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English: Why Study with Us

Our qualifications

We offer a range of exciting modules and qualifications in English and creative writing. You can study towards one of our specialist BA (Honours) degrees ­­– English Literature, English Literature and Creative Writing, or English Language and Literature ­– or you can combine English modules with modules in a range of other subjects when studying BA (Honours) Arts and Humanities. If you already have an undergraduate degree, you can take your studies further with an MA in English or Creative Writing.

Unsure which route you would like to take? Have a look at our page of short descriptions of each qualification. You can also see short summaries of all our English literature modules and creative writing modules.

Detailed descriptions of all qualifications are also available on the main OU website. As well as listing the modules included in each qualification and describing what you will study, these webpages include essential information about entry requirements, fees and how to reserve a place. You can order a printed version of the information by following the 'request prospectus' link on each module description page.

About Open University study

If you are new either to The Open University or to university-level study in general, take a look at the Learning with us pages. These pages have been designed for anyone interested in studying with The Open University and who wants to know more about what is involved.

Need some support?

Everybody’s circumstances are different and it is the aim of The Open University to be as responsive as possible to your personal requirements. If you would like to talk to somebody about your own particular situation, contact our Student Registration and Enquiry Service. You will be able to consult one of our trained advisors who will be happy to discuss any queries you may have.

If you are entering higher education for the first time, returning to study after a long break, combining study with work commitments or wanting to take a fresh look at how you study, the Arts Good Study Guide offers practical advice about key study skills.

The Friends and Family website gives a good idea of what to expect if somebody you know is about to become an OU student.

Find out more

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