How can monks help us to cope with COVID-19? Richard Irvine, Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies at The Open University explores this question in a blog written for the OU's Religious Studies blog series
In 2020, after 50 years of Glastonbury, festival fields will be silent. An online conference has been organised, hosted by The Open University, to reflect on the impact COVID-19 has had on festivals, protestivals, activism and spirituality
Dr David Roberston, Lecturer in Religious Studies at The Open University, writes for the Religion Media Centre. His article explores what conspiracy theories tell us about the problems in our society
Dr Hugh Beattie, Lecturer in Religious Studies, examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on shrines in Iran and how lessons learned from the tragic Spanish Flu of 1918 may be informing current decisions
In this short blog, Professor Graham Harvey from The Open University, invites us to consider our values and ambitions, by exploring the impact COVID-19 is having on the value of gold and the ecologically destructive methods used by those seeking it
Dr Maria Nita, Lecturer in Religious Studies at The Open University, explores the challenges faced by the 'largely rural, traditional and sensorial Orthodox Church in Romania' and the impact of religious authority in Eastern Europe
On 6th February, Professor Graham Harvey is participating in a Round table with Yanomami scholar and activist Davi Kopenawa: “Art, science and diplomacy for a plural world on a challenged planet" at the Maison Francaise d'Oxford.
Professor John Wolffe and Dr John Maiden (Religious Studies) have been involved in producing a suite of interactive videos entitled ‘Exploring religion in London’.
Using 360° camera technology, the videos allow students to tour seven of the capital’s principal religious buildings. Each tour is guided by a member of the community associated with the building and you can watch the playlist on YouTube now.
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