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About Us


GOTH aims to:

  • Develop and deepen thinking around the intersection between gender and different types of otherness through regular events open to all OU colleagues
  • Encourage academic engagement with the valuable analytical lenses that gender and otherness offer by creating and curating resources
  • Support innovative research projects and enquiries that explore aspects of gender and/or otherness in the Arts and Humanities.

About GOTH

Gender and Otherness in the Humanities (GOTH) was relaunched in 2019 from its previous incarnation Gender in the Humanities (GiTH). This OU research group for the study of Gender in the Humanities was founded in the 1980s by Prof Gill Perry (Art History) and Prof Anne Laurence (History), joined as co-chairs in the group’s final years by Prof Helen King (Classics). Despite the great interest raised by its workshops and activities, GiTH’s meetings ceased in 2013.

The formation of GOTH was directly inspired by GiTH. Our members recognize and celebrate the importance of GiTH’s ground-breaking contribution, in providing a strong and supportive focus for gender studies at the OU over several decades. Now, GOTH is pleased to be able to expand its area of study to incorporate more widely the different types of otherness with which gender intersects. GOTH recognises that effective research into gender in the Humanities critically depends on sensitive and informed understanding of all significant categories of human ‘otherness’. Diversity studies provides a rich array of material for academic study, from which some of the most important theoretical approaches to the Humanities have been produced. Inspired by recognition of its importance in enriching our understanding not only of the historical events and documents of the past, but also of the cultures we create and live in now, OU researchers at every career level are collectively developing substantial expertise across a wide range of fields, by addressing what gender and otherness mean for the Humanities.

About the GOTH PG Forum

The GOTH PG Forum was launched in November 2020 – meeting online via Teams on the first Thursday of every month at 5-6pm. It moved to its present ‘Coffee and Conversation’ time slot of 10-11am in January 2022 but still staying on the first Thursday of each month.

Members come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds and research interests, yet all connected through the theme of gender and otherness – a different aspect of which forms the basis for the monthly themed discussions. The sessions consist of a mixture of informal chat, peer support, lively discussion and more formal presentation of papers which can provide valuable experience of public speaking within a friendly, relaxed, and supportive environment.

Details of each month’s topic are posted on the PGR Manager calendar, in the Graduate School Digest and via email to the group’s members list as well as the general FASS list usually about a week in advance together with a Teams link to join the sessions.

Whilst membership is mostly made up of PhD candidates MA students are also very welcome and anyone wishing to join should email