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Research group meetings

The group aims to meet around once a month for activities including work-in-progress presentations and conversations about recent publications in the field. If you’d like to attend the meetings as a member, please see contact details on the People page. The group is open to The Open University staff and postgraduate students.

Film and Media Futures series

The group is planning a series of events that will showcase new research in film and media by both early-career researchers and established scholars while also addressing the most pressing industry debates among practitioners. From methodological challenges in archival research to questions about ethics, the environment, and more, the series will provide a forum for creative thinking and exciting discussion. Events featuring guest speakers will be open to the public, with details of forthcoming events posted here and circulated via email.

Member event and media appearances

You can find details of film and media-related events (talks, panel discussions, etc.) featuring members of the research group below. Please note that inquiries about non-FM Research Group events (including any hosted by other groups at The Open University), should be directed to the event organisers, who can usually be found by following relevant event links.

Past Events

Film & Media Research Group members day

15th June 2023

A hybrid networking day for FMRG members and those interested in joining. The event features lightening talks on current and future research plans, discussions about potential collaboration, and methodology/engagement workshops. 

OU Film & Media Futures

8th June 2023

Rachel Gough (University College Cork) presents From Horror to Harbinger: The Evolution of Dinosaurs in Film.

BFI Replay: Contextualising Britain’s Media History

14th November 2022

In this presentation, the BFI Replay Assistant Curator will discuss the BFI Replay project, the history of public access projects and contextualising television for public audiences.

OU Film & Media Futures

16th June 2022

Melissa Morton presents ‘“Whoosh” and they’re gone’: Music and Sound in TV Idents

UEA Media Research Seminars (online event)

8th March 2022

PANEL EVENT: 'Women and / in Archives'

This panel explores the important work of writing women into film history through close examination of different archival holdings and approaches, and what they can reveal.