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Face in the Hole logo

Face in the Hole

The Art Project Face in the Hole aims to dissociate political discourse from political image through the dismemberment of the word, to inspire critical thought and alert to the normalisation of dangerous rhetoric. You can follow the project on Instagram.

Pitik Bulag logo

Pitik Bulag

Established in 2019 in the Philippines, Pitik Bulag is a cartoon collective that aims to provide cartoonists with a digital platform to express their opinions and viewpoints on political and social issues. Pitik Bulag is a member of #FactsFirstPH, as it actively fights disinformation through its visual interpretation of fact checks.

Pitik Bulag is one of the collaborating organisations behind the Democracy, Disinformation and Religion project’s competition, Academics and Artists Addressing Social Challenges. The groups provided logistical advice for organising the competition, and its co-founder Cartoonist Zach served as a member of the judging panel, and as a mentor for one of the winning academic-artist collaboration partnerships.

PR Army logo

PR Army

PR Army is an independent non-profit organisation. Its primary mission is to share the truth about the Russian war against Ukraine and counteract Russian propaganda. It creates and executes strategic communication and advocacy campaigns to defend Ukraine's interests and amplify the country's voice across diverse geographies.

Where Are Our People? is PR Army's global campaign to expose Russia's planned policy of forced deportations of Ukrainians. It explores every possible avenue to advocate for a safe return to Ukraine of its citizens who were forcibly deported to Russia. It works to strengthen sanctions against the Russian Federation and those directly responsible for this crime.

IBON International logo

IBON International

IBON International is a Southern-based international civil society organisation that supports the capacities of people's organisations and civil society to campaign for rights, and to engage development issues in global policy spaces. Our focus areas include development finance, trade, climate justice, and gender.

CHRP-UK logo

UK Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines (CHRP)

CHRP was set up in 2006 following an Amnesty International report highlighting the sharp rise in extra-judicial killings in the Philippines during the administration of Gloria Macapagal. It slightly predates the setting up of ICHRP and is not a CHRP chapter. However, we consider ourselves an affiliate of ICHRP and always try to support its campaigns.

Members of the group are progressive individuals who share a common concern about human rights in the Philippines. They meet roughly every six weeks and set CHRP activities. These focus on areas where we believe CHRP as a UK-based organisation is best able to exert pressure on the Philippines government to end human rights abuses and political repression. This has mainly been by:

  • putting pressure on the UK Government concerning its commercial, military and political relations with the Philippines
  • campaigning against UK-based companies with investments and commercial interests which have a negative human rights and/or environmental impact in the Philippines
  • building direct solidarity links between civil society groups in the UK and the Philippines such as trade unions, church groups, environmental groups, parliamentarians.

CHRP also links the economic, social and political struggles of workers in the Philippines to the struggle of migrant Filipinos for better employment and social rights in the UK and is a member of the Kanlungan Filipino Consortium.

CHRP coordinates closely with progressive Filipino organisations which have branches in the UK such as Anak Bayan, Gabriella and Migrante. CHRP works in close contact with Karapatan in the Philippines.

CHRP has built alliances with a number of UK organisations in order to pursue its key objectives, these include the All-party Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Amnesty International, the London Mining Network, Global Witness, and a number of trade unions. CHRP accepts affiliations from UK trade unions.