Table of Contents: pdf
About the Authors: pdf
What the Mincian did not sing: Boccaccio’s Olympia and Virgil’s Aeneid 6
Adir Fonseca Jr., University of Campinas
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf
From philosophy to psychotherapy: retelling the story in Jeanette Winterson’s Weight: The Myth of Atlas and Heracles (2005)
Fiona Hobden, University of Liverpool
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf
"Penelope gone to the war": The brutality of home in Neverhome and Father Comes Home from the Wars
Nadine M. Knight, College of the Holy Cross
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf
Cathedral Classicism: a Nineteenth-Century Claudia in St. Nicholas’ Cathedral
Cora Beth Knowles, The Open University
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf
‘Love of War’ and ‘Fierce Tigresses’: Statius, Lucan and Anchieta’s De Gestis Mendi de Saa
Alessandro Rolim de Moura, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf
“Release the Kraken!” – The Recontextualization of the Kraken in Popular Culture, from Clash of the Titans to Magic: The Gathering
Stian Sundell Torjussen, Hedmark University of Applied Sciences
Abstract: pdf
Full Article: pdf