Two issues of the Open Arts Journal have been published, and available for downloading from the Open Arts Journal website.
As part of the major summer exhibition at Tate Britain focusing on the painter Frank Bowling, Leon Wainwright was invited in June 2019 to speak on ‘The Transnational and the Provincial: Frank Bowing and the Atlantic Divide’, at My Guyana to Great Thames: Frank Bowling in Context.
Dr Leah Clark's Renaissance Art project is chosen to feature in British Academy Summer Showcase 2019, which will take place on 21-22 June in the Academy’s central London home.
Kathleen Christian is pleased to announce the publication this week of a new volume Local antiquities, local identities: Art, literature and antiquarianism in Europe, c. 1400–1700, which she co-edited with Bianca de Divitiis (University of Naples).
Leah Clark is to give lunchtime talk at the National Gallery, London on 31 October 2018 to uncover the mysteries of Cosimo Tura's painting.
Come & discover a range of films, from open arts objects to why art history matters at Open Arts Archive Youtube channel.
The Art History department has been showcasing the stories of our students and alumni and how Art History has changed their lives on our blog:
Leah Clark's book Collecting Art in the Italian Renaissance Court: Objects and Exchanges is now published in the UK, with the North American publication soon to follow. 20% discount code: CLARK2018.
Dr Clare Taylor's new book The Design, Production and Reception of eighteenth-century wallpaper in Britain is published this week. It is the first academic study of eighteenth-century wallpaper.
MA students, Katie Ault, was shortlisted as a runner up for the Art History dissertation prize for her MA dissertation ‘How did Ugolino di Nerio’s Santa Croce Polyptych challenge and change the art historical canon between 1780 and 1887?
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