Houda Khayame shares how gaining an MSc in Development Management with The Open University (OU) was key to progressing in her chosen field and ultimately led to her following a new and unexpected path.
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics graduate Sam remembers how she took her own leap of faith to embark on her goal, citing the confidence and skills she gained from her OU study as the impetus she needed to succeed.
Kyle Andrews realised he no longer wanted to pursue his longstanding dream and sought a new purpose. After graduating with a Combined Social Sciences degree from The Open University (OU), Kyle knew he could achieve anything he wanted and is now in a career he loves.
For 22-year-old Victoria, studying Environmental Studies part-time with The Open University has helped her to make sustainable adjustments, champion a cause she is passionate about, and gain confidence.
Aspiring novelist and swim teacher Emma James has developed her confidence as a writer, despite struggling with dyslexia, and is now a step closer to achieving her dream of becoming a published author.
In 2016, Helen's life changed overnight after the sudden loss of her husband of 31 years. Three months later, feeling lost and looking for a bolthole, she started a Classical Studies degree.
When Izzy James opted against a bricks-and-mortar education for flexible study with The Open University, she worried she would struggle to make friends. Since then, Izzy has built lasting friendships, some even closer to home than she expected.