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Cultural History of Glasgow Research Network

Composers in the Music in the Parks concerts, Glasgow Fair weekend 1925

Composers in the Music in the Parks concerts, Glasgow Fair weekend 1925

Park Circus

Park Circus from Kelvingrove Park, c1870.Ref P1224

Phoenix Park Cowcaddens

Phoenix Park, Cowcaddens, 1911. Ref P660

Children’s Day, Springburn Park, 1900

Children’s Day, Springburn Park, 1900

Wednesday, 2nd June 2021, 10.30am-12 noon

Online workshop focussing on the lessons learned over the past year, and how we can continue with our research projects without access to the original sources. There will also be an update on the interactive map and plans for the next stage of our research network.

The main activity for the coming months is to create a pilot of an interactive map which we had planned to discuss at our May workshop. Our map will have click-through hot-spots that indicate different cultural venues and events. We have some interesting content coming in from members to help us populate our map. The deadline for submission is Friday 12th June, and we’re encouraging all members of the network to think about writing a contribution of 150-200 words.

This project will create an interactive network of scholars, without barrier to discipline or research experience, who use the Glasgow City Archives to research any aspect of the city’s cultural history, with a particular slant towards Music.

Membership of the network is open to academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, local and family historians, archives staff, and other Glasgow Life Museums and Collections staff. It will deliver a series of workshops and study days on themes that reflect the research interests of the group. All members will be encouraged to contribute to these events and the development of online study resources.

Music will serve as the touchpoint for this multi-disciplinary approach to exploring the cultural environment in Glasgow through several centuries. Potential areas of investigation include a history of local bands; the City Council’s development of cultural policy; cultural activities at the international exhibitions; involvement of artisans (and local industry) in the design of public performing spaces; church history; and the role of the Arts as a vehicle for public health and wellbeing. The topic that is key to drawing several disciplines together is that of Music in the Parks, from the 1870s to mid-twentieth century.

The Cultural History of Glasgow research network is funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh until December 2020. It is a collaborative project between The Open University in Scotland and Glasgow City Archives.