MA students, Katie Ault, was shortlisted as a runner up for the Art History dissertation prize for her MA dissertation ‘How did Ugolino di Nerio’s Santa Croce Polyptych challenge and change the art historical canon between 1780 and 1887?
The Medieval and Early Modern Research Group at the OU is pleased to announce that registration for the spaces and places conference on 23-24 February is now open. The registration fee includes lunch and refreshments.
CCA/Canadian Centre for Architecture hosts from 15 November 2017 to 1 April 2018 the exhibition The University Is Now on Air: Broadcasting Modern Architecture about the pioneering OU course, A305, History of Architecture and Design, 1890–1939
Dr John Slight, Lecturer in Modern History, has won the Trevor Reese Memorial Prize for his first book, The British Empire and the Hajj, 1865-1956 (Harvard, 2015).
Prof. Paul Stenner is the new President of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, a leading forum for theoretical psychology with a focus on contemporary psychological debates.