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Religious Studies: Why Study with Us?

When you choose religious studies at The Open University you will gain a greater understanding of the role religion has played in the formation of culture, society and politics, and the role it continues to play in today’s world.

Our teaching

Our main focus is on teaching religion as it is lived and experienced, its real world influences and impacts. At The Open University you will be taught by world-leading experts in religious studies. All our academics undertake regular research projects and their findings form the basis of our course teaching materials.

In 2019 we launched a new qualification, BA (Honours) Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, which invites you to engage with some of life’s big questions and explore the ethics of war, political justice and multiculturalism.

Our study environment

Studying religious studies at The Open University means you become part of a diverse network of students, learning alongside people from different backgrounds, locations and life stages. This makes for a rich pool of experience other students can draw from, as well as some lively debate. Our teaching does not promote any particular religious or non-religious viewpoint and our courses are suitable for anyone, regardless of religious background or identification.

Religious Studies and your career

Because of our focus on the real-world significance of religion, your qualification can enhance your career prospects in a number of ways. Religious studies graduates are highly employable, with multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary skills, and detailed knowledge of diverse views and issues. Find out more about how religious studies can support your career.

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