artists in 2023.

All of this year's nominees and winners can be found on the Learning on Screen website.

Co-produced by The Open University, Being Kae Tempest delves deep into the creative process and gains rare, intimate insights into prize-winning poet, rapper, playwright and recording artist Kae Tempest's life throughout a period of profound personal and artistic change. Find out more on the OU Connect website.

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