This year’s annual International Vernon Lee Society Lecture, supported by HOBAR and the IES, was provided by Dustin Friedman (Assistant Professor of Literature at American University in Washington, DC) on October 14, 2020. Friedman’s paper entitled ‘“Sinister Exile”: Queer Myth and Aesthetic Teleology in Walter Pater and Vernon Lee’ contemplated Pater’s ‘Gods in Exile’, Lee’s ‘Dionea’ and the limitation of Western aesthetic ideals.
The IES has made Friedman’s lecture available here.
The lecture was organised by Sally Blackburn-Daniels and Shafquat Towheed from the department of English (FASS OU), and Sophie Geoffroy (Université de la Réunion).
For further information on the IVLS visit The Sibyl or @VernonLeeSoc
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