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Global Challenges and Social Justice

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Policy Incubator

The Policy Incubator works to translate research findings into policy interventions, strengthening the OU’s national and international reputation for societally aware, policy-relevant research. It works to strengthen the international reputation, visibility and policy uptake of SSGS and OU research, scholarship and teaching. While drawing on existing expertise in producing policy relevant research and building policy-research partnerships, the incubator works to systematically embed policy relevance and dialogue with policymakers in the Centre’s research through active engagement with policy communities.

GCSJ in Parliament - May 2024

Global Challenges and Social Justice Research Centre held a networking session in Parliament on 22 May 2024 to engage parliamentarians in their research findings. Research into many and varied societal challenges were showcased through a series of stalls and discussions - the briefings for all stalls are available for download below.