At Open Ecologies in May 2023, Carla Benzan and Christian Nold reflected on the ways in which 'citizen science' and creative practice intersect across historical and contemporary contexts.
Carla will facilitate our second session on the theme in November: a participatory workshop drawing upon the exciting discussions in the first session. The aim is to imagine new ways of working in ecologically informed ways in public education in the arts and sciences. We’ll touch on the possibilities offered by platforms like nQuire and Zoonivese whilst identifying methodological synergies and brainstorming ideas to form the basis for a funding bid in 2024.
No need to have attended the first session – all ideas and approaches welcome! If you are planning to attend, you are invited (but not obliged) to send an image that somehow depicts or embodies your approach to citizen science and/or participatory creative work to Lindsay Crisp. These will be included in a powerpoint that will be shared briefly at the start of the workshop.