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PhD Studentships in Music at the OU

Applicants to the Music PhD programme will have the opportunity to apply for an Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC studentship. Awards for UK residents cover all tuition fees and provide a maintenance grant at the standard RCUK rate (£15,285 p.a. in 2020-21). Awards for students ordinarily resident outside the UK are fees-only.

The Open-Oxford-Cambridge is an exciting new doctoral training partnership, funded by the AHRC. The three participating universities share extensive expertise in delivering successful doctoral training, developed in collaboration with our students and a wide range of non-HEI partners. For more information about the Open-Oxford-Cambridge partnership.

How to apply

Informal enquiries about studentships and PhD studies in Music should be made to in the first instance. Potential applicants are encouraged to e-mail a draft research proposal at least a month before the deadline.

Further details of PhD studentships at the OU and the application process can be found from the Open-Oxford-Cambridge Doctoral Training Partnership page.

Initially, applications for studentships will be assessed for a place on the Music PhD programme. Successful applicants will then be forwarded to studentship panels for further assessment and ranking.

Please note that the deadline for all postgraduate research degree applications, including for studentships is usually the first full week in January. We will update this page as soon as the date has been confirmed.